[HORSEMEN] Evo in TO, the tradition continues...

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Llanfair, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Like the FLA gang, I thought us Toronto folk could use a similar thread for getting together, etc.

    GodEater just posted to the old 'Saturday' thread mentioning he's going to be around after 4:00 pm tomorrow (Thursday November 7).

    So...here's where I'll be posting gathering info, etc for Toronto from now on.

  2. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Har... I'm away this weekend. Too bad.

    Llany, what's the word on the readers? When do we want to get together with Roger to setup the direct feed recording?

  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    no-one has responed with a positive so I assume I'll be battling by myself if I show up. So I'm no longer going.

    If anyone wants to meet up tonight give me a shout via email. Otherwise, I'm looking for competition on Saturday night.

  4. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Well, today is definately not good for me. Best day this week for me would be Friday, but if Llanfair decides not to go tomorrow I will be there on Saturday for sure.
  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    so far saturday looks like: Me, Plasma, Hao (maybe). Anyone else coming?
  6. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, I'm packing tonight for a quick getaway tomorrow.

  7. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    GE i'll be coming on Saturday instead of Friday. Just let me know the time you guys are getting together.
  8. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Friday is looking iffy for me as well...Saturday will likely be much better. Can't say for sure, but I'm at 80% for Saturday night.

    Great to hear Hao is coming out...the Lau man returns /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    okay. Saturday it seems to be. Hao, Llanfair, Plasma, BMF, GE are mostly positives. Can we get Matt, Jag and FokFu to come out?

    What are the possibilities of arranging a freeplay night? Or should we wait until we have a nice meaty gathering?

  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Heya TO...

    With the weekend coming up, I was just wondering what was up, who was playing, and when?

    I know that GE is booked in at home this weekend - and I'm in slightly the same boat with home stuff as well as school work - but I may be able to make it out for some games.

    What are your plans?

  11. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    I'm fairly booked for the whole weekend. I think I might have the usual Sat night free (8pm onwards). I haven't played in over a week so I'm game to get some EVO in.

  12. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Me and Vincent will probably be there on Sunday anytime after 3pm.
  13. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    You can't make it out Saturday night, eh?

  14. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Saturday night...I *might* be able to do but I'm not at all sure.

    However, my offer of "misery loves company" still stands. We could always try a home brew. Not EVO, I know, but the spirit is there and so would be the opportunity to improve on basic skills.

  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    <pre><font class="small">code:</font><hr> I'm in slightly the same boat with home stuff as well as school work </pre><hr>

    sorry to interupt

    but i just felt ultra bored being on holiday!
    SERIOUS! (irc log is evidence)
    I missed school so much i went n signed up for summer classes just to escape boredom!

    What a spam! ^__^
  16. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    just out of curiosity what is the name HORSEMEN a reference to?
  17. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Hmm..good question. Just a name that GE came up with to be honest.

    However, I just remembered that Carlo, from the VF3 era (he wrote the Taka FAQ), once referred to Kbcat and myself as 'horsemen' when we had driven down to Boston to have some VF3 with Mr.Bungle, Yupa, Shang, Hyun et al. Interestingly enough, that was the first time we met Jeff-Maru - now known as ice-9. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  18. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I chose Horsemen for three different reasons but the main meat is Carlos. What he wrote was that, "llanfair and KBCat weren't exactly the horsemen of the apocalypse he was hoping for". Carlos was an ass and the insult was unappreciated (by myself) since Carlos was below their own skill level and wasn't making any trip.

    Horsemen of the apocalypse.

  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    who all is showing up (november 16th)

    so, tonight. Is there a crowd happening for EVO. Is it worth my staying up and coming out? Who all is going to be there?! WHO?!

    I'll be there around 9:00 or 10:00 if there's going to be competition.

  20. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: who all is showing up (november 16th)

    Poop. This is what I get for not checking VFDC too often. I'm going to be at VF/A today (Saturday) from 7pm - 10pm or so since I have to meet up with Graham to do some swapping of PS2s. I'm also going to be there on Sunday because I'm running an SC2 tournament. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    The tourney is probably going to end around 6 - 7pm, so I'll stick around and play some Evo if there's anyone there at that time. And no, I can't play Evo when i'm running the tourney. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

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