If ms wins..

Discussion in 'General' started by Shadowdean, Feb 28, 2003.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

  2. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Sega has to be the worst run company in the videogame business, right behind Acclaim. Its a shame Sony hasn't even considered buying them. I thought that Sega Sammy thing stunk...

    I have to prepare myself for the fact that the only way I might get to experience evo is by importing it. Who is running Sega a bunch of monkeys?
  3. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    With the power of the X-Box and the money of MS we could have a wonderful set of VF games. We'll see how this pans out. I'm personally pulling for MS, since I hate EA with a passion. Although, either would be better than that crapass Sammy merger.
  4. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Another advantage for Sega fans with MS buying Sega would be eliminating the need to buy that many consoles. I'm dreading 2005 for maybe having to buy a PS3 for VF5 and an Xbox 2 for Shenmue 3. Aaargh my wallet!!!
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    SM3 is XBox, not XBox2.
    I better cut it of here before I delve into some of the uninformed comments on this page in a rage that knows no bounds.

    Just this tough Sammy/Sega is going ahead despite silly rumours, the CEO will be the current chairman of Sammy but Sega will have the majority, Sammy is a company that each year turns a big profit(this fiscal year wel over 200 million dollars again)
  6. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Did anybody buy the last Shenmue?

    I guess that's why Sega is in the position its in now. Or maybe going multiplatform cost it too much. Lets face it EA clobbered them in the sports department.
  7. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    I was rambling fishie /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  8. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Sega's problems stem mainly from the nature of today's gaming market. Most console owners are "casual" gamers who only own a small handful of titles, which are inevitably recognizable brand names like Madden, Tomb Raider, Lord of the Rings, and so on. What does the average American think when he sees the box for Mortal Kombat 5?

    "Uh, Mortal Kombat. I remember that. It has blood. Huh huh huh huh huh. Cool."

    Oh well, at least VF4 sold pretty well in this country; much better than I honestly expected. As for Evo, unless Sega goes completely bankrupt in the next six months, I'll expect to see it on our store shelves by Memorial Day.

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