Help is needed.... asap

Discussion in 'General' started by |XoToX|, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    Hey guys, let me get straight into it
    i recently bought Vf5 FS ( 13€) expecting the game to have Quest Mode and customization like in Vf4 Evo.
    To my surprise ( i should have known ) i need the complete edition ( 25€) in order to do any costumization and the quest mode has been removed due to some limitation (?)
    however ive just found out that vanilla vf5 has the quest mode similar if not the same as in vf4 evo, and yes i am aware it has no online play but my question would be if i should get the disc version now or go for the complete edition? is there a major difference such as in the fighting?
    buying the custom packs for 13€ each would be more expensive than the complete edition ( yes even if it's only 1€ ;) )

    Help is appreciated !
    sry if i posted this somewhere wrong ! (y)
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Are you the guy I was talking to on my twitch channel last night? If so, welcome! :D

    You probably already know my answer to your question, but I would advise you just pay the extra money and buy the item packs for VF5FS, rather than going backwards to older versions of VF.

    Also, I'm assuming you're playing on PS3, and not X360? If so, then absolutely forget about going backwards to VF5 on PS3: yes, it has a Quest Mode, but the AI is rubbish (for example, CPU Kage will never, ever, ever use his stances against you) and the gameplay is also based on VF5 Version B in the arcades. The Xbox 360 port of VF5 was so much better in many ways -- the Quest Mode AI was greatly improved, it was based on the newer Version C and included online play for the first time in VF history.

    In case you're wondering, the differences between VF5 Versions B and C were significant (move properties changed, different combos were now possible, etc), and most of the good resources available on this site (e.g. combo lists, command lists) started from Version C.

    Since VF5FS was a digital release only with limited budget, instead of a fully fledged Quest Mode you got Special Sparring instead. The CPU AI in Special Sparring is really (really!) good and challenging, so if you're only interested in the single player experience, then you'll get plenty of mileage out of that. The only thing missing is that you won't need to grind for items because as you've already protested pointed out, you can unlock them all instantly via purchased DLC.

    For some players (myself included), grinding in a single player mode to unlock items was seen as a waste of time -- because they'd rather spend that time playing versus real opponents -- so for them, the option of purchasing items via DLC is a no-brainer. But I can understand that for others who are only interested in a single player experience, grinding for items is part of the fun. But in my mind, that's so much more fun to be had with this game than that!

    Further reading:
  3. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    How small the world is ;) i am indeed the guy from your last stream and i really appreciate your help my man and yes i am on ps3.
    Let me get things clear right, so as far as i've understood the difference between the disc version and Fs is that the fighting is different due to newer combos etc. , the ai was vastly improven, and the quest mode has been removed but online play was introduced.
    I myself am a person who likes to jump on a game play an hour or two. you'll most likely see me compare vf5 to vf4 evo alot because thats what i started with and what i expected vf5 to be ( just with upgraded graphics ofc) . Have a singleplayer mode ( quest mode) that i play through with one character kinda learn to play him and unlock items, that was the fun for me. Once i had done that with one character i'd move on to another.
    Regarding that i feel like the disc version would be a way to go but you mentioned it being pretty sheit ( excuse my language :p ), which only really leaves me the option to buy the costum packs, is special sparring any good for a beginner?
  4. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Special sparring can be good for beginners. Its very pattern oriented. Once you figure out the pattern for each AI opponent, its very easy. Having said that, I still use it because much of the Random PSN population is less of a challenge than Special sparring on Very hard difficulty (which again is easy if you have learned their patterns). It is also something you can use to practice your defensive techniques (fuzzy, dash cancel, crouch dash cancel) and for that I suggest you get familiar with the VFDC wiki section and this thread: . Lastly, Applying what you learn against other players is where this game's enjoyment really comes from. Online is ok up to a point, and in some cases is all people use to play others. If you can manage to play versus some near offline competition, you will see exponential improvement.
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  5. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    is special sparring entertaining enough to the point where it will make me want to come back and play through it with multiple characters? Because i gotta be honest the online population on ps3 seems completly dead and i searched through the forums yesterday and couldnt find anyone to play with either :/ i guess what im wanting is the quest mode from vanilla vf 5 and the fighting of FS - but that won't be happening anytime soon (n)
  6. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    Well as stupid as this sounds but i think i've deciced that i'll basicly go ahead and buy both the disc version and complete edition o_O :D
  7. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Disc version? There is no disc version? Or do you mean Vanilla 5 Disc version?
  8. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    yea my bad disc version = vanilla :D
  9. jm571

    jm571 Member

    I think the dojo is still your best option to learn. my main gripe with f's was lack of quest mod since that was so fun. I also recommend keeping a journal of moves and combos. I am literally always forgetting them so it is very helpful to go to dojo and practice combos. I like special sparring and costume customization. It is always cool to see what costumes people come up with.
  10. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Well of course you should play the latest version. Vanilla is 10 years old.
  11. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    The Virtua Fighter 5 (Vanilla) on disc is more or less another game, and imo a step closer to what VF4/evo was in terms of animations and fluidity and less focus on tekkeny-jugglings in FS. I wish that was what VF 5 FS was, only refined.

    Its even to the point i think calling it "Virtua Fighter 5 FS" is misleading,
    it should be more like "Virtua Fighter - Special Online Download Slim Alternative Edition",
    while Virtua Fighter 5 (vanilla) is more what you would expect coming from VF4.

    sadly i missed out on VF5'ish, ive been thinking of going back to it; but playing it at the same time as trying to improve my FS play seemed difficult just because how "rigid" FS is in a way. But i do like FS even so off course; its just more like a economy-player vs player focused different thing :)
  12. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    Well, i actually did go ahead and buy the complete edition and i really enjoy special sparring but even when playing on very hard its not challenging enough. Thus i still have the issue of finding people to play with it feels like the europeanen scene is plain simple dead.
    I'd go for vanilla ive no issue with paying but it would be a completly new game new combos etc which i wouldnt be all too happy about.
    so as of right now im stuck to dojo and special sparring (n)
  13. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    @tryem host almost all nights, join us and be happy (y), i'll try my best
  14. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    ares has it lagged for you when we played earlier?
    i felt a little delay no matter what type of connection i used
  15. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    YES laggy but when in room you have two bar connection with me, we retry soon
  16. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    thats so weird, i was only connected via wifi at the begining and later on used cable but it didnt get better
  17. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    No offense, but your starting to understand why ps3 for most is too latent imho! There are two worlds in this matter.

    The first understands this and moves on to either only offline or the best connection atm which is Xbox. Nothing to do w/ the system it's just the infrastructure here in the USA. I've heard from multiple sources that Japan/Korea have no issues w/ connectivity due to their superior infrastructure.

    The second is the group who either hate Microsoft which has nothing to do w/ the issue or don't want to invest in vf or can't. Naturally psn being free is a no brainer to lean too and accept or get used to its conditions, personal preference.

    Either way, you have to make that call on your own w/ what works for you.

    Pound for pound imho, you pay for what you get.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    You should get any version of VF that you can buy and that you have a system for.

    VF is the best arcade fighting game ever made. Even the worse version of VF is better than any of the other fighting games. Each version may have its pros and cons but all versions are worth owning. All versions are worth learning. All versions are worth playing. There are times I'm in the mood for VF4 EVO, so I play it on my PS2 (Yep I have 2 ps2s in mint condition) There are times I'm in the mood for VF5 vanilla and its simulated arcades :) And there are times I'm in the mood for VF5FS sparring or online. All of them are far more rewarding than any of their competitors. Playing different versions keeps you sharp in a different way. It forces you to get out of ruts you may be in. And it makes you think differently about the game in general.

    Yes you might be able to argue that one version of VF is better than another version of VF, but at the end of the day , any version of VF is better than every other acade fighter.. So buy them all and play them all my friend!
  19. |XoToX|

    |XoToX| Member

    I really really do appreciate people taking there time to actually think the question through and give such a long comment but as i mentioned before i already bought the complete edition so things are done and over! :)

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