Idea to promote the game?

Discussion in 'General' started by Ylyon, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to push this awesome game and make other people approach it.... and I thought that a lot of players think it's too technical and complex. Or they don't grasp the basics of the game. What if we ask Sega for the permission to translate and publish as ebook its VF master guide (updated)? I'm pretty sure there are some fans who are also translators from Japanese (like me, lol) who can do it. I don't know if the guide is an exclusive copyright by Sega or what, but if so, having an official document in our language(s) would help, I guess.
  2. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    A lot of these threads come up here (I myself made one) and I can tell you the same thing that is always repeated. This game needs more exposure in many ways. Tutorials, streaming, advertising, promotion etc. We need to do it as a community
  3. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    It's unfortunate that we don't have the backing of a big name from the 2D community. I mean that itself would drive the game.

    But I think the big name players showing up to all the tournaments is a good start. If a well known competitor is playing the game than others will too.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    You mean like Tekken has a big 2D name to back them?

    They don't, really, aside from the occasional Ryan Hart (and 'occasional' is putting it lightly :p ).

    What they DO do (and do WELL) is --

    1) have a good website(s) with active community members that constantly contribute and trade information (we do as well, and almost as good)

    2) have die-hard community members that hold Tekken tournaments in good AND bad climates (even after T6 was dropped from EVO and deaded by MLG, I would still see the die-hard Tekken-ites playing each other online and off, and holding tournaments at majors, even if they were community-ran side tournaments; this is improving for our VF community, but its still sorely lacking for us)

    3) have THEIR OWN big name players (Aris, Rip, Anakin, Fighting GM, Myk, Pokchop, etc) with plenty of footage showing off high-level, high-skilled play, which represents the benchmarks for lower and intermediate players (something we SORELY SORELY SORELY lack, we have big name players, like Rodnutz, GT, Flash, Myke, LA Akira, Dre, Tricky, etc, but very little/almost NO FOOTAGE of them of them playing, online OR offline)

    4) have community-produced video content with tutorials, match commentary, tournament archives, streams, in-depth character tutorials, combo vids, etc (this is our biggest problem. I don't think VFDC'ers realize how much the new generation of fighting game players depend on YouTube content. And for that, we are suffering greatly for it -- it's a large reason why outside players do not have an understanding of VF (don't expect them to drop their main game to figure out how to play VF). For the most part, the majority of our video content for FS comes from DandyJ and, believe it or not, Tekken players making FS combo vids. :p Even KOF beats us out in this department.)
    Genesis, Tricky, Bilal and 1 other person like this.
  5. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Sorry blackstar the 2 statements in my post were separate. The first one was just a wish. Having a big name from a 2D game WOULD help the scene. The 2nd statement was basically your #3. :)

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    *re-reads posts*

    You're right. :eek:
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Be smart when promoting the game to other people. Shit like "It's the deepest most balanced game ever!" doesn't cut it when they ask you "why?". Be able to explain the game from a general perspective in under 10 minutes. Talk about the pace (1-2 hits), the mid/ throw mix up and how stuff like Fuzzy Guard beats the opponents offense, the two choice system.

    Be able to drop some VF knowledge on them, like stuff from the past. Juggles and bounds for example are a VF staple, yet dip shits say " VF is better than Tekken because in Tekken all you do is juggle.". I was correcting fools left and right (kindly ) when they would see a combo and be like "that's some Tekken shit." I was like " nah , that's VF and always has been.". People just don't what VF has brought to the table, aside from being the first 3D game, and even that's starting to fade with lack of knowledge and sometimes pure retardation.

    Beast in the game. Practice flow charts and covering yourself so you don't get beat by people who play it to troll the game, especially coming from other games.

    Trying to get on the video tip myself. The thing with SEGA games is that there is all sorts of hidden stuff that isn't all that explained or understood (option selects for example). While its probably too late for FS to make a splash, this could be where the community picks and starts to intelligently promote the game, so when VF 6 drops its not the same story we have been through before.
  8. IntheQueensName

    IntheQueensName Active Member

    Play the game.

    I consider myself a new VF player and I'm just looking for people to play the game against. I watch the WNF VF from SoCal and wish I had access to that kind of weekly competition and camaraderie. If you want to promote the scene than show people that you are playing the game because without that there is no scene. I'd like to thank people like IronMyke, LAAkira, Plague, Shidosha, etc. for the promotion they've done to expose me and educate me about the game. If you as a player want more players to join your scene than you need to reflect the changes you want to see. How you want to do that is up to you. I just want to play.

    PS I'll be looking for casuals at the up coming NEC tournament in Philly.
  9. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    ehm, I appreciate all comments but nobody mentioned anything about the possible translation.... I guess it interestes only me :p
  10. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    as far as im aware of, its outdated?
  11. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    yes, but nothing that can't be fixed in 10 minutes
  12. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    It will be far more that 10 minutes, I am afraid
  13. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    exactly afraid by the time it would get finished it would be waaaaay too late to matter
  14. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    the guide is already FS, you just have to update to version A.... an issue of Arcadia Magazine contains all the changes
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    There was found/updated a lot of things since the release of the article I am afraid.
    Plus there are not THAT much of player knowledgable eought to be able to do this. Not to mention most of this players will not do it at 1st place I am afraid
  16. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    the revision 1 changes, I guess. Oh, well, forget it then ;) it was not such a clever idea, lol
  17. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I do not know, I am just scepticv about practical aplication. May be nice to have something like this, that is for sure
  18. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    Firsthand I'd like to congrats Ylion for the post and Chibiaya for the cool streams!
    I don't speak Japanese for translating the guides or have the tools for streaming, guy I even don't have a current generation console, "I'm just a fanboy" who was more active during his VF4 days. But you know what? I'll do my best to promote the scene. And the only thing I have to share is my toughts, my ideas, and it is way more important than any material thing I have to share. Come on folks, share your ideas!
  19. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    Now to the ideas...probably it isn't the most important thing but I'll start with it.

    We live in the internet era, the start of an age of quick and easy communication. Websites, stream and video channels, social networks...they're all key elements, IF used wisely. If not, they're just a waste of time and money.
    Thinking about the web as a city, VFDC is our house, our arcade. Our arcade is the best when it comes to our game, but it's all about our OWN game. But we need to go play our game, and in this way, showcase it in multi-franchise arcades too. Not only in the few big arcades but in the myriad of little arcades too.

    As a tip, why don't start posting at ? You wouldn't need to double your work, you could post the very same stuff we have here, Ctrl+C Ctrl+V! I could do it by myself, but I can't as I'm not currently playing the game, due to monetary limitations by the way. I personally found the SEGA official series of videos on youtube for VF5FS short, simple, but surprisingly instructive. I'm not sure if SEGA would mind cutting the links off if I posted them on SRK, probably not, but surely you have the rights of your uploads.

    Just give it a try, as many persons here hopelessly signed up the petition for FV5FS on consoles just giving it a try too :)
    Ylyon likes this.
  20. IntheQueensName

    IntheQueensName Active Member

    No I have some interest in this but I don't speak or read japanese. Regarding translation I've been finding tons and tons of "tech" videos in japanese and I'd like to see some of those videos translated and explained in english or other languages.
    Tricky likes this.

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