if you live in the uk

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Drunken_Master, Aug 22, 2001.

  1. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    check out the latest issue of the offical playstaion its got a Tekken vs VF feature in it and its got ice9 in it

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  2. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    i meant offical playstaion magzine

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  3. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    i meant offical playstaion magzine

    Er, do you wanna have one more go at it? ;)
  4. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Maybe you or someone else could be so noble as to type out a few passages from this feature....? Being poor, I can't afford £5 for a mag.
    Thanks in advance.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ok i havent got it but it trys to judge what the best game is out of the two and in the end tekken is declared the winner

    they pull out some quotes that ice9 said about the games and some quotes that some other person from a tekken forum. basicly its a load of shit and was a lot shorter that i thought it would be
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    hey ice9

    do you know about this?
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: hey ice9

    fuck i forgot to log in these last two posts were drunken masters
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Well that's a little bit twisted, I didn't know a "winner" was going to be declared. I haven't seen the article myself though, so I don't know how it's set up. If you want a transcript of what I wrote, I posted it a month or two back, go search for it (I'm on a 56 kps, sorry).
  9. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    heh and they didnt get into a real deep debate about the games maybe they were scard to really compare them

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  10. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    pk next week i will

    try nad get myself a copy of the magzine and type it all out here

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I don't remember them declaring a winner between VF4 and Tekken 4. I remember that they mentioned Sega and Namco cooperatively doing a marketing promotion with a "rivalry" between the two.

    Did Tekken 2 actually come out before VF2 in the arcades?! That's something I remember seeing in the timeline.

  12. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    no its not about that advert its a feature in a magzine about what game will be better

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Yes, I know that. But I was mentioning that I remember that they were talking about the advert, in the feature, in the magazine. (redundancy in that last sentence was on purpose). I do not remember them declaring a winner when I read that magazine article though (about 2-3 weeks ago while grocery shopping).

    However, looking back at the root (and subject) of this thread.... I read the Official Playstation Magazine printed in the US. I'm guessing the article was different than the one I read in the Official Playstation Magazine that was printed in the UK?
  14. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    are you talking about the same mag as me? there been at least 4 ps2 mags with tekken vs VF you know?

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I just reedited that last message a bit before you posted, my bad. I just acknowledged you were talking about Official Playstation in UK. And that I read the one that was printed (I think) in the US.

    I don't think they quoted Ice in the US magazine either...

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