It feels different, or is it me?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ShinobiFist, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I notice something very interesting yesterday(But quite obvious to some)Input lag(Shocker Shinobi, what's the point of this, lol) First of, this game doesn't tell you where your opponent is from unless you see their GC. Let me get to the point(Finally!) This game plays very well online, even with cats from the UK(Props)But, for some odd reason, I can't seem to play high pace with my El Blaze(Unless, if my opponent is from the East Coast) I can't seem to perform dodge's of offensive moves sometimes. But, the game is running very smooth. *Mind you, I just started using El Blaze more frequently this week, most of my wins come from Wolf*

    This fucks me up alot, b/c of the constant readjusting. My opponents very much felt the same way too(I'm one of those mic players, but I don't chat during the match, only when the round is over, unless is PM's lol) I could see why I'm always in-countering this issue b/c I play very late to the early mourning, b/c I could see most of are foreign brothers getting on around this time. I'll guess more player matches and less Rank ones now. And BTW, my ranking is not bad, for a El Blaze player, 7th Dan going on 8th(I was a 8th Dan for ten minutes, LOL) Anyone else gone thru this?*This post is brought to by, The SONY SIXAXIS Controller* Never again........
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about. You mentioned input lag at first so I'll go on about that.

    I agree that it happens and I think it's a consequence of latency. I don't own the game and I've played around 15 online matches. Most of the time I couldn't TR/QR and my palm->elbow (Akira) would usually not come out (which was announced by me saying "FUCK!" every time). Only when I searched for a match and connected with a 3bar opponent did the game flow like an offline match. I was able to connect usual combos and what-not.
  3. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Basically, what I'm saying is that I can't play very aggressive with EL Blaze a lot. Because of the input lag. I can't pull of Offensive Move as frequent as I want to. Even people with a 3bar connection. But, if they're from the same coast no problem on implementing moves what's so ever. Sorry for the "Bipolar" post, on was on a SIXAXIS earlier today.
  4. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    I know what hes talking about. I cant play super aggressive with Sarah online because something feels, 'off'. Whether its input lag, or the actual gameplay (it feels slower online, play some offline matches with friends and then go online) but i know i cant do things online like i could online. As Plague said, it doesnt 'flow' like it should.

    Like, i played a DOA player, 'vigaku' Sarah vs Sarah. The guy plays like VF is DOA, using strings (pp d+k, ppkk) overs and overs and keeps pressing them when at disadvantage. Seems like an easy match right? Well, i could NOT punish the strings. The connection was pretty good but i couldnt punish strings if my life depended on it. Example, I block, pp d+k, the next string BEATS my elbow, pk, etc. Evading didnt seem to help either because it would come out a split second later than what i wanted. If any of yall play him, youd see that the way he plays would get him KILLED offline.

    I dont care about winning or losing, but it was these matches that made me realize that something was off. Online isnt perfect, but shit it at least its competition.

  5. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    Ok, when it comes to online play, think of a rubber band. When that band isn't getting pulled, like with offline play or if you're playing with your next door neighbor online there's no stretch.

    Now pull it. The color fades and it looks like it could snap the longer it get's yanked. Now with that rubber band, with it pulled tighter, less information could go through cause there's not enough space in the band. Of course you can't send information through a rubber band, but you get the idea with the idea of a bottleneck.
  6. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    I can do the majority of things I can do offline except double throw escape for some reason ( I think my timing is off online). As far as punishing goes, I can punish any and everything that is punishable offline because I have trained myself to do so. Now if it is new to me. I can't really punish it because it surprises me but stuff that I know of is pretty simple.

    Online your reflex just has to be faster IMO because it's online lmao
  7. Nagasumi

    Nagasumi Well-Known Member

    Some of you may need to either tweak your routers or mess with some settings on your modem in regards to setting up static ips among other things...

    Or not... I do know that by readin' up on the configs of my router and modem, I manually input a static ip for my xbox... I also use a 30ft. cabled connection to my router. That's like 100+kbps easy. I know a wired connection is much more reliable than a wireless connection at the price of convenience. Experiment with a wired connection to your router if possible. I'm not sure but I suffer like, 0 lag about 99% of the time.

    Only reason i'd lag is if my wife was downloading something using bitorrent or what not... ^_^
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Sarah PPKK is advantage on block, you cant punish it unless you duck. The last kick is also special high. I use that string on purpose myself.
  9. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    If people can consistently do just frames in games online, then I don't see how anything else would be different. The only thing I can think of that may not always work is frame tight punishment due to latency... but again there really are a lot of games online that play and feel like offline, so there's a possibility you just had a bad expereince
  10. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    Thats the thing though, i couldnt evade out of (ppkk) on guard because the next string would hit me. A linear string. Another thing im starting to see is that TGA (throw guarantee attempts ie. Akiras youhou on block) situations arent really guaranteed due to the latency. Players are just PK'ing now for the free damage.

    This is a minor annoyance at best but for this game, damn its annoying. Im just glad its plays as smooth as it does.
  11. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Your opponent won't track on successful evade until you do something (including just guarding). If you just evade and stand there, and he uses a linear string, he'll just go running off in the direction you used to be standing in. Once that happens, it's easy to punish.

    It's really important to always look for the simplest possible answer when dealing with people with simplest tactics. It's usually easier to get around that stuff than it first appears... you just have to do something like above that doesn't necessarily make sense in a normal match to match their unusual tactics.
  12. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    Yeah pretty much. I learned that lesson after that match. Now whenever i fight peeps that are average or scrubs, i now have to dumb down the way i play to be effective.
  13. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure "dumb down" is the right way to think about it... the tactic I mention above is pretty useful to remember even against good players. But really basic tactics like this go unnoticed by most beginners, and are some of foundations of understanding the game.

    The point is more that those kind of styles force you to work on those basics. Think of those matches as a learning experience... Once you find a guaranteed way to beat that one guy spamming PPKK, you've learned how to beat everyone who uses that move... anyone who plays "better" will still have to be that much more cautious against you.

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