How does the Wall Combo System work?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by The Last Bum, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    I have checked the threads but have not really seen anything specific on wall combos per say. I see vids of wall combos but I don't really see anything showing me the limits of what can be done.

    Okay things I am trying to find out here is if opponent is standing how many times can he be ricohoched off wall before can do something. I know that is char specific but trying figure out how game limits you from just easily wall combo someone to death from full health.

    If you wall splat someone what are the general rules that limits what you can do after a wall splat.

    I am new VF but I also want to avoid reinventing wheel in terms of using the combo system.

    Vanessa player.
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    If I am correct, basic rules are:
    you can have one crumple
    you can have one bump-up
    you can have as many wall splats as you manage to get
    the more times you hit your opponent, the faster he is falling when aired

    In between this rules, you can do whatever your movelist and ring position allows you to do.
  3. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    cool thanks I am getting some building block here to my understanding. LOL
  4. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    okay i guess million dollar question for me now is what is the bump up?
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Look at THIS juggle
    You get:
    * high wallsplat
    * crumple
    * bump up (he bumped from the ground and can not TR so you can continue juggle)
    * low wallsplat
    EvenPit likes this.
  6. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    thanks again for help
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Not sure if your list is right Unicorn, by crumple I guess you mean bound? There are two versions of bound and you're not limited to just one in combos.

    Also not sure about your comment about wallsplats, seems to me you're allowed one wallsplat and three low wall splats.

    I think akai may have posted about this before maybe he could clear things up.
  8. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    oh I see, guess that would help clear things up. If people know the rules of combo system what you can do without a wall and what you can do when you have a wall. Would be very helpful. In combo creation.
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    You can bound them at the wall as many times as you can as long as the same bounder is not used twice in the same combo.
  10. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    Okay I think I get, so they can only bounce of same wall 2 times in one combo that. Does that include wall splat?

    Oh thanks again for all you guys responding to this thread, it has been very helpfull
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I do not think there is any limit about how many times you can splat (high or low) on single wall
  12. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I posted something on Gaming-Age several weeks ago explaining the wall combo system in FS which could be useful to this thread. I'll see if I can find it.

    12/29 12:35 pm ET update: Okay, I found it. I'll update and revise the info from that post here:

    The first thing I do when it comes to wall combo or standard combo testing is go into CPU Detailed Settings to set Rising Speed to 'Fastest' and Fall Recovery to 'In Place (exact)'. This is the absolute certain way to know that any combo I execute at this point cannot be escaped nor can be tech rolled out of.

    The next step is to identify all attacks that fit into these situations which covers the total chronological sequence of a wall combo. These situations are:

    1. Wall stagger attack - An attack that causes the opponent to bump into the wall and forces a stagger animation after taking the hit. Then comes...

    2a. High wall splat attack - An attack that literally plasters the opponent on the wall after it hits. Or...

    2b. Crumple attack - An attack that causes the opponent to crumple after it hits. Certain stomach, groin (vital area), and head crumples in particular can be used to piece together wall combos. *

    3. Bound attack - An attack that stands-up the opponent (soft bound) or bounces the opponent off the ground (hard bound). Soft bounds in particular are critical to extending most wall combos. **

    4. Low wall slump attack - An attack that knocks the opponent into the wall in some type of "sitting" animation then slowly slumps to the ground. Most attacks that cause a wall stagger will also work in this situation as well.

    * Between situations 2 and 3 you must use an attack that briefly lifts the opponent up along the wall before the soft bound attack comes out.

    ** Once the opponent is "stood up" from a soft bound attack (situation 3), you must next use a forceful attack of 21 damage points or higher that will lead directly to the low wall slump animation (situation 4).

    Also important to note is that there are certain attacks for each character that can cause a wall stagger exclusively on counter hit and not on normal hit, and there are attacks that can cause a wall stagger in either scenario. It's the same deal regarding exclusive counter hit attacks which causes high wall splats and attacks which causes them in either way. Make sure to Identify which attacks fit into each scenario for your character.

    Lastly, keep in mind that a standing jab always precedes a hard bound attack during the execution of any combo. So do not forget this info if you come up with any wall combo that you wish to include a hard bound attack in.

    Good luck on your experimentation!

  13. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    Oh thanks I was getting a little confused about now lol. This helps out alot

    Also found this video they have wall section of it you can skip to and it details what causes a move to wall splat or not wall splat

    LOL forgot to post the link

  14. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    That has not been my experience.

    Basically, the only rules you need to know are:

    -Bounds can only be created once per move.

    -You will want to use your large bound move before the other bound moves, as these moves are slower and aren't able to create a bound from a previous bound move. At least, I've yet to see differently.

    -Also, don't get the idea in your head that you need to use all of your bound moves to get a higher damage combo. That's not necessarily true!

    Other than that, I wouldn't worry about anything else. Conventional wisdom would suggest that due to damage scaling, that you'll want to start wall combos with your most powerful moves. This is not necessarily true, either. Just experiment and see what you can find. That's the best advice that I can give.
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Using dural you are able to use first a small bound then a big one. So the only rule i can deduce from the bound system is you cannot bound twice in a raw. There should be always something between the bounces otherwise you cannot proceed with the combo.
  16. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    You can do a low bound straight after a high bound if your low bound move is two or more hits and it doesn't cause the bound on the first hit. Lau, Eileen and Pai have those kind of comboes. This also works in reverse.

    I'd like to add here that any move that crumbles the opponent after a wall stagger would crumble them in any stagger, it's not wall specific. Also crumbles at walls rarely lead to full wall comboes like wall splats would.

    Let me also give the OP an practical example of the general flow of wall comboes: Firstly you'll want to cause a wall stagger, this can be done with a number of mids or even lows, the move causes them to hit the wall and a joystick appears on their side of the screen to indicate the stagger. From here, you have the opportunity to wall splat them with a mid move, wall splat moves are generally launchers and other hard knockdown moves, usually around the 16f range. Now that you have your opponent wall splatted, you can then commence the wall combo, which roughly usually goes like this: A move that rises them slightly off the wall and then resplats them -> high bound -> a P or similar fast high filler -> possible low bounder OR in some cases another high bounder -> mid filler that usually due to the lenght of the wall combo causes them to slump toward the ground afterwards -> a fast move that scrapes the ground as a finisher.

    Here' an example for Wolf: 6K (wall stagger) 46P (wall splat) 2_3P (resplat) 9P+K (high bound) KK (high filler) 4K+GK (mid filler) 2_36P (low hitting finisher)

    Here's one for Jeffry: 4P+K (wall stagger) 6K (wall splat) hcfP+K (resplat) 43P+K (high bound) 6_P (high filler) qcbP+K (high bound) 4P+K (mid filler) 2KP (low hitting finisher)

    You can look up more wall comboes for characters from the character sub-forums to further familliriaze yourself with the system.
  17. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Those are good points you, Libertine and Mister made earlier. I forgot about these characters and the type of wall combos they can do with the use of soft and hard bound attacks. I believe Jeffry also has certain types of combos too where consecutive bound attacks can be used to extend a wall combo.

    Plus I should also add to my original post that there are also some wall combos that can be started from throws that occur close to them. I know Lau, Pai, and Taka has various wall combos that start in this fashion, and there may be more characters that has them.

  18. The Last Bum

    The Last Bum Member

    Thanks for advice guy maybe I come up with better wall combos for my Vanessa.

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