Hitel Tournament Clips @ No Mercy (Korea)

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Chanchai, Mar 13, 2002.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Just noticed this, so I don't know how long they've been up... But <a target="_blank" href=http://www.thenomercy.wo.to/>No Mercy</a> is hosting some vids from the Hitel Gamer Forum Tournament.

    To access the vids, click on "Stuff" on the menu bar.

    I can't read Korean so I can't comment much on the Hitel tournament... The only name I recognize among the players is IGELAU.

  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I see only two non-tournament vids under "stuff" ..?
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Looks like they were taken down last night.

    I've been having problems accessing your server... half the time I think you guys might be playing Quake or something, but sometimes it's extremely early in the morning so I have no idea why I can never get on your site...

    But if I can access your site, I'll upload what I do have (there were about three of the intended clips taht were not posted when they were up).

  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yes, we are playing quake... into the wee hours. Often until 4:00 AM or so (eastern).

    Otherwise, it's my DSL dropping dead while I sleep :/ ... not much to do about that except swear out loud the next morning.
    Want an example of pathetic programming? It's set to automatically reconnect when the connection drops. That's fine and happy. But it won't do that unless you click "ok" to the dialogue box that tells you the connection died. Like you needed to be told in the first place. NurrrR!
    I suppose I could put a weight on my enter key or something....

    So anyway! you can use the secret, special login and password to get on the FTP when it's dead, sometimes. If you manage to do that, plz upload like crazy.
    In return feel free to keep leeching all that bukkake you're fond of.

    (note to readers: it's a joke)
  5. metalbutter

    metalbutter Active Member

    Re: have some troubles....

    I had deleted that clips..last night.

    but it's restored.

    and during view file..... click media player properties....you can find infomations in english...( player's nickname... etc.. )
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: have some troubles....

    err... got a link?
  7. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Metal Butter Rules!

    excellent Wolf borg drawing alliner. please convert to w95 mpeg files if you have the chance. older and slower connections miss out. kamsamnida. jacky and vanessa mpegs would be of most immediate interest.
  8. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: have some troubles....

    I like the production quality of the clips, btw. The intro katas with the player names, and the ending pause screen where you put the NoMercy text. Nice touch =)
  9. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Final, semi-final matches?

    I got the available clips the day before yesterday, but I don't think they have the final match available, do they? Same goes for Semi-Finals?

    And oh yeah, I really loved both of the Vanessa's in the clips. Maybe not the best, but they really entertained.... /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    EDIT: I take that back, they updated with almost all, only the final remains. Thanks alliner /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    okay, all 19 hitel clips are mirrored and waiting, and the server's back up.
    If nobody else mentioned it, these are all PS2. Cool.
    Waiting on the final to be uploaded to nomercy's page.
  11. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    The final matches are up, plus a new movie on the teambattle page, featuring Hadoken's Kage and Magoja's Lau.
  12. plan17

    plan17 Active Member

    how good are these guys? imho they're not on the level of the Daioh people, (especially after watching those latest tourney videos) but then again i'm a serious newbie so i don't know... what do you all think?
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I was surprised at how weak the Vanessa finalist was. It doesn't help that he has exactly one damaging trick (dodge attack into throw... what is that, her 270?).
    And what's with that inane combo that the jacky kept falling for? Low punch --> uppercut stagger --> then the vanessa captitalized on her stagger with . . .f,f+K+G?! The dinky low kick of doom? Why not try d+K-P-P-pounce or something? Or a throw? The player didn't understand initiative, he just picked four pokes/patterns and threw them out at random.
    The jacky was a little better, but isn't it metalbutter, and isn't he a Kage player?
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Jeesus Creed, no offense or anything, and I haven't seen you play, but if I had to bet between that Vanessa player and you, I put all my money on Vanessa. It'd be the easiest...*checks wallet*...$5 I'd ever make. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  15. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    It's hard to really judge since I'm not playing against them, and I'm hardly the expert, but I must say, that Vanessa is BORING to watch. B-O-R-I-N-G. And I'd think that if you were playing against them, after a little while you'd be able to predict them, since they're essentially using, like, 7 techniques over and over. Vane has the largest set of techniques in the game, why is only a limited amount being used? She has SO much more potential!
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Heh, I have a hard time taking offense, since your opinion means shit to me. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    You don't recognize crappy play when you see it? The guy's a one trick pony and neither of us have to play vanessa to recognize that. Jack up your standards jeff, it was supposed to be tournament finals.

    If you don't respect my ability to spot shoddy Vanessa play, whose opinion would you trust? Myke plays Vanessa....

    PS: don't ever go to Vegas. "I can't see the dealer's cards, and I have no idea what the rules of the game are, or what I'm holding....but hit me anyway! It'll be the easiest 100 dollars I ever won at the blackjack table!"
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The Vanessa player didn't use a wide selection of moves, but who cares? 1) Use whatever works. 2) It's a tournament. 3) It's against Jacky.

    But that's not even the point. "Surprised how weak?" "Doesn't understand initiative?" "Threw them out at random?" WTF dude, you don't even know how to play Vanessa.

    - f,f+K+G? Did the Vanessa player even attempt one? Even if he did, in the situation you described, there's nothing wrong with it. f,f+K+G hit throw is guaranteed damage if the f,f+K+G connects, whereas d+K,P,P requires MC to be useful.

    - Vanessa has the advantage if the DA hits and is in range for a throw, and the Vanessa player mixed up DA throw with DA elbow quite well. A very useful tactic.

    - LP -> uppercut worked because the Vanessa player varied it with LP -> throw.

    No matter how boring, I have no doubt in my mind this Vanessa player can get wins and I'm not surprised at all that he's in the finals. As for Myke, I haven't seen him play VF4 either, but if Myke thinks he can beat this Vanessa player consistently at least that's more believable. That would have strong implications about how a Hiltel Korea VS Bugis Singapore matchup would turn out, however. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    P.S. I play Vanessa myself, and quite like how I play with her. My post wasn't really directed at you per se but is more FYI for the general reader.
  18. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The Vanessa player didn't use a wide selection of moves, but who cares? 1) Use whatever works. 2) It's a tournament. 3) It's against Jacky.

    Use whatever works is a great theory, but it didn't work did it? His one trick got her to the finals, probably because all the non-vanessa players didn't know how the hell to escape that throw. But the jacky worked her over on the last set.

    But that's not even the point. "Surprised how weak?" "Doesn't understand initiative?" "Threw them out at random?" WTF dude, you don't even know how to play Vanessa.

    I know that doing stuff like throwing out three dodge attacks in a row is probably fucking around, that using the same throw over and over and over is not gonna work against good players, and that if you just took four or five hits in a row vs. jerky, it might be time to try guarding.

    - f,f+K+G? Did the Vanessa player even attempt one? Even if he did, in the situation you described, there's nothing wrong with it. f,f+K+G hit throw is guaranteed damage if the f,f+K+G connects, whereas d+K,P,P requires MC to be useful.

    Did you watch at all? he tried a zillion of them, and none led to the hit throw. Maybe he was stressed out and trying really hard to land it and botched the timing, blah blah blah, but then again maybe he didn't have any better ideas. Zerochan says the timing on that one's pretty easy.

    P.S. I play Vanessa myself, and quite like how I play with her. My post wasn't really directed at you per se but is more FYI for the general reader.

    I'm sure you quite like how you play her, you're quite in love with yourself and the things you say. Next time you make a post that isn't directed at me, try leaving my fucking name out of it. You can disagree with me all you like and make a list of points two pages long, and that'll never bother me. What does bother me is when you have the nerve to make a blanket statement ten times more uninformed than any of my comments on the Van. player, and manage to work in a personal attack at the same time. I might think you're a complete asshole, but I don't go around saying "Even though I've never seen him, I bet jeff sucks at VF blah blah blah."

    I'll drop this now, even though your response is bound to irritate me into replying. I'll acknowledge that I'm not the best judge of Vanessa because I don't play her. Perhaps some (other) Vanessa can comment on the clips.
  19. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    i shouldn't jump in, but this irritated me enough:

    statement A - "Jeesus Creed, no offense or anything, and I haven't seen you play, but if I had to bet between that Vanessa player and you, I put all my money on Vanessa. It'd be the easiest...*checks wallet*...$5 I'd ever make."

    statement B, in regards to A - "My post wasn't really directed at you per se but is more FYI for the general reader."

    another one for the jeff yuwono hall of insanity.

  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    - That 270f throw connected a lot more than it was escaped, that's for sure.

    - Not used to Vanessa? What do you think Korea is, the U.S.?

    - f,f+K+G...please show me the zillion times where the Vanessa player used this in the final match. And yes, the hit throw is very easy to connect and can be done on reaction.

    - I might think you're a complete asshole, but I don't go around saying "Even though I've never seen him, I bet jeff sucks at VF blah blah blah."

    I find that highly ironic considering that is exactly what you're doing with the Vanessa player, the finalist of a tournament.


    shouldn't jump in, but this irritated me enough:

    statement A - "Jeesus Creed, no offense or anything, and I haven't seen you play, but if I had to bet between that Vanessa player and you, I put all my money on Vanessa. It'd be the easiest...*checks wallet*...$5 I'd ever make."

    statement B, in regards to A - "My post wasn't really directed at you per se but is more FYI for the general reader."

    another one for the jeff yuwono hall of insanity.

    Damn Rich, you have no appreciation for subtlety do you? Anyway, I'll spell it out. My post is obviously in response to Creed, but I did not make the post to let Creed know what I thought of his post, I wrote it to let other people (i.e. the general reader) know what I thought of the post. Do you understand the difference?

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