how well will VF4 do on the playstaion?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Drunken_Master, Sep 27, 2001.

  1. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    in the west? do you think i could break VF in the west?

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  2. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    I don't think it could ever reach Tekken popularity in the west without a large change in the attitudes of the society.I do think however it will certainly help the VF cause greatly and maybe even double or tripple the popularity of the game.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  3. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    i will try to get all the people i know into this game even the scrub who thinks smash bros is a better fighting game than vf

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I think it'll do well among the PS2 audience in the West. Assuming that the graphics are pretty good anyways.

    Only time will really tell.
  5. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    the thing is i think a lot of people will get the game but misunderstand it like i almost did

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  6. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    I think it will draw alot of people in with the graphics initially but as soon as the the computer hands them their ass the love affair will be over. Leaving only the super compeititive and dedicated. The learning curve is just to big for the casual fighting game players. It will help if players can find someone good who they can see and play regularly then they have something to shoot for.

    Also DM I suggest you not try to force your friends to play they will only grow to resent the game.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  7. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    I don't know how closely this relates to the subject, but here goes:
    It would be nice if PS2 VF4's CPU adapts to the player's style, much like the CPU did for Saturn's VF2. I never played that version of VF2, and it sounds very interesting. And it might do wonders for the replay value of the game, because as you play, you'll have to find more ways to beat the CPU. And because the CPU adapts, the player would be forced to get better. Of course that's the general idea I get from what I've read. Never having played it, I don't know if it really worked like this.

    I think it will draw alot of people in with the graphics initially but as soon as the the computer hands them their ass the love affair will be over.

    I agree, but I think it's about the same with any game. Once the casual gamer gets to certain point (whether it's boredom, realizing the game's too hard or easy, tired of graphics, etc.), then it's on to something else.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=red>DOG</font color=red>
  8. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    I _hope_ it takes off... certainly AM2 seem to be aiming for a little more mainstream appeal.

    I agree that having the AI adapt to the player is an important factor, but in my experience most casual VF players tended to get stuck midway (Pai if she was in a bad mood, or if not her then Lion, or if not him then _definitely_ Jeffry).

    The other thing is that sugar rush games like Soul Calibur and DoA2 have spoiled players a little. Everyone reading this forum knows that you can mash buttons and still get impressive looking "specials" on a fairly regular basis in those games.

    VF doesn't offer this. Probably the most visually impressive aspect will be throws... so there needs to be some way to get beginners throwing...

    But realistically it all comes down to marketing anyway. I have no idea as to the licensing arrangement between Sony/Sega, but I hope like hell that Sony are responsible for promoting VF4 on PS2, and that they choose to give it a bug push. That will make more difference than AI tweaks, "crazy box" modes and art galleries, and what have you...

  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think another factor to help VF4's popularity would be a training mode that contains a move list for all of the characters. Anyone can pick up tekken or soul calibur, enter practice mode, and get a character's move list. For VF you have the instruction booklet (which is nothing near complete), or you have to take the trouble to find a FAQ online. Needless to say, having a move list built into the game is a lot more convient. And if people take the time to learn the special moves through the training mode (as lots of people done in tekken and soul calibur), then I would say they're (for the most part) into VF4 more than any casual player would have been fro the prevois installments.
  10. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    heh i got them in to wrestling so i will get them in to vf trust me :)

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It'll do better than VF4 in the arcades, but worse than tekken anything or capcom anything.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  12. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    The VF2 expert mode is very nice (I think the PC demo has it, definitely the PC full version)... the only flaw is that it saves ALL your moves for future reference, so if a scrub plays it the computer will get stupider (e.g. start high jumping or PPPKing a lot).
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    True. But, In the Saturn version you could delete the AI memory. So once you had become stronger than arcade mode (Hard mode) you then could take on expert mode with the knowledge that your routines were good.

  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    ewww...I was never good enuff to take on hard/expert mode on the saturn...then again..when I finally decided to get the saturn to play VF2...VF3OB came out in the arcades~!

    <font color=red>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  15. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Surely there's still time? Don't you have a Saturn? If not, I'm sure there must be some in specialist shops.

  16. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    You can clear the AI memory on the PC version as well, and you get to (sort of) record matches... they need to find someone else to do PC ports though, it's basically a copy of the Saturn version that runs slower.
  17. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more with your post. One of the things that VF games lacks is a good training mode. I don't like Tekken but I must say that the training system of Tekken is a work of art. I don't have to tell you the look in my face when I saw the training mode in VF3tb on DC.
    So I think that a good training mode in VF4 for PS2 can really mean the difference in people learning to love VF.
    Just imagine someone after a lot of practice doing his first SPoD.
    I am not a good Akira (Heta_Akira = Bad Akira) and I only got the SPoD in battle once. I was so excited that I lost that round. But I won the fight. I will always remember that fight. Always.

    Miguel Andujar "Heta Akira"

    Yuu Nen Hayain Da Yo!!! **
    ** You are ten years early!!!

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