How do I install VF5 to the hard drive?

Discussion in 'Console' started by dwman_2000, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. dwman_2000

    dwman_2000 Member

    Just got my copy of VF5 today! I also just picked up a PS3 to play it on today.

    I popped the game in and it booted asking me if I wanted to load the game data. I said yes and it took maye 2-3 minutes to do so. I figured that was the game loading to the hard drive.

    The next time I booted up the game to play it, I got the same screen asking me if I wanted to load the game data.

    Did I mess something up? How DO you load games to the PS3 HD?

  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    If it's like Ridge Racer 7, you have to go to the options menu and select install to HDD.
  3. ShinFuYux

    ShinFuYux Well-Known Member

    It suppose to say something like "do you want to install Virtua Fighter 5 on your Hard Drive, so it can cut loading times to half?" Then it'll give you the option to say yes or no.
  4. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    The first time it loads it asks to install to the HD. If you select yes then it takes around 5 mins to do so.

    The next time it loads it asks if you would like to USE the stored HDD date. Just select yes. The game will then load a lot faster (you can see the HDD light going mad).
    there is probably an option in the options menu to set it to load off the HD all the time without prompting you to do so every time you boot the game.
  5. dwman_2000

    dwman_2000 Member

    Cool! So I did get it right the first time! I need to find the option that auto-loads it so I don't have to confirm it everytime!

    BTW, the game looks and plays fantastic!

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