J6 and The DOATEC Connection?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    One of the J6 organizations is weapons dealer. DOATEC is a weapons dealer. Although now DOATEC its trying to disguise itself as an entertainment company. Akira, Jacky, Sarah, and Pai competed in the DOATEC's 5th Tournament :cautious:

    Sarah and Jacky definitely have a score to settle with J6 and if Sarah and Jacky suspect that DOATEC is in fact the munitions dealer that makes up one of the 6 conglomerates in J6 then that explains their appearance in DOA 5 Last Round :oops: DOATEC's genetic engineering goal of making a super fighter appears to be the other side of the coin and the missing puzzle piece to the Dural project. DOA's genetic engineering research might hold a cure of Lau, and this could explain why Pai is wanted to infiltrate DOATEC:sneaky:.

    VF and DOA do have a few connections. DOA once used some aspect of the VF engine. J6 has as one of its components a munitions dealer. DOATEC is an incognito munitions dealer. One of DOATEC's primary objectives is to create a super figher. The Dural project seeks to create a super fighter. Akira Jacky, Sarah, and Pai did compete in the 5th Dead Or Alive Combat Tournament that is sponsored by DOATEC. One of the components of J6 and DOATEC both kidnapped fighters to use for experimentation. This also suggests that DOATEC is the munitions part of J6.

    But its not clear what part Akira Yuki is playing in all of this:ninja:

    Is DOATEC the weapons dealer organization also known as the Devil that is part of J6:cautious:

    Is there a connection between the Dural Project and Project Alpha:eek:

    Will there be a cross over game that will reveal the real story:cool:
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I too am interested in the motivations of the pizza boy and the background of the MILF in the bathrobe.
  3. DoomFry

    DoomFry Member

    Kinda makes us wonder if Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive are all in the same universe.
  4. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Interesting theory.
    I will admit, I have noticed for a long time, that there are alot of similarities, in the stories of both games. And strangely enough, certain mysteries in one game VF, seems to be unintentionally answered in another game like DOA. The same in reverse. When you look at it, they are kinda like the missing pieces, of each other.

    It's kinda possible that the reason for that, is probably because the DOA creator, took alot of inspiration from VF and Yu Suzuki and AM2. He did admit in an interview years ago, that he is a fan of Virtua Fighter.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
    masterpo likes this.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The fact that DOA5LR was already a crossover more or less, I think this opens the opportunity to possibly bring some DOA fighting styles and their associated characters legitimately into the next version of VF. Lei Fang's Tai Chi, and Gen Fu's xinyi liuhe quan would be legitimate styles and characters to add to VF and the possible connection between J6 and DOATEC makes it plausible. Mila and her MMA would also be a legitimate character and style to bring over.

    The possible connection between J6 and DOATEC would give AM2 cover to make a crossover game.
    Title " The Ulitimate Virtua Fighter with J6 Revealed"

    DOA5LR had some VF characters, why not let VF6 have some DOA5LR characters.
    The cross pollination could be good for both franchises:holla: And think about the storline that could be created by Team Ninja and AM2. They could really flesh those DOATEC and J6 story lines out. And make the story much more compelling than Tekken's Mishima and G Corporation.

    Although G Corporation does have some similarities with J6 and DOATEC:ROTFL:
  6. ChiepTrash

    ChiepTrash Member

    Maybe the same person summer interned at both companies: making sandwiches, coffee & writing random bs fighting game lore.

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