Iron man?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ogi, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Hi al
    Here is some questions?
    who is the new ironman and old ironman of VF?
    I think old iron man are: shinjukuJacky, IkebukuroSarah, other two can't remember.
    In VF3 and VF4 someone called Dragen's grandfather(Shun) is he also ironman?
    I think the new ironman are: chibita, Kyasao, BunBunMaru and Segaru.

    Chibita has been called the God of VF.

  2. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Kyasao is officially a former tetsujin. I think BunBun is as well. Chibita has never been a tetsujin being as how it was a VF2 thing and they no longer hand out the title. Chibita got big during VF3 if memory serves me correct.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    chibita was big in vf2, but he came towards the end of vf2's life span. My long forgotten mentor was his teacher, and was crown the king of tetsujins at one point, according to an way old article from I believe it was famitsu. Who is this tetsujin of tetsujins? The almighty, KASHIWA JEFFRY! I am so sad he put VF behind him! /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

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