Guaranteed throw list?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by DoomShroom, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. DoomShroom

    DoomShroom Member

    Is there a list/faq out there that can help me out with what moves, for every character, allow a Guaranteed throw. (call me lazy) If you could point me in the right direction I would most appreciate it.

    I tried the search and surfed around for awhile in character techniques but came up empty.

    Thanx for your time.

    -tha shroom of <font color="green">D00M</font>
  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Guaranteed throw situations are listed in the movelists on this very site (they're version A though, so you might expect some changes). The 1/60th site hosts japanese movelists with most stats, you can find a partial translation of their movelists section in my incomplete VF4E FAQ ( Search the VFDC board before posting, dammit!
  3. DoomShroom

    DoomShroom Member

    You rock! I understand I was a noob asking for directions, but you veterans of the site know where this stuff is at.
    now when you say "in the movelists on this very site", I'm going to Characters~select their move list and.... then what am I looking for? Is it the asteric (*) next to the location of the hit?
    BTW, thanx for your help.

    -tha shroom of <font color="green">D00M</font>
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

  5. DoomShroom

    DoomShroom Member

    wicked fresh!
    Thanx again fellas.

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