Is anbody in SOCAL alive?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    no offense, but we are only two weeks away from probably the biggest VF tourney in the states ever and we have'nt even gotten together to practice. I have been playing at least an hour every day...and Im getting bored by beating on the computer all the time. So if anyone wants to get together lets do something soon. Even Mike is welcome to join...from what I hear he needs all the practice he can get /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif...If you know my number call me. If you don't reply to this post and lets plan a meet.

    p.s. my place is on hold because another roomate has backed out. So Im now looking for a place in West L.a....if anyone has a suggestion let me know

    - Brian
  2. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Well I know I've probably been the quietest of the LA guys in recent times, but it's almost time for my triumphant return! That's right.

    And I've gota crew to bring with me this time /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif The Pandemic VF team is becoming strong (ish). I'll see what I can do about setting up a training night. Will be westside (I live in Marina Del Rey now, and Pandemic is in Westwood as of today). Several of us are registered for the tourney, and we know we have to practice in advance.


  3. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    27 people have looked at this and only one reply...NICE.
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    i just read this for the first time, so...

    i've been getting together in small groups with andy primarily, and sometimes joey, joon, and alex/shawn. If people want to organize some kind of thing, I'll try to make it. To be honest, no one really contacts me aside from andy about playing, so we usually just build a few people around that, and try to keep it small.

    But, like I said, if someone else wants so propose something:

  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I notice sometimes... people don't seem to contact others when there is any type of gathering. Even I am guilty of it , but Plague and I usually hangout and do other things than actually play VF. To me it just seems we have no LA/Socal group, but more of cliques... that hangout and refuse to invite others. The way we have all become better is by playing each other now that group is gone. I don't count Spot or Andy because they are freaks /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif JK,,, It just seemed to start with buying of the evo machine and it made almost a couple of people quit the whole scene all together. Seriously there is barely two handfuls of us in are area. All I say if someone is planning or can have a big get together then invite... of course sometimes people can't make it but at least you are courteous enough to invite It's almost like me telling no one about A.I. getting EVO and keeping it to myself and maybe another person. Its bullshit... Me, Spot, and Grib started this group just so we can have someone to play against. Now it seems to be if someone is not deemed good by a group of players we never get invited. If that is the case let me know so I can find something better to do with my time. Thanks for listening. - Brian

    p.s. if i could i would have gatherings at my place , but at this time I can't
  6. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    david and i should be playing sometime soon if anyone wants to play...
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    I think part of the whole dynamic you're overlooking here is location. in the two examples you cited, me and andy, you and plague: did you notice the pattern that andy and I live closer than anyone else, I think it's the same with you and Talis (I guess PD and Brian and Shawn live out there, too)?

    When it's easier for people to get together because of location, they do. I haven't even seen Mike since I came back from Japan.

    I don't think anyone's intentionally excluding anyone. the play times that I schedule with andy are at my work, where I can have only one set-up, and a limited number of people. More than half the time there, it's usually just andy and I slugging it out until dawn, because no one else could make it.

    We don't call everyone we know, because my work can't hold all those people, and for my part, I like playing in smaller groups better. I feel like I learn more that way, focusing on two or three people at a time, and I feel like you get a dialogue going with the other players. So, I don't invite every VF player in Southern California to my little play sessions because i can't really. If you'll remember, i used to have big VF meets at my house pretty regularly, I even remember one where just you and I played. I explained why I couldn't have people over around the time of E3, and it still applies.

    Brian, have you ever invited me to your house to play VF? And I'm tired of the guilt trip about the Evo board, it's done, we did what we did, and apologized... enough already.

    Half the people in Socal don't even read this board, or are barely active here at all (Andy, Joey, Mike these days, Alex, Ken, Paul, Joon, Wes, Tom...). We should all just be thankful we have people to play VF with at all, it wasn't always like that for me, anyway.

  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    Yes, it would be cool to play VF with you guys. This Friday night is out, but Saturday night might work. Next weekend may also work well.

    Brian and Bryan,

    I appreciate both of you for getting those issues out in the open and resolving them. Very cool, indeed.

    I had some of the same questions as Brian but not quite the fortitude to bring them up.
  9. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I'm available Sat. Night. Are you guys gonna stay in SD or go up to LA... ?
  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member response to what Bryan said... What I said wasn't directed to anyone specifically. I was even talking about myself for not trying to set things up.But I just wanted people to know where I stand. Also I am much closer to Mafia than I am to Talis. Talis is a farther drive for me than going to your area. So the driving issue is a mute point. Hell I would go to San Diego, but I think like me... Mike or David back in the day we don't have the room for everyone. I also realize how people can't always make it. Everyone has a life, but I just think of it as rude when people have a gathering...then I or someone else finds out about it from another source. Btw I got over the Evo machine fiasco, but just so you know I never got an apology from anyone...I can't speak for everyone else on that matter.
    In closing Saturday I am free...if there i s no gathering this weekend I am assuming everyone is going to show up on Thursday at Cal Poly for the free play event.
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    lineage 2 has taken over my life since the sandiego meet

    MYKE coming the 4th, sooooo maybe a meet this weekend or monday for myke ?? who knows?

    Ill see what i can scrap up for this weekend.

    BTW spotlite you were hot on BLIND DATE /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  12. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    wait...........................wait a second..........just one darn second...................Spots was on BLIND DATE?
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    ok we're planning something for sat night, we have no official details, but keep your sched clear for then.
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    yay!!!...for u phoenix and the mafia, just don't think Im going to go easy on you guys...surprises a plenty /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    ::motorcross mode on::

    THE ADDRESS IS <font color="red"> 3400 Poly Vista Pomona Ca, 91768</font> SO BE THERE THERE THERE!!

    SO PM ME ME ME !!
  16. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I'll Be there be there be there be there....around 9ish to 10ish
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Too much work to do. Catherine and I both have design work to do on Saturday night.

    Sorry we can't make it.
  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    ok i need a heads up of whos coming tonight because we only got one setup for now -_-;;
  19. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I can't go to pamona tonight... it's too far
  20. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    suck it up...mike's made the trip many times...jk do what you want

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