Hori fighting stick - is it worth it?

Discussion in 'General' started by Valtiel, May 15, 2007.

  1. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    Is it worth getting one of those arcade style controllers for virtua fighter 5? I mean is it actualy beneficial to play,. or is a bit of a cheap novelty? I feel very comfortable with the sixaxis, but i don't want to feel i'm missing something from the game which could potentially make it better, your thoughts?
  2. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    I personally think that the Hori Fighting stick is crap, but if that's all that you can get a hold of or afford, then so be it. If you have the money I would invest in something better like the HRAP3 or the VSHG.
  3. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

  4. DammyG

    DammyG Well-Known Member

    I have the fighting stick but I can't really compare because it is my first stick, I have had problems but that is most likely because I am not used to sticks, I would definitely say it is better to use a stick than a pad, I found playing as akira unplayable with the pad, it was too unaccurate and sluggish, though the stick does take some time to get used to over time it will feel a lot better.
    I want a ps2 stick to use with this and ps2 games, anyone got any suggestions?
  5. shoobert

    shoobert Well-Known Member

    ehhh, get it and mod it

    i am,

    but im also getting a vshg
  6. magnificent1

    magnificent1 Member

    I got one, and really enjoy it...not bad for 50 bucks. You can definitely feel the quality, but you get what you pay for. Currently looking into replacing the Hori stick and buttons with Sanwa stick and buttons.
  7. III_Demon

    III_Demon Active Member

    a decent stick makes a HUGE difference in VF. motions like d/b, f and b,f,f are way easier with a stick, once you get used to it. a halfassed stick is better than a Dpad for me personally, but i've seen some people get pretty badass with a Dpad. a high quality stick is definitely better than anything else, tho. i dont think anyone will argue that.

    a tip for anyone just starting and thinking about going to a stick: use the shoulder buttons. i used to play with the face buttons (triangle square, etc on the PS2), but then one day a friend of mine had a nice epiphany and swtiched the config to R1 = punch, R2 = kick. this way, your fingers are in the same positions they would be on an arcade stick. thumb on square for block, index finger on punch, middle finger on kick. it makes the transition to a stick a lot nicer, and its just a better config for the normal contoller. once you get used to it, its not so weird using both fingers on the right shoulder buttons, because your thumb doesnt have to go jumping all over the face buttons. try it. give it at least an hour or so to get used to it.
  8. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    Sounds good, currently i have the sixaxis set to default controls and i use my three mid fingers left to riht for guard, punch and kick. Makes it nice and easy to hit G+P+K together. Might invest in a stick though, why anyone would use their only their thumb for triangle, square and circle is beyond me though, must make it extrememly difficult!
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I have to admit that whenever I am left to play VF on a pad, I use the same method as Demon. Square for Guard, R1 for Punch, and R2 for Kick (though PS3 pad's R2 has issues when being used this way).

    But some people do use their index, middle, and ring fingers and it works.

    I prefer Thumb, Index, Middle though ^_^
  10. KSD22

    KSD22 Member

    OK first of all, have you ever played with a Japanese stick before in your life. Thats very very important. For me I grew up playing all my arcade games from VF1-3 using American arcade sticks and have become use to the circular gate and let me tell you trying to use the Japanese Square Gate is hell. My dragon lance went from 99.999 percent to like 3 percent. So is it worth it to invest $130 dollars on a stick that makes you suck, well no, but what are you gonna do you gotta get use to it.
    Honestly I'd give my kingdom for an American Arcade Stick replica for PS3. The Japanese Square Gate is impossible, don't even mention Street Fighter (what 360?)
  11. III_Demon

    III_Demon Active Member

    it has a lot to do with what you're used to, and also what just naturally feels comfortable to you. i started fighting on SF2 in american arcades, and never touched a japanese stick till well after i'd been playing VF2 for a while... so i was quite used to the tall, round-gate, american style sticks.. but after i spent just a few minutes getting used to the japanese style sticks, i found them MUCH more responsive, accurate, and comfortable.

    i never did play zangief, tho. no need for full circles. =]
  12. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    Well yeah, that's the thing really, i've been using a playstation controller for beatem ups since tekken 1 and i've become very accustomed to it. The only thing i'm concerned about is whether going to meets will result in me having to use a joystick and as aresult, playing miserably due to lack of experience
  13. I bought it a month ago. I play fighting games only with a arcade stick. This stick is real good. It takes getting used to,I have the HORI doa4 stick for the 360 (the same one except for the 360) it didnt take me long to get used to the ps3 one. I would say buy it if you are used to arcade sticks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. ENox

    ENox New Member

    Anyone try to use HFS3 on PC? is it possible?
    I asked HORI Tech guys about it and they said it's impossible due to the different signal (Analog).
    if it is, can you share how to do it? I believe we need a driver for FS3. At least windows detects the device... but no action..ㅜㅜ

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