IRC, #VFHOME and information

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GodEater, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    VFHOME sometimes gets a bum rap but the reality is for real-time discussion of VF (which does happen when you catch the channel in a non-idle mode) it is fantastic.

    If you just want to ask for strats and tactics you might consider staying where it is safe and warm but if you are up for discussion, healthy Theory Fighter and acquiring elusive information tidbits then VFHOME is probably a really good bet.

    <font color="green"> VFHOME - Keeping it real in Dodee's basement </font>
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Also you should check out #barrybot

    Which is a really fast file server that hosts a large amount of VF and other assorted media.
    - - - - -
    #vfhome guide for IRC can be found here.
    - - - - -
    On #vfhome, Creed has a "trigger" which triggers up file server, that all contain files that are able to be downloaded:

    !vfclips - hosts VF movies, and some non VF movies as well. Also has some .txt files of various things. There is over 40GB of files here, enough for any VF fan. Also, in case you missed a file for some reason, and VFzone does not mirror it. Creed almost always will have the file in his server.
    - - - -
    #barrybot has one trigger:

    !fserve - fast as hell file server, really fast. Hosts a ton of excellent VF related movies, as well as some other non-VF movies, though mostly Fighting Game related.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Yeah, irc sometimes leads to great theory fighter discussions, and often a ton of stuff gets worked out just because two people disagree on one point. One guy says move A beats move B in such-and-such place, another guy says no, both guys turn on their PS2s, suddenly all sorts of guaranteed or non guaranteed stuff is tested and worked out.

    And if that sort of thing bores you, there's always the chance they'll start screaming at each other /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    irc is being gay and rejecting every username i enter for the past 3 months, i can't even get on to any efnet server at all.. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    * Connecting to (6668)
    - *** Looking up your hostname...
    - *** Checking Ident
    - *** Found your hostname
    * Identd request from
    * Identd replied: 1106, 6668 : USERID : UNIX : .
    - *** Got Ident response
    Closing Link: (Invalid username [.])
    * Disconnected

    no matter what i type, it is being a pain in the ass.
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Your username should be made something longer than 1 character, and shouldn't be one of the boring defaults that comes with mirc (IE "unix"). Other than that, get a good list of reliable servers. It differs from country to country but you can get a good list at ...I do,,,,, or ... there are plenty so just experiment.

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