hmm, ... so how long till ver.C goes in the bin?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by BK__, Sep 4, 2002.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    with all this EVO talk, i'm beginning to look at my PS2 copy in a completely different light now, it reminds me of when i left VF2 for 3, and 3 for 4... dispite that i only bought the machine for this game leik a month and a half ago (poor UK release), i'm abit destressed that EVO - "supposedly almost like a VF5" may even put me off my VF4 game.. seeing as there are four versions of one sequel now, and in that space has developed almost twice the moves, rules & 3 more characters, is'nt anyone else a little bit annoyed that sega keep tweeking this title? i mean.. i feel sorry for the people who are still playing version B or A!

    i'm not dissin any of the versions, does'nt anyone else think that EVO is abit of a copp-out to actually making a well deserved VF5 when it is ready? this senario reminds me alot of Capcom' s endless streetfighter 2 editions dare i say b4 it actually became it's horrible streetfighter 3..
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Ver. C is already in the bin unfortunately.. It's just that most of us in the US still have no access to it. VF4 EVO is not at all just a small change like VerB to VerC, it has completely redone models, moves, animations, gameplay adjustment, new characters, music, etc.. It's what Virtua Fighter 4 should have been. Watch some of the japanese vids closely and you'll notice the difference. I just hope sega arcade is more aggressive in getting evo to the US arcades. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The release of B was just to do playtest tweaks of A and to include vanessa, who I suppose wasn't finished. The release of C was to further balance the playing field, like TB was.

    Evo is a bit of a break with "gameplay tweaks" releases, but don't take it personally. You have the time and resources to play either one. How would things be any better if evo were never released and we all got terribly bored of VF4C? I find the wait between games is already pretty lengthy... without the tweaks and without evo, the wait for 5 would have been pretty painful.

    It -is- a little sucky to buy a CONSOLE for VFC and then find you'll need to buy the game again when evo is released (to say nothing of maybe needing to buy a different console if you're desperate) ... but it's been months, and if anyone can't save up 50 or even 250 bucks over the span of months, then they need to forget about VF for a while and get a better job /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well said, CreeD.
    I think a lot of the reason Evo came out was b/c the buzz at the arcades was starting to fade out a bit. Not totally, but there were days when it was hard to find an opponent to play Ver. C.

    Then they announced Evo, and it almost totally died until the beta tests started.

    Personally, I'm glad it came out. As I've said b4, it's no VF5, but it's a decent upgrade, depending on what character you're playing.

    Personally, if a game is good, I don't mind upgrades. It's about time they started doing it for a good game for a change, other than a massive over-cooked turd like the Street Fighter franchise.
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I don't think Sega meant for Versions A-C to be visible to the public. What I mean is, as far as the general gamer is meant to think, Versions A-C are one of the same game. For example, I think Tekken 3/Tag went through numerous revisions and VF3 also had Versions A-D before TB, but I don't think those are common knowledge.

    Evolution is the only "official" upgrade to VF4--i.e., as far as Sega wants the general gaming public to think, there are only two VF4s: PE and Evo.

    Of course, when you are a serious VFer, it matters whether you're playing Version A, B, or C.

    Creed: Version A already had all the characters AFAIK.
  6. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    I must say I appreciate the fact they did EVO!
    We have waited much too long for between VF3 and VF4...
    Also I didn't expect an evolution so fast, I must say that it sparked new interest in the game for a lot of people.

    And as Ninjinsan said, it seems EVO is what VF4 should have been. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    These days I am thinking about EVO all the time /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    well it's all quite easy to say since the majority don't know what it's like to wait for a UK release... but i'm not very local to many of the machines which is why i do most of my practicing at home.. but now that EVO is going to be the new standard for competition, i just won't be able to keep up, .. if EVO was how VF4 was meant to be, then why was ver.C ported to the home? what would be more is if EVO was not ported to the PS2, i'd be stuck in the past for a verrry long time.. or play EVO once in a while.

    i'm even more destressd that EVO is not just little tweaks, i think i'm utterly screwed now, thanks alot sega...

    time to learn VF4....... *again*
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I see your point, but it still comes across as whining.

    Hatim had VF4 for PS2 at his house since january 27th. How can you claim 7-8 months of PS2 VF4 isn't worth whatever you paid for it?

    You might say "but it wasn't seven to eight months for the averrraaage UK peeerson!" ... to that I say: Sega could care less about how close the releases will seem in america or europe. Japan is where VF4 is their big cash cow, and there are posts about VF4's test version in september of 2001. The japanese have had a year, and a year is a fine wait between games.

    To me, VF4C repaid itself in 4 weeks, assuming I saved 10 bucks a day. It really was only 1 week because I like having the PS2 for other games anyway - and the VF4 disc was only 40 bucks. If evo were in a store right this second, I'd buy it. If it were in an arcade, I'd rush to play it. I got the PS2 VF4C a bit later than Hatim, so don't say I've been playing for longer than you.

    Still, if you haven't played out VF4C to your satisfaction, you can play evo in the arcades and then go home and get your money's worth on the PS2. Time playing it won't be wasted, evo is STILL going to be 85% VF4C and 15% utterly new stuff.
  9. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    well due to 'crraaappyy uk releeeaases'ive only been playing vf4 for about 6 weeks and i must say im lovin it,i dont really give a rats ass about evo ive still got about another 5-6 months of quality entertainment left with my vf4c.But just like creed said 7-8 months of gameply is well worth the money an if evo came out today i would buy it as would any self respecting vfer.... /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    ouch! did it really just release there? or is that just when you bought it??
  11. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    creed, ....u have nooo idea.... /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    and don't worry about hatim, that copy was so blatantly both pirate, copied and imported at the same time, but ur right, it is just senslese whining.... i just needed to get a few things off my chest :p

    on to EVO.....
  12. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    well at least the PAL game can run at the full 60hz (hence 60fps) on a compatible telly /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  13. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    hate to spoil your post, but I bought VF4 for PS2 the day it came out, and that was durin April sometime... and it was a mere £40 any (lots to Us players, but the normal new game price is £45)... so next time I suggest you look at the playstation website for UK release dates...
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but can your eyes tell the difference?
  15. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Well, I haven't tried running PAL VF4 in 50Hz mode, but from what I heard Sega pulled a Namco and made no speed optimizations, which means that the game runs 20% slower (moves still execute in the same number of frames, but the game runs 50 fps instead of 60 fps).
    So yes, that would be quite noticable to anyone who's played the game at the correct speed (can go and test that on monday if interested).
  16. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    There is a 50Hz to 60Hz switch on VF4 thank god otherwise I'll have to play 60 Hz in black and white /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Gajin: The speed difference is very noticeable imagine vf2 dural underwater stage, almost as bad as that, welcome to the world of the non hardcore UK gamer
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Man, for me, vf4 payed off itself the first week...
  18. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Dammit, I should have bought the game when it came out. I was too cheap and only bought it when it was for US$30.
    But the US is kinda slow so I guess I wont be seeing evo for like another year.
    Man I love this game.

    DOes anyone else sweat alot when you play VF4? After every crucial match, I usually find myself soaked.

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