How do you see the stance easily?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by maddy, May 7, 2003.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Is there any way or tip on how to see the stance easily

    when you do air combos? I try to see the stance during

    match for combo(e.i Akira's shoulder ram combo),

    but I think there might be a better way of seeing the


    What is your way?
  2. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    it depends really.. a lot of characters have float starters that switch stance.. so u may get accustomed to seeing ur character a certain way after the opponent floats and just doing what comes to mind

    don't really worry before floating, unless u have a huge time delay before u float.. say following up a backstagger

    if you get confused, always followup with a standing jab to give yourself more time to see the stance (since many floats start with a jab)
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Before you actually float someone, you can keep an eye on stance by remembering whether or not you see two fronts or two backs or one front and one back. When I do something like akira's shoulder ram, I quickly glance down at my feet and the feet of the opponent as they lift off the ground. Even during the hit animation, their feet stay arranged a certain way and you can compare their feet to your own. For some moves it's hard because you change stance during the execution of the attack (like lau's b,f+P)... for those moves, I sort of have it memorized what the opponent's body and position should look like in relation to mine. For the d+P, DF+P,P+K combo they are more 'sideways' compared to my position.

    The other method is to keep track during the whole match from beginning to end, but against certain characters that's pretty tough.
  4. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replys.

    I did a little bit at seeing the stance thanks to some

    practice based on your advices.
  5. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    The most effective way for me to check to see if I'm in open or closed is to always do open stance combos. Then, when they miss, I can go "yep, was in closed!" or when they hit "HAH, thought so... open!".

    Works every time.

  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    Sounds like how I play.

    Bonus: if you're playing against friends and you connect an open stance combo (cause you happen to be in open stance) they all say "nice combo!"
  7. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member


    That's how I've done it.

    Shoulder ram, punch, [6][6][K][K].

    Missed. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Ok. It was a closed stance.


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