I fucking *DARE* someone to find a cheesier AI character...

Discussion in 'Console' started by Isamu, Sep 2, 2003.

  1. Isamu

    Isamu Active Member

    ...than Wolf in VF4:EVO!!![​IMG]

    Holy fucking Wiscons BATMAN! 9th Dan Wolf or higher is the absolute CHEEESIEST fucking character I have ever seen in my entire life!!![​IMG] I DARE someone to prove that there is an A.I. character that pulls off cheaper moves than this ******!!![​IMG] How in the living butthair dandruff particles do you beat this prick? He is CONSTANTLY swinging and flailing his arms and/or trying to grab and throw me! He leaves very little room for attack and blocks more moves than any other AI character.

    I went into the Sega south arcade(the sixth one) or whatever the fuck it's called with like a 180/28 win ratio and was at 9th Dan. After finally getting all 10 character emblems I left that shithole 8th Dan and a win ratio of 243/62 mainly because of losses to Wolf's cheap ass A.I.[​IMG] The arcade in general is hard as fuck! Every A.I. comes straight from *image deleted because CreeD is lame and wants people not to link to huge images!*
    PS: it said "house of cheese" if anyone is curious.

    I can't buleeve how much they ramped up the A.I. in this arcade! And I haven't even entered the tournament yet...just qualified!! I can't even begin to fathom what the next and final arcade is gonna be like! Somebody go kill the guy that coded Wolf's A.I. 9th Dan or higher!!! [​IMG]

    VF4:Evo cheapness>>>>>F-Zero difficulty!!!!!!
  2. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    You know you love it snappy. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Come on say it say it!!!!
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Yeah, wolf's a bastard because his throws hurt so much. It's really important to go through the command training and learn how to throw escape... until then characters like wolf can really crush you. You'll have to either escape throws after every blocked move or get used to never using counterable attacks (use only safe moves and don't try to throw wolf very much yourself).

    I stick to the second method.

    PS: I hate to be lame, but I had to kill the link to the giant image in your post. A small one is ok, but one that takes up the whole page is too much. A lot of people are still stuck on 56K modems, ja know?
  4. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    I am not sure about it being harder than F-Zero GX as well /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  5. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    I find the Vanessa (and sometimes Lei Fei and Brad) AI to be more difficult and "cheap". I swear her punches in defensive stance are just way too fast and damaging...
  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    one of the main things you have to oversome vs the Evo wolf AIs is the screw lariat, wolf's HCB+PP. The CPU LOVES to endlessly whore this move, and it's uncounterable and pushes you away on guard. But, learning to deal with this move properly will make you a better Wolf beater in real life as well, so...

    The key is to crouch under the second hit of the move, which will let you throw Wolf, or nail him with the move of your choice. It's also reversable as a high punch. Also, I'd recommend not attacking out of Tech Rolls against him, as he'll usually hit you for an MC hit.

    hope this helps

  7. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    I woulda figured you woulda said Kage cuz to me his AI in general is the lamest. I had to learn to stop than Jumoniji BS so I could keep what's left of my sanity. Other than Kage's my ultimate Quest is enemy is the Lei Fei with black orb (Heru?). Don't even think about tossin' him after a non throw counterable move or "HU!" Die you baby haired son of a bitch!
  8. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Me too, I totally get raped by Heruru.
    but I always get bitch kicked by f'n Sarah with her flamingo stance. ANd Pai is killer as well.

    The 6th ARcade IS damn hard. My ratio dropped from like 88% to like early 70s...damn. Back to training mode!
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    If you think the 6th arcade is hard, wait till you reach the last one. All they do is : Dodge -> throw, and they punish every other mistake. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  10. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Wolf's not a piece of cake, but compared to high rank Shun...even low rank shun is hard to hit.....

    It's the most unpredictable character throughout the game. I never know what he's going to do next.

    For the 2nd place as the cheesiest AI I would place Sarah and Pai both. Sarah's [K][K][2]+[K] in F stand and [K][K][K] in F stance are the cheesiest moves in the whole game. No, really, once she hits you with the first, you get kicked by the second, and you don't know which one comes next, if it's [K] or [2][K]. The first is medium, the second is low so you can't even crouch that.

    Worst yet, if the AI detects you guarded [K][K][K] or just [K] or maybe [K][K] you'll get thrown. It's the character with biggest Force tactic moves in the game. Oh, and if for some reason you dodge [K], you're hit with [K]. If you dodge the second hit, she delays and hits you with the third one.

    The problem is not Sarah. She's a fine character (and a fine girl..), it's just that the AI works like a farseer. They know everything you do once you press the button for at least 1 single frame. They AI detects your movements and antecipates you.

    Humans might be unpredictable against each other, and even learn from their mistakes throughout the match (and not get caught in the same trick), but altough they are mighty opponents when they're strong, vfevo's AI is much stronger because it predicts your movements, and no human can do that...
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sesshoumaru_Sama said:
    vfevo's AI is much stronger because it predicts your movements, and no human can do that...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you are a fucking retard, calling you a fucking retard doesn't describe how much of a fucking retard you are, fucking retard!
  12. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Sir, yes sir! /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  13. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Wolf can really do be hard character to win. But he gives you many places to throw. I usually use throws against him. He also uses almost always is same half round[P][P]. Getting down on the second hit gives you good situation to throw. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Practise Wolf's guarantee throw situations! Hope this helps you, if not, ask some more for me! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    The AI isn't hard. It's predictable and samey. There's no point whinging about one guy being harder to beat than any other either, it's just a matter of learning their moves and how to defend/counter them. If you're getting beat by Wolf alot then you're doing it WRONG
  15. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Low punch! If you're like me and throw escape by accident, low punch is the way to go.
  16. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member

    The AI isn't too hard. But when they want to block/throw escape everything they can. That can get a bit annoying.
  17. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    To me getting thrown is not a problem, I always do reversals by damage. The problem I have is being big and slow and getting fking low punch to death. When AI does a low rising attack and I block I should get low throw but instead they (A) back dash before I can thow
    (B) Dodge before I can throw or (C) low punch before I can throw. And its really fun when theyre' crouched in a tech get up but my low throw whiffs! Or how about when I get a back stagger and get low puched before my next moves animation can even start. You get the picture. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif [P][K][G][6][P][G] [4][3][P][K] [K][K][P]
  18. Isamu

    Isamu Active Member

    Hi guys. Just for the record the arcade I was referring to is The Uptown arcade. I finally beat it today and glad that's over. Moved up the Sega North side or whatever it's called, where you gotta beat the top three players. So far...laughably impossible to beat hardly anyone. I'm using Lau for the record. This is the seventh arcade. How many more arcades left? Not giving up though /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    You only got one more arcade to go. I find players like Lion and Lei to be more chesseir than any one else.
    Both their styles are a little confusing because they go from mid to low attacks in an instant. Plus i've gotten to the finally arcade only with Goh right now (so image my pain, a lot of times I have to wait for a gauranteed throw or run and counter).
    I dont find Wolf too be bad because he has alot of those guaranteed throw moves and when he does his [6][3][2][1][4][P][P], duck under the first punch and you have a throw.

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