Harada talks VF in a Dengeki interview, says a Bamco reboot would never be accepted by the players

Discussion in 'General' started by Jotamide, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  2. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    I'd take no more VF.

    I would rather see the series gone on a very high note ( VF5FS is just amazing) than see Namco handling it.

    Besides, AM2 is alive and kicking... So there's that.
    beanboy, MadeManG74 and IcKY99 like this.
  3. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Yes it shouldn't be Namco's job to revive VF.

    Thats just so weird to say.
  4. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    beanboy likes this.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Naw dude., VF doesn't need a reboot.

    1. VF5FS still has strong active communities all around the world. PPL are still playing
    VF5FS on last gen with no sign of slowing down.

    2. There really is no need to compare VF to Tekken. Because everybody knows, that
    Tekken has always been a wannabe VF. It has never caught up to VF's beauty, grace,
    and style. Even on last gen VF puts Tekken's entire presentation to shame:cool:

    3. The VF community would rather have a complete port of VF5FS to current gen and next
    gen, rather than to have Harada give us a Tekken-lite disguised as a VF6.

    4. A game that is Virtua Fighter in name only is not Virtua Fighter. If you want Harada
    to produce a new game maybe you should hold out for Tekken 8

    Dude, this community is not that desperate for another VF. Primarily because the current version of VF is a FN masterpiece(y) And it looks phenomenal on a 4k screen;)
    We really don't need to version hop just for the sake of version hopping and being able to claim that we have a new game:eek:

    Also I hear the Tekken 7 hype train is starting to slow down. I hear the online traffic has fallen off dramatically (and that's all Tekken 7 has is online). I'm not saying that you can't get matches regularly, its just not like it was in 2019. Youtube streams are slowing down, Twitch streams are slowing down, the whole thing is winding down:meh:

    Now we wouldn't mind Harada being a silent financial partner (with no creative say in VF). If he wants to fund a port of VF5FS or VF6 as a financial partner , we'll take the money:)

    Tomonobu Itagki puts it best:

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
    beanboy and Jason Elbow like this.
  6. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    We would accept it if it looked and played like Virtua Fighter, but outsourcing IPs to different publishers and developers doesn't always end well. I don't see much similarity between Tekken and VF to instill faith in me.
    beanboy and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  7. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Yep, i'm for a new VF 100%, but only if it's the same feeling and as good as the old ones.

    And Tekken 7 starts to die because the online got worse since Season 3, and the netcode is terrible.
  8. GM Dojo

    GM Dojo New Member

    Even a slight VF5: FS upgrade will be fine by me.

    Harada has good intentions, but the fact is that AM2 know VF better than anyone else.
  9. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
  10. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
  11. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    I know petition won't be bring VF6, but I think could convince SEGA to bring VF5FS to current gen.
    GM Dojo, Tricky and beanboy like this.
  12. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Lol! I'm not that desperate.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  13. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    Outside of VF, Sega has neglected their fighting games in the West for the past decade. Dengeki Bunko was sent to die when they localized the vanilla version while Ignition was almost simultaneously releasing in Japan. Studio Saisanzen had to localize the arcade version of Blade Arcus because Sega has no intentions of doing anything with the existing console ports. When the revision (Rebellion) came out, again they just released it in Japan and swept it under the rug.

    Putting AM2 aside, this goes beyond VF or fighting games, Sega made Yakuza and PSO2 fans beg for years to even get some games localized. At this point, I rather see their IPs rebooted/being put to use by other parties than being at their mercy because modern Sega is just terrible.
    gido and Tricky like this.
  14. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Well I don't understand how awful modern SEGA is and why the hate ?

    Just like any corporate out there, they need to have an assured profit outta their products. They have all the right to assess the market and choose the best time to release their games. In fact, if you took Yakuza as an example , it basically shows everything. They refrained from putting on Yakuza when the market was dead for it... Waiting until Yakuza 0 seemed to be a soft relaunch for the west and then they succeeded.

    Honestly, it's not the best time for VF6 to be released right now. It's the end of a console cycle... Everybody is hyped about The Last of Us 2 and the new consoles and are busy fighting their console wars and again they might not risk and do it early next gen.

    I know there is market and a fanbase for VF, choosing the right time to do it is key.
    Jason Elbow likes this.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Jotamide I see your points, and they're well taken. But if some 3rd party takes VF and produces something that is VF only in name whats the point? You still don't have a new VF:confused:.

    The question is: outside of AM2 who could be really trusted to do the IP justice? Team Ninja did an plausible job with VF characters in DOA., so if I would be looking at anybody it would be Team Ninja:unsure:

    Barring no other reputable game developer, I say just leave VF alone. Its a good game as is (really good):)

    And even if we get a brand new game that is a legitimate VF its not going to bring that many new players to the fighting game genre there are just too many other grindy games that ppl are playing that take hours and hours and hours. I won't even get into all of the mobile game bull$hit that's out there (e.g. clash of clans, candy crush etc). Almost any new game in 2020 is designed to squeeze and grind and drill hours and hours out the player in hopes of the player spending money on micro-transactions. Its only a small dedicated fanbase that would ignore all of the AAA games coming out just to play Virtua Fighter 6.

    So really just consider the context that you're asking for a new VF6 in. The big gaming companies are making millions of dollars in micro-transactions and dlc, and games as a service models. That's all the shareholders care about is money, money,money. So a fighting game in the ilk of a Virtua Fighter is typically seen as a losing proposition for the shareholders and the greedy:(

    At this point I'm happy we have VF5FS on the consoles we have it on. Fortunately a version of it is in this current gen consoles by way of Yakuza 6 and Judgment. That might be all we'll ever be able to get:oops:

    You want to play more VF, pick a day out of the week, or month and sponsor an online room. Support other ppl's rooms. Organize tourneys in your area:love:
  16. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    More recently Sega has taken big risks with Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Sakura Wars. I don't think you can realistically say they don't do a lot for the fans, especially considering those games were almost destined to bomb.
  17. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    It's been like 10 years since VF5FS, AM2 is not the same studio it was 10 years ago even less the studio that made VF in the 90s or VF4 in the early 2000s.
    yeah there are still a few members from the old days but those are just a few.
    What's wrong with Harada directing a new VF at Namco? I'm pretty sure he has enough respect for the series to make a decent job.
    Console features might end up being a bit lacking like Tekken 7 but either way that's the case for most VF console releases.
    As long as the game is still true to VF mechanically it doesn't matter who made it.
    (If any changes were to be made tho, i would really appreciate if inputs were heavily simplified also no streamlined movesets like FS)
    Tricky and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  18. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I trust Namco to make it as much as anyone else in 2020, which is not much.
  19. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't trust anyone especially SEGA and that also goes for AM2.
    It doesn't matter who makes the thing if it's good it's good.
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  20. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Agree, but it would also be pretty heartbreaking to see Sega treat VF as an IP to be rented out to anyone, the same as Streets of Rage or Panzer Dragoon.
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.

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