I have a problem downloading files and streaming video

Discussion in 'General' started by Poppa, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    When I try to download files, the downloads would stop prematurely. If I press refresh, it wouldn't start. I would have to choose "save file as" to get the file.

    Same thing happens on youtube. When I stream video, the video would stop prematurely. And if I refresh the page, it wouldn't start at all. Unlike the files, I'm pretty screwed when it comes to videos since I can't really view them any other way.

    I thought it might be a firewall problem, but when I turned it off, I still have the same problem. Then I thought it might be my browser (firefox 1.5). So I uninstalled it and installed Firefox 2.0...

    Still the same problem.

    Someone had told me that it could be my connection. But I doubt it considering I live in a well known city and use a well known internet service (high speed).

    So, this problem is really driving me crazy. Is there any way for me to solve the issue? Or is it something I have to live with?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I suggest you clear your temp files. Ccleaner is a great program that will clear all your temp files safely.
  3. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot...

    I haven't got a chance to test it and see whether or not that fixed the problem (although, I've freed up ~500Mb of space in my PC /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif, so I'm sure it must've fixed some problems)...

    The reason I haven't got a chance is because I discovered another problem. After I finished with CCleaner, I decided to run WinASO Registry Optimizer.

    While it was scanning my PC (a laptop, just in case that may be important), my laptop...turned off.

    Yup...just turned off.

    It seems to happen whenever I run the WinASO Registry Optimizer. I have no idea why, it just does.

    Yup...I have a pretty fucked up computer...

    Edit: It seems to happen when I do a virus scan too. It doesn't have a screen or anything, it just turns off (like if someone were to suddenly unplug a desktop PC).

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