How to reverse and Evade+Guard+Throw, etc.

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by LtTitan, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I have been training with my Wolf character for a while now. And I still havent mastered him the way i want. This is because I cant use the reversals and such when the opportunity presents itself. I just cant tell when to use the reversals. Sometimes, by chance, I get lucky and reverse or dodge, but its very rare. I have done trial many times, and I cant seem to get the evade+throw+gaurd stuff down. Though I have gotten 200 wins without using these, I dont think I can advance higher than the Dan ranks without them.

    I was wondering if anyone would have any tips on how to train to use these more effectively or how to tell when to use these. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    It does take a while to get the hang of... though I haven't really used it to get my lei to High King, but as Wolf is an Expert character, you would be advised to incorporate it at the high ranking games... useful against human opponents of course as part of the guessing game... you could probably beat the CPU without it though.. .

    As for actually doing it... it's just like the Akira move guide says... "practice"... the evade is as per normal, then then [G] then quickly [P]+[G]... but just like normal evade, it is a tactic not a reaction...
  3. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Hey thanks. That is helpful and reassuring that its not a necassary thing to learn. But thanks for explaining it.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The DTEG (Dodge-ThrowEscape-Guard) maneuver is indeed something done more as a tactical maneuver rather than a reactionary reversal type of move. Although it does require some part of reaction on your part to successfully implement this advanced maneuver.
    I'll first explain how to perform this. Tap up or down the moment your opponent makes a linear attack for a successful dodge. IMMEDIATELY do 1 or 2 throw escapes. You must be really quick with the inputs, they should be done by the time your character finishes dodging. Then hold down guard.

    Let me explain the use farther. In the most typical situation where you would want to use DTEG is after guarding or getting hit by your opponent's low punch. Since the recovery for a low punch is so short, your opponent can force you into a guessing game of a mid or high followup attack, or executing a throw. Of course, you can simply do a fuzzy block and continue to block your opponent's attacks, but let's say you are fairly sure your opponent will do a rising mid attack which if dodged, will give you frame advantage. So the best thing to do according to your guess is to dodge after the low punch, however, you can't be sure that your opponent is not going to throw, or do an attack string consists of multiple attacks. So by doing a throw escape and holding down guard, you increase your chance of avoiding those other options your opponent have while giving yourself a chance to gain initiative to attack. The DTEG or DDTEG (Dodge-DoubleThrowEscape-Guard) are not invincible. It also requires you to time the dodge at the sametime as your opponent attacks for a successful dodge. That is where your reaction becomes important. Assuming you performed the maneuver correctly, and your opponent did a rising mid. You will have dodged that attack and gained the initiative. If your opponent performs a throw, you have a certain chance of escaping the throw depending on who you are playing against and whether you did 1 or 2 throw escapes. If your opponent attacks with a string, for example, [P][K], you will dodge the first punch and guard the kick afterwards, which also gives you a slight initiative. Do not use it thinking it will help you out in every situation. It is something that requires alot of practice to master.

    Hope that explained it more clearly. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  5. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    One more thing, I was given the impression (from the trial mode) that this was a necassary maneuver. Is it really, or can I make it up the ranks without it?
  6. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    "the most typical situation where you would want to use DTEG is after guarding or getting hit by your opponent's low punch"
    when you guard a low punch you are at an advantage so there is no need to be defensive
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It's not necessary at all to beat the kumite computer ... d+P, throw will do that pretty easily. Or some pattern repeated over and over.

    To beat good humans I think it is.

    Trial training... 9C? I think is it ,, go through the entire trial training mode. You'll see the ones that teach you E DTE G or TTE etc etc.

    You can also set it up manually - go to training mode's record option. Have jacky do d+P, then P+G as action 1. Have him do d+P, d/f+P+G as action 2. Then have him do d+P, f+P,K as action 3. Play back with option1 at 33%, option 2 at 33%, and option3 at 34%.

    If you EDTEG correctly after every one of jacky's low punches you will never get hurt by his throws or elbow-heelkick.
  8. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Thats very helpful. Thanks a lot. But I dont think I have to learn it now because I am assured that it isnt needed agaisnt the comp, and the people I play with arent that advanced yet (like me). But thats a lot.

    Not to make this long and sorry if I am getting annoying but, what about reversals and the like? I can never anticipate the moves to reverse. Does anyone have tips for doing reversals? I use Wolf now, and his three reversals dont seem to be that important. But with other characters like Pai and Aoi, it seems like its their biggest asset. How can I reverse correctly?
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The hardest part of reversals is timing. The computer is pretty predictable with attacks. You have to press d+PK or db+PK or b+PK juuuuust before the attack would hit you. The easiest moves to reverse are canned combos. For example CPU vanessa loves to do the spinny backfist, sidekick, then another sidekick. You've probably seen it a hundred times. Once you're used to it you can easily dodge the sidekick or punish it another way... try playing wolf and pressing d/b+P+K just as the second sidekick is about to hit.

    There are similar canned kick combos from other characters, just keep your eyes open. If you have good reflexes, you can use wolf's low punch reversal against slow low punches like akira's df+P+K or lion's b,df+P.

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