Help! I cant get past Jacky's Cheese!

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by KingofcarnageVF, Jun 19, 2003.

  1. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I have a freind that uses Jacky. He's only a first Dan. But he has about an 80% win percentage against me, and Im an Emperor. I use Jeffry, and what he does is bombard me with low moves. He changes the speed of his double low moves and always does a low punch after every sequence that he uses, or he will do his dodging attack. Whenever I try to dodge his cheez-e moves, I get tracked. Most any offence that I bring works, but its damn near impossible to get through his defensive offence. So any suggestions that anyone may have will be warmly appreciated.
  2. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    i'm not a jeffry player but i'm pretty sure he has low throws right? so when your opponnent is sitting there sweeping you just block his double sweep then while he's recovering crouched give him a painful low throw, then you're kinda controlling the match and you can go on the offensive!
  3. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Sometimes, I cant get there in time and also he changes the timing so that when I do try I get caught .
    Then when Im trying to stand back up he does that cheezy as backup to the low and high kick, which catches me just as im finishing my rising attack. Also Jack defies the laws of the game by dodging throws about 25% of the time.
  4. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    LOL dont get up with a rising attack. and wait for his timing dont let him out wait you with the sweep so he catches you while trying to throw he can only delay the double sweep so long(if its a chained combo) then there must be some recovery time atleast enough for a throw or counter attack? Does Jeffry's knee still float when the opponent is crouching? cuz then you could really screw him over.
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    It doesn't really float perse on a crouch...not enough for a deadly combo, but it does float well on hit or mC -- which means if he's got a low attack that has a slightly longer recovery, it'll float.

    Try this -- if you find yourself getting dodged a lot - do the delayed knee. That's to say, if he moves up or down anticipating your attack, he'll move up or down, but slowly. The knee will float in this case. I feel bad telling you this b/c it might make your matches extremely boring. A Jeffry can easily make someone quit dodging altogether by doing that a few times as you can take off about 40% of the bar w/ it.

    Jeff's also got two strong moves I can think of, which make him almost invisible. Anything high will whiff, as well as low punches. Don't know the commands, as I really don't like Jeff, but one is where he clamps his fists together... the otehr is where he looks like he bends his knees, and stabs the player in the stomach w/ a slightly opened fist.

  6. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Well I had better success tonight against him, but he still won more matches. The sucess that I had came from backward c/dashes when I anticipated low punches. Or when I elbow staggered him to the font backbreaker. I solved another problem too. He would tech roll and my low throw would miss as well as my delayed high throw. So I began to double foward dash and [6][4][P] pimp smack the crap out of him to the double hammer down. Changed the whole complection of the fight. He fights so cheezy because I can take 60 to 70% of his life in 4 seconds.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    If someone tries two low attacks in a row, and you block the first one, you can do a f+K knee to beat the second one (and it will win, every time, if you're fast enough... even between two quick low punches. They key is to guard the first hit, don't try to knee if the opponent's low attack connects, just knee after it's blocked).

    Once you land the knee, just follow with d+P --> f,f+P,P for easy damage.

    This knee trick works after you block 90% of jacky's attacks including PPP strings. Guard, then knee. If he keeps attacking the knee will (almost) always win and get you a 40% damage combo.

    If he finally catches on and starts guarding after his moves are blocked, throw (or low throw) him. df,df+P+G is good for high throws and df+P+K+G is good for low throws.

    Finally, a pretty good trick against multiple low attacks/spazzers is b,b (backdash) then b+P (elbow drop). It will stuff most attacks like low punches because it has longer range (though not as good as it used to be). If it hits, take your free u+P pounce. Total damage is pretty decent, about four of these will kill him.
  8. jacky4lyfe

    jacky4lyfe Member

    Hey buddy I just started playing Jacky two days ago and everybody around the block is saying stuff like jackys cheesy--the thing is jackys top tier =winner.ppl like jeff low tier=loser. winners play with winners a so on.The real reason jack dominates is the speed of his variations and the lack of his victims brains speed to a judge safe set of responses forcing him to fight one dimensional /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  9. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I think that people say hes cheezy because of this combination, ease of moves, speed, moves that track, that god awful auto parry and his extreme range. I know a little about him, I made high king in my first 800 fights with him. It took 1100 with Akira and 1600 with Jeff to make Emperor. As far as Im concerned, your the man Creed, I was mainly waiting to see your response. That info would propably put me over the top. And Jack4Life, who told you that there were teirs in VF? This game wasnt designed with the Idea that one style dominates all. Its the thinking mans game.
  10. jacky4lyfe

    jacky4lyfe Member

    Look guy,if it took you that long to get to emp. status that show that your'e not so good.It took me three days 942 fights.BTW I'm one of the best SCII players in the country.Look when you playin against someone with speed like that your brain has to be able to move his speed.if your brain slows down u slow down=death.If you got emp. status you can't totally suck,but the computer is far below human comp.So take your precious emp.status and shove it.You need extra RAM....DDR RAM...pentium5..AMD 2500.One day you will come to grips with the fact that you are just hatin' on jacko' because of your own weaknesess.
    BTW if thier are no tiers,how can a 1stdan jack beat a emp level jeff.When you upgrade your RAM respond.[3_][3_][P]
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    /me aims pistol...

    OK, remove the hand from the cock sir... NOW!

    Seriously nobody cares what you think of yourself. Stop STROKIN'
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    jacky4lyfe said:
    I'm one of the best SCII players in the country...

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I dont care about your skills at SC2, dont get me wrong you have to be on point but the game doesnt require you to think and input commands at the level of VF. It doesnt matter if your'e Spencer or anyone else to me. If you want recongnition then go back to the stage of history. I started this post because I wanted some info. So tell me , what have you added to this thread?.
    Jacko IS A BEGINNER'S character. Jeffrey is Intermediate compounded by the fact that he's THE slowest fighter in the game. And the person that im playing is also a big Namco fan, which means that he looks to exploit every bit of cheese or advantage that he possibly can. Whatever insures victory. Of course I do low attacks but just enough so that they are respected. And like I said be4 he plays that way to keep me off of him. When he wins its ugly. When I win its devastating. And I will never stoop to the level of doing anything to win, it's how you play the game. Furthermore , Jacko4eva , the man of skills, why dont you add taking Akira to your list of high king. I think that would be more of a chalenge , dont you? /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  14. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    hah, STOOPING to doing anything to win? You've got to be fucking kidding me! Stop trying to hang on to a shred of superority when you lost, plain and simple. Just because you can't deal with a particular tactic or style of play doesn't make it invalid on ANY level. This is Virtua Fighter, not Akira357 Fighter.
  15. jacky4lyfe

    jacky4lyfe Member

    Hey 357 it's me again.Can't you get this through your head.You can't win because your'e not willing to adapt.Your'e strat can be solid as a rock on the low to mid level however when you step into the big leagues
    you can't buy a win.Your'e game has holes in them that you won't adress'you say u refuse to resort to a particular way of fighting.When fighting only one thing matterss that's victory.U can't go out in stlye until u have someone psyched out completely.Do what works what dosen't ,don't.Or that first dan jacko friend of yours is going to continue beating u well into the next millenium.No change=Death......upgrade dude[3_][P][P],[6_][P][P],[7_][K].....ha haha!!!!! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  16. NewBassHippo

    NewBassHippo Active Member

    Shut up you tool.
  17. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Fine, Ill do what it takes to win. But in the mean time Im going to find a way to punish him for all of tricks. But I know hell punish me after August 26. SC2
  18. jacky4lyfe

    jacky4lyfe Member

    Did u improve grasshopper??or is the dan still diggin' up in you?? /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  19. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    He wont be back until monday , but I will keep you up to date Master Jedi. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    4 of us are about to get together in a few minutes!

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