Huge mistake in Jpn version of PS2 VF4Evo???

Discussion in 'Console' started by Pai_Garu, Mar 11, 2003.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I'm posting this to inform people who are getting the import version of VF4evo.

    Apparently, the way the custom character files are set up now effectively prevents players from bringing their own custom characters on their own memory cards and play it with a friend's custom character on their card.

    The reason for this is this. In an effort to reduce memory card saving time and to allow both players to load their character from the same card, the VF4evo save file, in addition to the system settings, will also include two slots for each character to store a customized file. For example, 1p Pai and 2p Pai will both show up when you put the character select cursor on Pai. Doing it this way allows both players to load from the same memory card, and when the game needs to save the data, it will only have to save one file on one card, thus reducing the save time by half.

    The problem here becomes, what happens if you want to load a character from memory card slot 2? Since now everything is in one big file instead of separate file for each customized character, the game will not be able to extract the character data from a separate save file. The only way to load the characters from a separate file, is if you take out the card you had in slot 1 before, and replace it with the new card that you want to load from. This, however, will overwrite the characters that were loaded before, thus you can never mix customized characters from two separate save files. This is a ridiculous mistake imo. For those who read the review on weekly famitsu, did they mention this problem?

    I sure hope there is a way around it, or being changed for the European or other releases later. For those who have tried the game, post your thought. I'd hate for something like this to ruin such a great title. Not being able to use your characters on someone else's game takes the point out of customization and things like scramble battle, mission mode, etc, and ultimately takes the fun out of playing the quest mode for new item... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    While this does look like a problem at the moment, perhaps when people have the MANUAL, which comes with the real game, a way to play with other character files will be revealed.

    It sure would suck if you couldn't, but I just can't imagine AM2 left this function out totally.

  3. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine AM2 doing a blunder like that either. I should have the original game sunday when I get mack from our console gathering or monday. If noone comes in before, I'll report my finds. (remembers I only have one memory card.... I'll see if I can borrow one...)
  4. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Not a real solution for big gatherings, but couldn't you just take your custom character from your card and when you go to a friends house to play or something, transfer your file to his on the memory card manager option on boot up? That way both custom characters are on one card. Then, after your game sessions, just transfer it back on your card.

    It may take some time, but if everyone plans on playing for a while, it'll save time in the long run.

    Still, that's a big mistake on Sega's part if it's true, and large gatherings will really suck.
  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    If there's truly no way around this problem, then this is a HUGE blunder by AM2. I hope this gets fixed for the U.S. release.....if there even IS one. PS2 Evo sounded too good to be true. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Does any one know if there's going to be an official VF4EVO stick released with the game at all ?
  7. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for the peply.Looks preety cool eh?
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    peply?Yeah I meant reply I'm just typing like a retard at the moment. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    but couldn't you just take your custom character from your card and when you go to a friends house to play or something, transfer your file to his on the memory card manager option on boot up?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unfortunatedly, you can not do that. VF4Evo will save ONE big file with the system setting AND the characters in it. If you try to copy that file from another mem card, it will overwrite it and you will lose all your characters and settings etc. Trying to load another save file in-game will void the settings, characters, etc, that was already loaded from the previous card. At least this is the only way I can get the game to do. I can read Japanese, and I have tried all that I can think of, and it doesn't look good right now. I'll have the real copy with the manual on thursday, I'll be able to know for sure by then. Judging from how poorly PS2 VerC's manual was written, however, makes me think that having the manual still won't provide a solution if there is one. I guess the only reason why I'm clinging onto hope is that if Sega really made this the ONLY way this time, then they have ruined half of the game... I wish this is not the case, so my search continues...

  11. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Maybe this problem is only there in pirated copies? I know it's unlikely, but there is a chance that sometimes a game would be messed up a little when done like that. Or maybe that's just wishfull thinking....

    It's not that big of a deal though. If it works for Quest mode in 1 player then I will be happy. We can always do regular versus /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Well, for the record, the version I got my hands on is the full dvd image. The only explaination I have for it right now is that either
    1) This is not the final retail version.
    2) This is how it's going to be because Sega wants people to keep playing in the arcade.

    Cause I really don't see a reason why they'd overlook something like this, so if it ends up to be how it is right now, it must be intentional. I just wonder if famitsu weekly complained about this issue in their review of the game. Seems like something they'd write about cause this is a big change from how Ver C handled the issue.

  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    people may have already tried this, but I thought MAYBE this would be a way to get it to work (even though there would be some big questions about how it'd work).

    Make 2 different system files on 2 cards, the way two friends would. Then, copy one to the other card in the PS2 memory card menu. Now that 2 system files are on that card, each with different characters, try booting the game with that card, and MAYBE it will boot all characters from both files for use in versus play?

    With the old PS2 version, this is basically how it worked... all the different character files on whatever memory card was in the slot were available as soon as you hit the select button. Even once the window was open for picking custom characters, you could pop that card out and stick another in and the game would read the new card without a hitch.

    Perhaps this same idea will apply here somehow? To access the different character files, the PS2 didn't have to "load" each file on the memory card, it just looked for them. Maybe this version will look for any character files available on the one card, and update them all when you "save system file" after exiting the mode you're in.

    Probably won't work, but worth a shot if people haven't tried it.

  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I tried that last night, spotlite. It doesn't work that way because the file is automatically named VF4EVO System, and if you try to copy it to a card with an existing file, the PS2 will overwrite it. There are also no way that I know to save a character as a 'separate' character file by itself aside from the system file.

  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Have you tried just using two memory cards - each one with its own system (the way two friends would) WITHOUT trying to copy files?
    Then starting VS mode and see what happens?

    Another thought. Gran Turismo 3 had a feature called Load Guest Garage to pull your friends saved cars off another memory card for vs play. Is there some feature like that?
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The problem is, once past the loading at boot up, the game does NOT load from the memory card anymore unless you specifically load the system file from options. So even if you pull out the memory cards at the vs screen, you can still load the characters, which makes putting a card in the second slot, even the first slot, pointless. I've given that idea a try though already, and it doesn't do anything. There is no way to load ANYTHING from the 2nd player slot, even the system file.

  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    So I guess "the way to go" would be for a group to nominate a single mem card for use during their versus sessions. That way, nobody can secretly rank up their character at home, etc, and in turn encourages you to play more often with your group. Almost like the arcade where the data is centralised on a server.

    But, one problem I've heard of is that you can't store more than 2 of the same character on the one save. Is this true? If it is, then it'll suck for large gatherings and any small or local groups who have more than 2 people wanting to play the same character.

    For the group I play with, this is not a problem. We have enough character variety such that no more than two people play the same character.. but still.
  18. woodman

    woodman Member

    i think for now that would be the best far ive noticed its easier to rank up in this version. i got to 3rd dan alot quicker than in the original VF4. so having one memory card for gatherings seems like a fine idea...i mean it wont matter once the game shark codes come out for items and such. rankings dont really matter when playing friends.
  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can rank up much faster in Evo arcade as well, it's not a change to the home version. The problem is though, is that if everyone else is at a rank higher than you, no one will be able to rank up, cause you only rank when you beat opponents of your same rank.....
  20. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Myke it seems that you cannot have more than 2 profiles per character thus far.

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