GameCube Demo disc

Discussion in 'General' started by Jacky_San, May 21, 2003.

  1. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if anybody scored one or knows where to get one. I saw them on EB a week ago and never ordered it, now the damn thing has disappeared.
  2. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    they are 10 dollars in most stores. You have to ask for them since they are sometimes not fully displayed well.

    The key portion of the disk is a playable demo of viewtiful joe. It contains the first level and it's a good 15 minutes long. Good stuff.

    There is also soul calibur 2, and a few other games. Plus a ton of demos that were already in the ocarina of time master quest disk.
  3. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Yeah I called about it and they wouldn't hook me up. So I figure when I go to EB in person maybe I'll have better odds. I must get my hands on Viewtiful Joe before I import it.

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