jeff's stagger opportunities are pathetic..

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by BK__, Oct 8, 2002.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    ok, that was abit harsh, but i was wondering if anyone has any interesting follow-ups to jeff's MC FC d, df+p stagger, all i can find which works for me is a lame mid-kick.. can't he do *anything* in these situatons like wolf can? the only other stagger moves i can think off are either long to recover, or frame disadvantage.. *sigh* help me jeffry gurus! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  2. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Have you tried a crouch dash to uppercut?

    [3][3][P], followed by the triple upper
    [6][[P][K] and then either low throw or combo followup
    [6][6][P][P] (use the delay and throw guess game)

    The way I play Jeff is to have the opp. constantly fear the throw, which allows for MC opportunities. Each option, including the sidekick should always be used right up until the point that the enemy catches on and blocks...... then the next time you connect with it, go for the throw on their conditioned selfs.
  3. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    The sidekick connects almost automatically although sometimes they can be just out of range. For a little more stylish alternative try the [4][3][P][K] as a follow up. Just to reinvigorate Jeff, don't forget to use the [3][3][P] to triple upper its 77 damage, then the [4][6][P][K],[2][P],[6][K] is pretty nasty as well.
  4. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Side note, FC,[3][P] (stagger) to [6][P][K], to [2][6][P][G][K] gives a whopping 118 damage, and if that isn't nice since the throw can be reversed then use [4][3][P],[P] instead for an 89 point combo. I like to use the triple upper, it's a little less damage, but it pushes them back quite a bit and looks nicer.
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I tested some of the ideas mentioned here and it looks like they're all really easy to struggle out of. I tried b,df+P,P... ff+P,P... crouch dash knee... f+P+K ... df,df+P... Even the sidekick can be blocked with a little effort. Jeff should pretty much stick to a guessing game here. A trick worth trying, more for fun than anything, is f+K+G. A blocked f+K+G leads easily into a throw like b,f,f+P+G... and even if they see it coming, they must struggle and then correctly time a punch or something to get out.
  6. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    decent setup with Jeff that even I fall for is after a pickup into a wall stagger, Jeff goes into threat stance during the stagger and gets his punch blocked high into the crumbling knee into [2][K]+[G] into another pickup.

    in sum :
    - [2][P]+[G] ( into wall stagger ), [4][P]+[K]+[G], [P] ( blocked ), [6][P]+[G], [2][K]+[G] ( during crumble ), [2][P]+[G]... play on...
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hmm, that's a shame, i guess then there really is no guarenteed advantage with jeff's staggers /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    thanx for the input guys, but i think i'll stick to his crumple game, it appears to be way better /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif tis true tho, he can have alot of guessing games, even the max CPU can get me baffled sometimes.. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  8. HugeDude

    HugeDude Member

    Yes they are, unless using The Middle Hell Stab+low throw.... Works every time... And looks WAY COOLER than any of the Lau/Jacky/Akira-combos... =)
  9. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree with CreeD; during the stagger it's best to stay with the guessing game. Against humans, I like to do [3][K]+[G] when they're staggered. Enough of that sets them up for either the knee or the low throw. Of course, there's ways to counter those, but if you're slick enough it'll work well. It's better than hoping you're opponent is slow to come out the stagger.

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