Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core Re-release on XBLA+PSN

Discussion in 'General' started by quash, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    I'm sure at least some of you have heard by now, but here ya go.

    Be sure to check out the Dustloop Wiki if you're interested in learning the game. If your character's page isn't quite up to speed yet, periodically check on it, because there are a good amount of people working on it, myself included. Also keep an eye on the character subforums, as they've recently starting seeing activity again.

    Keeping my fingers crossed about the netcode, and about the port in general. The PS2 port runs faster than the arcade version, and it'd be nice if they fixed that. Arcsys is generally good about this kind of stuff, so I'm hopeful.

    I'm pretty good at the game now (no, really), so if you have any questions, just shoot.

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