How do you find out the frame stuff?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by PGhacker, Sep 6, 2003.

  1. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member

    Im trying to find my own frame stuff here..
    and how do you find out the frame advantages and disadvantages of a certain move? what do you have to do in the training mode?
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There's this website with frame information available for all characters. All are updated to Evo ver.A and most are updated to Evo ver.B (PS2 is based on ver.B). Simply go to any VF4 Character section and follow the link to the movelist.

    Oh, the url is:
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Sure, if you go the site's movelists you'll see all the moves have numbers next to them for speed, advantage or disadvantage when guarded, damage, etc. The EXE and GRD are measured in frames, and stand for execution speed and the frame advantage/disadvantage when the move is guarded.
  4. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Well if you're starting from scratch(ie. you don't know the exe of elbows, punches etc.), then the simple answer is that you can't...i remember someone mentioning that 1/60th has special equipment that they use to determine frame data. I think they have an explanation on the site but it's in japanese...

    Now, if you know some frame data for a couple moves you could roughly work out the exe, advantages, disadvantages on your own for the moves that your interested in. For example, say you know that akira's DE is 14 frames, LP is 12 frames, and sarah's P is 11 say you want to find out what the situation is after akira hits you with P, record akira doing P,K--->DE, let akira hit you with P,K and then try LP'ing him out of the get MC'ed meaning that P,K leaves him with AT LEAST +2 frames because LP is 12 frames and DE is 14 frames so so akira MUST be at +2 or above for the DE to MC your to make sure, you try to 11 frame P akira out of the DE after P,K and you notice that the punch MC's akira, confirming that he is at +2...

    Hopefully you understood the above explanation...anyways, 1/60th already has most of the frame data for EVO so you should check it out.

    Edit: 1/60th site...
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    S0RRY K0F00!21!1one!31!one!!

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