How Many Matches Does It Take To Rule Out Luck or Gimmicks?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    There are some players that if they beat you once, they don't want to do a rematch? Was that a lucky win?

    There are some players who will not play you more than once with the same character out of fear that their character specific gimmick will be discovered :LOL:

    So how many rematches does it take to determine who is actually the best player?

    Too many rematches and the inferior player might start to win just out of random chance?

    What's the magic number?:confused:

    And for those of you that have played me, you know my dead duck broken wing style of kung fu requires that I lose at least 10 consecutive times b4 I show my true colors:sneaky:
    Birthua likes this.
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Have you mastered losing yet?
    ShinyBrentford likes this.
  3. og23

    og23 Well-Known Member

    I say two full matches. As a VF player, if you can't counter what the other guy is doing, or worse yet, you don't even have an idea. He's probably just better than you
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    @Libertine I have mastered it. I think I can lose better and with more control than any VF player in the world. I normally can predict what the last move will be of the winner (e.g. throw, low, high, side turned,etc). I predict where the final blow will be administered(middle of stage, wall hit, left side, right side,etc), and I can also refuse to allow the winner to choose what the final blow will be. I'm also pretty good at predicting how long the match will last. Or in other words I can dictate when I allow the winner to win :ROTFL: If I say I will only let you win with a throw, then your winning last move will have to be a throw. If I say I will only let you win with 'time up' then you won't be able to beat me before time's up:LOL: My dead duck, broken wing kung fu is the most superior losing style ever conceived. I always lose, but only on my own terms. This my friend has required years of training and even the best VF players can only win on the terms that I give them. This level of losing mastery is extremely difficult. Try it and you'll see what I mean. Anyone can win on any given day, but it takes a true kung fu master to control the how,when, and where of a loss. In that regard I have no equal.

    @og23 I think its more like four to five matches. Here's why

    The first match the player with the gimmick surprises you. Its all over b4 you know what is happening. (so round 1 between two strangers doesn't really count)

    The second match the player with the gimmick tries to do the same thing and you begin to find a way to counter it. But still your experimenting and end up losing.

    The third match the player with the gimmick realizes she is in trouble and will then bring it all, but you've caught on and end up winning this one. But only because the other player is playing out of desperation and not with strategy.

    The fourth match the truth of both players has been revealed (unless you are intentionally hiding a gimmick or your own). It is only by the fourth match that each player is forced to start to show who they really are. Who ever wins the fourth match is probably the better of the two players.

    Whoever wins the most rounds out of five matches is most likely the better player.

    And the assumption here is that for all five matches both players fight with their original character. Some players have a different gimmick for each character and could luckily beat you once with each character. As soon as you catch on to one character's gimmick they've wisely switch to a new character (and a new gimmick). I see this all the time on PSN.

    On this theory., the final match in any serious tournament, would probably be more accurate if we took the best 3 out of 5 instead of 2 out of 3. My personal observation is that matches four and five are the true championship matches.:cool:
  5. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Best answer to this dumb thread.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Ah yes., Shiny, how is that luck and those gimmicks working for you?

    Trolls are lucky too. How many matches do you thing it takes? Or don't you have something relevant to the thread to post?;)

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