I think VFDC is awesome

Discussion in 'General' started by Plague, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I enjoy VF as a huge part of my life. Even though I played the game before I'd even heard of the internet, things would not be the same for me without Virtua Fighter Dot Com.

    It really means a lot that so many people contribute:

    Myke PAYS to host it

    Akai does his best to keep things civil AND runs a worldwide online tournament.

    The whole mod crew cares about what happens here and discusses given situations before acting.

    Active members like Feck volunteer to mod character forums and post combos.

    Creative members like Johoseph make informative videos.

    Dedicated members like L_A spend $60 to $100 a week to make offline events like WNF more inviting to new VF players.

    Brisal73 and Shag run social pages that send traffic here.

    Strong players share strategy.

    Online regulars help each other get better.

    VFDC is beautiful.

    And it has ugliness.

    It has people that cut other people down mercilessly.

    It has people that actively hate the game.

    It has people that discourage contribution.

    It has people that encourage others to do these ugly things.

    None of this ugliness is warranted, expected, or forced.

    It's choice.

    If you think you're one of these people who do these things I call ugly, please choose to stop.

    I'm not saying anyone needs to go out of their way to be nice.

    I'm not saying anyone needs to can the shit talk if they're trying to build rivalry.

    I am saying to talk shit like a responsible person. Here's how that's done:

    Say things like this...

    "I can throw that player all day."

    "I can counter hit that player all night."

    "I can FT 10 that player any given week."

    Then back it up or shut your fucking mouth.

    No need to say someone else sucks, call them names, or try to make their lives miserable. Even when I think someone deserves something, I don't have to take action.

    And if you're good at VF and someone's saying you're not, fucking grow a pair. Don't jump down their neck. Someone else will back you up before you know it. Because that's what we do here at VFDC: We stand up for each other. We protect our community. And we open it to new people.

    Destructive assholes have no place here. And they deserve no praise or support.

    We play a beautiful game that enhances our lives through friendships we may never have made.

    We've got a manufacturer that supports us.

    We've got a website that stands for everything awesome about Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown and all the games that came before.

    Celebrate it.

    I certainly do.

    And it feels good.
    Ellis, IcKY99, G0d3L and 34 others like this.
  2. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    Great post, Plague :) Couldn't hit that like button fast enough.
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    If by that you mean a barebones console port that isn't identical to the arcade version running in Japan, like SEGA claimed, with horrendous disconnection issues on the PSN that SEGA will never address.. Then yes.
  4. Airegin

    Airegin Well-Known Member

    Wonderful thread. Found this site a few years before vanilla came out, then reconnected with it right before the launch of FS. If it wasn't for all the fine people that put in the work here, I wouldn't have discovered the great NorCal scene. Now I'm hitting up local tournies and getting to know some wonderful personalities. All for a series that everyone calls "dead".

    So for all the flak that's been coming up, here's a new member that's happy to say he thinks VFDC is awesome. Many thanks for all the hard work.
    Chanchai likes this.
  5. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    1. I think people take the shit talk too seriously... as long as it isnt personal, no big deal imo

    2. uglyiness is required for "beauty" be apparent.... a needed evil...

    3. People can post helpful information if they want to. That has nothing to do with the "ugly" part of VFDC. People dont post helpful information for any number of reasons. If people wanted to help the community so much then they can be the change they want to see in it. The character forums are pretty dead not because of this ugliness but because of the fact that people are not posting in those forums. I have posted many things in the jacky forum of VFDC and i have made TONS of videos to help new players and continuing players alike. Other people have also posted but that doesnt mean more cannot be done.

    Plague: You yourself barely post unless it is about WNF. Which is fine, but why aren't YOU posting information and helping players on the forums for the character you play? Be the change you want to see in the community.

    Akai does a great job with the circuit and that is a tremendous help to the community in terms of leveling up. We Stream those events for people to watch and enjoy when it is possible. The people complaining about the community should be the ones to stand up and fix it...
    Sozos likes this.
  6. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Um, I've not encountered much drama here and frankly, VFDC is a great place to find tourneys, see/find streams and the shit talk, for the most part, is pretty competition oriented and not personal.

    I have to say I don't like face to face events where someone won't shake my hand (last WNF as an example...fuck that guy), but overall, VF community is the best I've seen. Even though FS is a step backwards in the evolution of Virtua Fighter, I hope the community still marches forward. One day WE can get a 700+ participant event for VF only in the states. BT...holy shit..that's what I want for us.
  7. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Also...wtf is up with 1kf's constant dissing of this community? I've never had a problem with it and it's friendly mostly and helpful...

    1kf, no personal beef, but you really belong to Tekken or DoA. Seriously.
  8. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    The above concern me greatly.

    <3. Thanks Tarisu.
    Cozby likes this.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    The list of things I like could go on for pages.

    People like Shidosha speak incredible commentary.

    People like Chibiaya make informative podcasts with legendary guests.

    People like GoatCheeseBlues teach me to play VF.

    People like Hseiken drive over 100 miles just to play at WNF.

    People like 001 offer service to mod VSHGs for 360.

    There's stuff from the past...

    People like Brisal73 became my friend outside of VF.

    People like akiralove introduced the idea of a house party to me.

    People like Shag demonstrated that people would fly to them.

    People like adamYUKI, Chief_Flash, Gentlemen Thief, Shou, and more illustrate that dedication to the game makes for magical performances.

    I've been here since January of 2002. I've made over 5000 posts. A lot of them involve life altering events.

    I haven't always treated people in ways they enjoy.

    If I had a chance to start over in my post, I know that words like beautiful and ugly are subjective. I used those words to define what I like and do not like.

    This thread is for everyone. Share what you like about VFDC. Share what you dislike.

    Most importantly, take ownership. Take ownership of VFDC. Foster these thoughts inside yourselves: I live here. This is my home. Do not come in here and shit on my furniture. I have to clean that up and the smell fucking lingers.

    Do what you can to make VFDC a place where new people come in and think "I want to be included."
    Alstein, Tricky, Kobi and 1 other person like this.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    +1 Plague, felt a little sad reading this in light of recent events. Met some great people through this game, I suppose in a forum setting it's just easier for people to concentrate on the negative stuff.

    I guess I may come across as negative to some people, especially on the shoutbox but I think that my poor ways with words just betray my intentions sometimes, that and I find it really hard to take anything seriously.

    Hope people have gotten used to that by now :(
    hseiken1 likes this.
  11. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    People dc a lot on PSN? Does it not have the smiley face grade? It's honestly rare to see it over Live, like a deliberate pull at the end in ranked. Occasionally it will cut out if they have a bad conn, or your router decided to reset, but in general, it's fine, with even darker grey boxes playing OK overseas. HellJoker666 is like the only guy I ever see, night after night on there searching the ranked match-up screen, and he's an obvious dropper with a full red icon that I should think most people avoid by now anyway.
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    It's a netcode/PSN or game problem that is prevalent and beyond annoying. It happens non stop in rooms and every now and then in ranked, it's not related to people actually DC'ing themselves, the game auto DC's them regardless..
  13. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    That sounds most unfortunate. The solution though is obviously to get an Xbox, and if you hurry, the game is even on sale :) Partying up with mic chat with good players here adds another dimension to it all, and the matches for the most part, are generally lagless with no break up. Decent 360 sticks are available on Amazon...
  14. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Not getting a 360, FS is the is the only game with this issue on PS3. Other devs are more responsive to their fans and patch problems with netcode, along with whatever other issues are spotted within their game.. SEGA doesn't care so whatever.
  15. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Depends on the game and the developer. SEGA and Capcom are partial to the Xbox where Namco and Nether Realms are partial to PS3.
  16. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Can you blame them? Sony ended them as a console manufacturer. Sony has been in bed with Namco since it launched the PS1 with Tekken and Ridge Racer, games which arguably aped SEGA's arcade innovations, but adding more mainstream gloss for more profitability. Besides, FS is free software on PS3. so you can hardly expect them to waste what resources they have pandering to a whiny group of skinflints who probably never had a Dreamcast when it mattered, yet happily pay full price for games like TTT2. The differences between the two versions are subtle, but if you care about the game beyond casual mashery for a few weeks, and want to see the company behind it flourish, then clearly 360 is the way forward.

    If you look on SRK, there's well documented problems with all sorts of fighting games on the PSNetwork (or should that be, Notwork? :p). The great big elephant in the room, is Sony grossly miscalculating just how important and popular online play would be some years back. A hacked environment riddled with roll-back and lazy trolls. Ironically then, that this oversight in not putting together a decent internet gaming experience, may well yet lead to them emulating a humbling SEGA style departure from the physical hardware business.

    Tell us what you've seen in faraway forgotten lands. Where empires have turned back to sand​
    Dragonps likes this.
  17. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    PSN got hacked again the other night. Something about encryption keys?
  18. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    They just cracked the firmware again. The encryption keys they got are for decrypting the new firmware updates from sony, doing some technical stuff with it, and encrypting them again, so that they can be used with custom firmware. Bottom line:
    CFW on ps3 can be used with PSN and sony cant counter it with firmware updates, since the updates can just be de- and encrypted again, so they work with the CFW.
    No problem for users, but sony is fucked now.
  19. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I could not hit the like button fast enough on this post, it's people like you my friend that
    enforce my belief in Sega and the community as a whole :)
  20. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I enjoy this website too. When I first got VF5 and was not learning quick, or knowing combos well, i thot "there has to be a dedicated website, no?"

    A short google search later here i was, and have been here ever since. I'd not have gotten the small amount of skill i had if not for this site. I had played VF4 and had no idea of the nikatu, fuzzy, etc... (well some from dojo training), but not an in depth knowledge of any of it. Granted, i only played quest mode, so it wasn't that necessary.

    This site is what turned this game from a casual, quickly forgotten gaming experience and into a passionate hobby that i want to get better and better at. It has enriched my gaming experience as well as introduced me to a wealth of awesome people.

    All that sad, its not without its warts. There are some failings that i don't enjoy. I believe its a cultural issue, as in: the mods have inactively set by while the culture of these forums have been allowed to grow ever more vitriolic. --I realize its not a majority per say, but its a vocal minority. And truth is, there are some that participate in these activities that i personally like, but don't necessarily like the way they conduct themselves on here.

    I believe a more stringent set of forum participation rules, enforcement of those rules, and a system of warnings, and escelating bans could clean this place up. I know it won't be a well-regarded opinion by many, but to me it would be a way to continue growing the game. We have a "VF-baby-boomer" style gamer base. And if there are not efforts to harbor the next generation of VFers, kids who are young teens, then VF will slowly die off as the mature player base starts aging.

    We need to create a community that encourages a pipeline of good young players to join. What parent in their right mind would let their kids knowingly come to this site? Even if the hatred and poor behavior is generally limited to the bad games thread, its still right there, easily accessed, available for consumption by all.


    This is the forums for my favorite action MMO. The behavior that occurs on this site would get folks banned in under a day, and perma-banned when they came back, lol.

    Here is a link to their forum rules: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/1413

    It would be a little overly harsh given the competitive nature of this game, but there are things there the mods should adopt. Things like no personal insults or attacks, things like cracking down on vulgar language. Making personal or private information of others available. Or using slur words, or posting pics that have them as memes.

    Even putting a filter that changes or !@#$% certain words as to keep it more family friendly. I'm not saying this site should be a kids forum, or that healthy debate and constructive criticism shouldn't be encouraged. I think removing these aspects would make this site a greater source of discussion for the actual game, strategies, techniques, etc.

    Of course, I realize that we are not all of the same maturity level, or morality level. That many among us don't mind this language and actions at all. But as a mature adult, who possesses intelligence, the ability to articulate my thoughts, and common decency, I'd not complain to see more of those things exhibited on these forums.

    tldr--More forum rules of conduct, people exercising more common sense, and common decency would not only make this site a more enjoyable place, but it would make profitable in growing VF and promoting its continuing success.

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