Imagine if there's Street Fighter X Virtua fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by total_tekken6, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. total_tekken6

    total_tekken6 Member

    Would you like to see a Street Fighter Vs. Virtua Fighter? If so, which side will you choose & why? I suggest it a full 3D gameplay or maybe a 3.5D where it's 4D on a 3D interface. Would that be a greaat Idea for the future? Thanks.
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    4D? What, with the game having you travel through time or something? [​IMG]
  3. def

    def Well-Known Member

    I just dreamed this the other night.
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    This shit might happen someday:)
  5. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

    I'll just take megamix2 with a nice engine
  6. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    If Sega and Capcom can the game right, they should go for it.[/size]
  7. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    If it has SFIV fighting mechanics then keep that shit away from me...
  8. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

  9. Kenshearer

    Kenshearer Active Member

    lol. Innit.
  10. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm not gonna outright say no, only because Sega displayed what they could do to the VF characters with SF mechanics, and people were outright blown away. In fact, there were tons of people on the SRK boards at least that said they would try VF if it played like that.

    Who's to say that they were hinting at something even in their own April Fool's vid??? A VS game involving VF has been floating in the air for quite some time now, at least in thought/idea form...

    Fighter's Megamix, while was a great game imo, was still an in-house project (Fighting Vipers needs a revival-- that game was actually good and also had depth). Sega did allow Sonic to be in the latest Smash Bros game, and they also have the Mario vs Sonic games. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a cross over game; the question would be with who???

    SF x VF on a Ouija board??? To that I say no!!!
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    There should have been a Tekken vs VF game. I'd rather have Guilty gear vs VF... Now that would be crazy..
  12. combo2008

    combo2008 Well-Known Member

    i cant imagine that mix, unless streetfighter gives up the projectiles,if not the game would be a complete mess. but im going to wait to see how tekken does with it.
  13. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Primal Rage vs VF.

    I'd love to see that...
  14. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    They wouldn't have to give them up if the game played the way it did in the April Fool's spoof. The combos could work like that Hyper Mode in VF4EVO... Alot of people I knew liked that mode anyway. Plus, I'm sure Sega would give some characters anti-projectile properties. I mean Akira's Tetsuzanko would have to shoot projectiles back, and his palm attacks would just stop them all together. Give it some SC2 or VF4EVO speed and it could work. Keep the control scheme at 3 buttons though, and less emphasis on pokes where you're just banking on one move to hit to cancel into something, but moreso on actually planning out your moves and considering the options.
  15. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I hate to sound cynical but I think VF is above these casual cross over titles, hence why Namco jumped at the chance with Tekken. Don't get me wrong I'm sure SFxT will be an enjoyable romp of colors and sounds to meet the 5 second attention span of the MTV generation.

    I just think VF deserves more
  16. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    The footsies would be incredible...
  17. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Who says that crossover titles have to be glitz and glam only??? Companies have to put some time into them for it to be solid... CvS2 comes close, but even that has its flaws...

    No one here is saying that SFxVF or any crossover should be casual...

    The way I see it now, even FS can be considered "casual" the way its been changed to make the game accessible... Even the splash effects added, and the changing stages from R can be enough "glitz and glam" for the casual scene to say "I want that"... So in essence, no company is above anything imo, especially when it comes to one thing: getting more customers which turns into a bigger paycheck. That explains most of the games you see like BBCS2, SF4, MK9, KOFMI, etc... Other genres picked up on the fact that casuals are "where it counts", hence COD, WoW, and other games that presents a "pseudo-challenge" to the gamer, but really ends up being a game that can be ran through within a few hours and is stupid easy. Look at the 5 most popular games, and I bet none of them really give any sort of challenge to the hardcore player... 3S is only popular here in the states because its Street Fighter (with more recognizable characters from SF2), yet you'll still see more casuals still on SF4. Why? Becuase it actually poses a real challenge and not some cookie cutter plot to victory.

    /offtopic sorta

    Anyway, there have been quite a few companies wanting to do some sort of crossover. At this point, game developers in Japan might need to do something major if they want to reach out to the rest of the world, like Virtua On x Transformers (or VO x Gundam). Saying that a "(Game) X VF" won't ever happen is like saying VF would never be on the Xbox, and at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it hit the Wii-U with an AI training mode.

    As far as VF deserving more, well, imo bringing it back to 4EVO or Final Tuned (even better) style gameplay would be a that something it deserves. But for now, that something that it deserves is bringing VF's latest and greatest to those outside Japan, "by any means necessary."
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Yo, Xfactor Akira Body Check will kill your whole team. It was so stupid,my whole team just flew on screen with the death animation KO! I snap in that fool before he gets to anchor. He's way to OP why they made SPOD wall bounce is beyond me. SPOD XFactor SPOD is an infinite from midscreen!

    Granted it's VIRTUA BABY! Still though, it's a little extreme.
  19. MysticBoudha

    MysticBoudha Well-Known Member

    This is so fuckin elitist.( I know you said you hate to sound cynical but its seems like a pretty common attitude here) I do play a LOT of fighters. From VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur to Guilty Gear, SF3 and IV, MvC3, Garou name it i play it or at least try it. Saying VF is above those crossover titles is ridiculous. Its a different kind of game i do agree but to say VF is above that is pure crap. Third strike also doesn't play like a cross over title and so is Tekken or any non cross over game. If VF would be in a cross over game it wouldnt play like VF hence would not be VF just like Capcom vs SNK is not Street Fighter and SF x Tekken isnt either Tekken nor Street Fighter.

    You guys would like for VF to come back to life yet you're here saying VF is above what other games do. Every fuckin fighter has its play style and you can learn a thing or two from all of them. Its like FS. Im all about making VF more available to the general public and or people who are new to the series. Maybe after that they can go back to more complex mechanics in VF6 if theres one. But for now we should all try to be less elitist and stop putting ourselves above everyone. At least thats what i think.
  20. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    This is VFDC, is it strange for me to think that VF is the best bro? I've played a lot of fighters too and my opinion is that VF was the best, am I an elitist jerk because VF is my favorite game?

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