Gray Connection.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Tha_Jedi, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Tha_Jedi

    Tha_Jedi New Member

    How do you cancel a match when you iniate the match and the challenger's connection is bad?
  2. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Cant cancel it. You can just... pull out an ethernet cable /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. Vildiil

    Vildiil Member

    Sometimes I just go back to the dashboard before the match loads.
  4. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Don't get fooled by the gray connection icon. Most of the Japanese and Korean I play have it but the matches are as lag-free as you can get, 99% of the time.
  5. Stiff

    Stiff Well-Known Member

    I have the opposite experience, everyone who joins me with a grey connection is a terrible match.
  6. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    I think gray is basically non-informative. It can go either way; the system just doesn't have any measurement of how good the connection is. Personally, I have a great connection with most grays.
  7. negative1

    negative1 Active Member

    i have not noticed any lag when the grey icon
    shows up..(i am on the east coast US), and have
    played against japanese players etc..

    does it matter if you have a fast internet
    connection? (i'm actually playing at a friends

  8. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    Every grey icon match has been completely unplayable for me. And most single bar icons matches are usually terrible but occasionally pretty smooth.

    Also I notice that almost everyone who joins your game with a grey bar uses Pai and doesn't skip the final round replay if they win.
  9. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    As a pai player, I find lag hurts my game more than helps it. I can't time any reversals, any float combos, or any rising uppers. They all come out in the worst way possible, leaving me subjected to mashing fury.

    Oh and I like watching the final triple replay.
  10. Stiff

    Stiff Well-Known Member

    Presuming the bandwidth is satifactory and not being used by other programs, the connection indicator describes the ping between both players. (This is an assumption).

    If so, then it stands to reason that it makes a difference.
  11. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Try playing some grays with the xbox plugged directly into the cable/dsl modem. When I eliminate my router, eryting irie, mon.

    I upgraded my router's firmware and that helped too, for when I have to have internet going to my PCs.
  12. negative1

    negative1 Active Member

    i wonder if this is a factor for some people, i didnt' mention in my previous post that i was directly connected to the router, and was not using the wireless connection...

  13. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Oh, I can see wireless being a big problem... I meant beyond the router, into the cable modem or DSL modem itself. EVen the router can cause slight lag, even when no one else is hitting it. I guess it depends on the router...
  14. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Oh, guys, if you're not plugging your XBOX right into the modem -that is, NO routers, NO wireless- then no wonder you're prone to get laggy connections.

    I'm on fiber optics now and it's SICK, but grey connections were still lag-free in most cases when I used to have regular DSL just by hooking up the ethernet cable straight to the modem.

    Give it a try.
  15. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    the grey connection means nothing to me.

    i can play a match with someone with FULL connection box and still lag like nutz.

    however, sometimes, ill play with a Foreign player and there would be no lag whatsover
  16. RagelessCajun

    RagelessCajun Active Member

    Yeah, mine is fiber optic direct connect (no router) too. One way I avoid gray box connections is I never host. I have played every single online match on the 2p side and I don't connect unless I have full bars. The connection still takes a small hit from time to time but it is rare. One of the few advantages to living in this tiny ass country, everyone is really close. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Cadorna is 100% right. Also, If ANYONE had good connection with a gray, then that proves that gray only means no info. Otherwise, NO ONE would have good connection with a gray. I would also think it's a matter of ping measurement, but I can't imagine not being able to ping that many IPs. Maybe their routers are set to ignore ping requests...

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