Gathering This Saturday Night.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by danny13, Feb 27, 2003.

  1. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Let's meet and play. I'll be there at 7pm. Ice9 will be coming also. By the way Guys, anybody interested in getting a copy of VF4evo? I'll getting my Jap friend to send some over which means I'll received it on 14th of March.
  2. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    We need to revive the VF spirit cos seems like 80% dead liao. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    I am your first supporter. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    Will try to make it.
    Plus how much will VF4 Evolution costs (in singapore dollars) and is it compatitble for my asian set (not modified 1)
  3. Morpheus

    Morpheus Well-Known Member

    Hay it's time to go n mod your set so that u would not need to worry about compatitble /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Secondly u can play "friendly" games with it also. I recommend Messiah 2 chip. It's 1 of the better chip. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Danny, include me in getting a copy direct from Japan...can't wait! Let me know how I should pass the $$$ to you and your friend.

    As for Saturday night, I might be early or late depending on work/dinner.
  5. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    If your PS2 is the asian NTSC version, it will have no problem playing Japanese encoded PS and PS2 games.

    I know the asian ver only allow code3 DVD viewing but are the modified ones multi-code DVD compatible? I dun know.
  6. scolaire

    scolaire Well-Known Member

    Morpheus, the messiah 2 how much?

    I heard about it. But, where can get? My PS2 speak only ang mo, can't read japanese games. hehe.
  7. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    Sup..About the Messiah 2 chip, I only know this store at Tampines Mall - mega multimedia, they do mod with M2 chip for $150, and able to play NTSC U/C, NTSC J and even PAL too. I dont know if you can get it cheaper elsewhere.

  8. Morpheus

    Morpheus Well-Known Member

    Messiah 2 can be found in most of the local games shops. The more common 1's r mega multimedia, siew choon n i-con. Huummmm.... mega multimedia selling at 150. Quite disagree, when my friend call them, they told him it was 150. But when he got there it was another story they say it is 170 for the Messiah 2 chip. What happen between my friend and the shop I'm not 2 sure. So I will not elaborate on it. What I know is he went to i-con instead n its 180 4 the chip.
    The bottom line is inorder not to get any other chip or a clone. This is the main characteristic of the chip. It can boot "friendly" games just like the original games with out the need to swap disk or hold the reset button 4 a few seconds. To know more u can go to this web site /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif What I gather from other forums is that some of the ppl have bad experiences from this 3 shops also. Where u want 2 mod it's up 2 u. What i can do is at least let u know the characteristic of Messiah 2 so when u test your set u will know it's Messiah 2 instead of any other chip. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  9. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    Kinda strange though; if you check MM's website, they quoted different prices based on the number of screws on the PS2 console, ha!

    Maybe more screws = more 'unscrewing', more soldering? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  10. Morpheus

    Morpheus Well-Known Member

    Btw this is price from their website.
    For PS2 set that have 10 screw on the set
    cost of moding is $180

    For later model with 8 screw on the set
    cost of modding is $160

    Fyi they didn't update the price since 11/02/2003

    Price at $150 if u called and ask. The call was made sometime last sat by my friend n they didn't state anything about screws. Also he brought 2 set down 1 with 10 screws n the other with 8 screws. They charge both 4 $170 each regardless of 10/8 screws.

    Btw fyi the different in screws is the version of the PS2.
    10 screws are V1/V2/V3
    8 screws are V4/V5/V6/V7

    And it seems like those with 10 screws r harder to mod than those with 8 screws. That is y there is a price difference in the 1st place. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  11. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Ay! Count me in. I have confirmed with wifey to go. Baby is more stable now sleeping 5 hrs straight in the night w/o training. Mmmmm.... must be the breastmilk /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Also need a check on the price of the VF4E.

    About modding, it will not cost more than SGD200 for the M2.
  12. Jui

    Jui Well-Known Member

    Count me in /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif . BTW anyone buying the joystick as well? I need to find a place that'll carry it.
  13. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys! Its should cost around 106 dollars if i'm not wrong and if you guys trust me. Lol. Well, no matter how much it is, I'll definately get it.
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, coming early but leaving early...

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