How to deal with "anti 2k>splash montain" tactics ?

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by shad, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. shad

    shad Well-Known Member

    Against some people it's nearly impossible to drop the splash montain throw after a 2k hit even on counter hit cause they always doing something in reaction (fuzzy, 2p, etc.) How to force them to respect the special throw?
  2. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    The P followup of 2K. Or a simple throw, probably with delay.
    Splash mountain is guaranteed on counter hit btw. And you can do it after a backdash, so it could mess up their timing on fuzzy and all that stuff.
  3. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    You need to hitcheck 2k wheter it hit normally or CH. If normal, take the frame advantage and start offense if they like to mash after it and if CH, TKoD for half life. Good way to land splash from 2k normally is to hit them at the very tip of 2k so that they can't reach you with a move.
  4. OMGiTZ5ib1

    OMGiTZ5ib1 New Member

    Could somebody explain me the purpose of splash mountain? how could yo connect it? on training mode I tried to apply it, but I saw that your opponent could do anything between the kick and the throw

    I dont understand the puropse of the move
  5. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    2K comboes into Splash Mountain, 236P+G, only on Counter Hit, and you have to time it, otherwise if 2K is a normal hit your opponent can interrupt your throw attempt with a move just like with any throw. The Command Training option in Dojo gives a hint on the timing landing CH 2K, 236P+G.
  6. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    I think the difference is that you can crouch the throw on NH, while on CH you have to abare (also works on NH). So on NH, only use the hit throw when you see the opponent evading or guarding. On CH you can go for nitaku with a combostarter.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I fail to see why you would go for a nitaku instead of taking half life as guaranteed damage of CH 2K...
  8. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Cos it's not guaranteed.

    EDIT: Actually, you can just crouch the Splash Mountain on MC as well :/ . But then you can do a free normal throw as they can't crouch.
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Um, CH 2K into Splash IS guaranteed. 111 dmg. Go to Dojo.
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    It's not. Jeffry would be god tier if it was.

    Record Jeffry doing p, TKoD.

    make the 2k hit CH, crouch. Voila.
  11. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Unfortunetly CH 2K into Splash being a combo doesn't make him god tier. If you want to see it yourself, set CPU to normal CH, record a setup or something you can CH, anything that gets you a CH, and then 2K them and do 236P+G as Jeff puts his foot down on the floor. You can tell you did it right if the dummy's health bar's red portion doesn't drain out when you grab them, and when the display actually says 2 hit 111 damage. I can see why one would think it's not a combo as the window on CH is pretty small, like 4 frames or something, but easily doable with a little bit of practice using the visual aid I mentioned.
    Manjimaru and SPLASH BOSS like this.
  12. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Yeah I was wrong. Jeff will now be my secondary character :)
    Stl_Tim, Manjimaru and SPLASH BOSS like this.
  13. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    So there are around 4 frames window to hit it? I like how splash is guaranteed, grants some love for FS Jeffry, definitely!
  14. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Ok so if I hit 2K and it's counter hit I can still backdash? then go for splash mountain and all thats guarantee? If yes that'd be epic.
  15. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    That's possible, you just have to time it right.
  16. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    It's not guaranteed anymore if you backdash or do anything else before, unless you can so said action within 4 frames.
  17. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    If 2K lands as a counter hit, you don't need to back dash or nothing else. It's free 111 damage period. Unless you mess up the just frame part. (But at that point there's no one to blame but yourself). And it's only 17 frame's for a true half life combo, it's a very good frame disrespect check move. Even better then GOH's 6K. Jeff at plus +5, +6, and especially +8 equals a lot of pain for jeff opponent.
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Ok thanks I will work on my timing then.

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