IGN Empire Looking for a Buyer.

Discussion in 'General' started by Krafty Matt, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    GameDaily reports on a NYPost report that IGN is looking for a buyer. $850 Million will net you IGN.com, Gamespy, Gamespy Arcade/3D multiplayer services, Fileplanet, ect ect. Here's the story:

    According to the NY Post, IGN Entertainment is seeking buyers for their internet empire. Reports say the company is looking to sell for nearly $850 million, and may go public. Great Hill partners purchased IGN in 2003 for $26 million. Lehman Brothers, a global finance firm, is helping the company explore its options and large media conglomerates, such as Viacom, are among IGN's top suitors.

    According to Media Metrix, IGN and its sister sites attract over 25 million users a month. This includes GameSpy, RottenTomatoes, FilePlanet, TeamXbox, and VE3D. IGN also provides online gaming technology for hundreds of video game developers.

    Anyone have $850 Million laying around that I could borrow?

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