How do you manage to escape throws?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by DShadow, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. DShadow

    DShadow Member

    Throws are very fast and every character has got a lot of throws. How do you escape,suggest what will that throw be?? How do you react insted of that quickness?
    I noticed that it's easier to escape throw in tekken,but never mind that now...
    Just give me some tips so i can react faster and suggest what throw will enemy do on me....
    Thanks anyway
  2. undefined___

    undefined___ Member

    Throw escapes cancel throws by entering the last arrow of oppenet's throw and [P]+[G]. Example: If Wolf throws you with his giant swing ([4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G]), you have to enter [6][P]+[G] ( or [4][P]+[G], depends on which side you're on)

    I'm not an expert at throw escapes, but I'm starting to learn. It is hard...

    You can also cancel a throw by a quick attack. [P], [2][P] and other fast attacks.

    By the way.... Happy New Year!
  3. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    First, you will probably never escape a throw on pure reaction. They are simply too fast. Using throw escapes is done in primarily two situations. 1) When you have a throw guaranteed move blocked. This means that your opponent can throw you before you recover and are able to attack again. Advice: learn the moves for your character that when blocked leave you open to throws.

    2) When at a large disadvantage (ie. when major countered or have a non-throw guaranteed move blocked) your opponent can force 50/50 throw/attack guessing games on you. One way to defend yourself is with Evading-Throw Escapes. You input the command for the evade and then quickly input throw escapes to deal with both options. (circular attacks defeat Evading-Throw Escapes, though)

    This is obviously a short and incomplete listing. There is a reason for that. Experiment. More importantly, USE THE SEARCH. There is a lot of information of this site about throw escapes. For instance, My Throw Escape Guide shows how many throws each character has in what directions so you can choose efficient multi-throw directions. Each character also has at least one direction that should always be escaped. Kage's [4][P]+[G] is one of those. Experiment and learn what these are for each character (here's another hint: always escape at least forward direction against Wolf)

    If you have Evo for the PS2, there are some great training facilities to get you used to throw escapes, too.
  4. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

  5. DShadow

    DShadow Member

    thanks everybody and like kozak said happy new year!
    P.S. this doesn't have to be the end of this topic.If someone has some tips please write it.

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