Japanese-VF.Evo Arcade Locations

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by stpROCK, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    So i tried the seach, but wasnt successfull in finding what i wanted to know. Maybe we could make a nice list with the most popular Game-Centers/Arcades in Japan with Evo-machines. Im heading especially for tokyo. Thus everyone could see if he wants to get to Japan where he has to go to play Evo against japanese guys. It would be great to know in which Arcades famous jap. Vf-players are located( like Ohsu, Arashi, Minami ). IS that "Daioh" a ring of many Arcades, name of one Arcade, or does it simply mean game-center? I hope ive not overlooked a thread for this. I thought would be a good idea for a better overview.
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Well, the thing is, very few famous players play in the same places day after day after day, save for a few (like Mukki Akira, who I SWEAR never leaves Shinjuku). Still, there are several spots where good competition is reliable.

    Shinjuku Sportsland West (Nishi-Spo) is pretty much the capital of VF nowadays. On a weekend going there is like seeing a who's who of VF roster.
    There are several Sega arcades in Shibuya that are pretty well frequented, as well as one run by Taito in the bottom floor of Bic Camera.
    I've heard that there are some good places in Ikebukuro, but that section gives me the creeps. I've had bad experiences there, so...
    Beat Tribe is in Machida, which is more or less on the outskirts of Tokyo.

    There's a lot outside of Tokyo, too. I don't know much about the Osaka area, since I've never been there, myself, but I'm sure there's strong play in the area.
    Kyoto has some very fanatical players (like Minami), but I wouldn't know where they played at. That place really is pretty dull beyond tourist-y stuff.
    Nagoya has several big arcades around Sakae, Kanayama, and Nagoya Station. Look around these areas and you're bound to find something.
    Daioh is in Gifu, about an hour or so outside Nagoya.
    ACT is in Toyota-shi, again, about an hour or so outside Nagoya.
    POPY is up north of Tokyo, where exactly I'd have to ask again.

    Those are the ones that come to my head right now.
  3. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Yeah! Thanks a lot. Very helpful; if japanese players come to their location every time, i will maybe have nice matches against mukki in this summer ( well more or less nice ). I didnt know minami lives in Kyoto. Whats about Chibita and Ohsu; living in Tokyo?
  4. ChiefGutti

    ChiefGutti Well-Known Member

    Yeah, noticed various players going to their favourite gamecenters as well.

    I've seen KyasaO mostly at Sega High Tec Land Shibuya, together with Anii, Pochomkin and Mask de Hijitetsu

    I went to meet friends in Gifu and got to play Homestay Akira at DaiOu

    Used to live in Toyota City so I have played Soutaisho (The Kage player who beat Kagesuke's Wolf at Shinseiki 2) at ACT.

    Played Segaru at Shinjuku Sportsland West

    Seen Edo (The Lau player) at Sega High tec Land Akihabara many times too
    By using VF Net you can check where the famous players last played their versus matches (If they allow the option). I know that Chou Minami Akira doesn't show his though.

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