Just <3 VF4

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by BK__, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    I have CDs packed full of old media i found yesterday, so im just dumping it on youtube in my account http://www.youtube.com/user/BK93, these are from casuals, tournaments and strat vids. some matches which are too large to upload i need to split them up such as Summer Deal IMF(kage)blondie(jacky)Dre(akira), and some tournament matches such as Konjou(akira),Kazu(lau),Adamyuki(jeffry) VS Burun(wolf),Heruru(lei),Kyasao(kage) -

    but hey, it's VF4!

    Slayer(goh) vs BK__(wolf)A
    Archangel(pai) vs BK(goh)B
    Archangel(pai) vs BK__(wolf)C
    Archangel(pai) vs BK__(wolf)D
    Slayer(goh) vs BK__(goh)E
    Slayer(goh) vs BK__(goh)F
    Slayer(goh) vs BK__(wolf)G
    slayer(goh) vs BK__(wolf)H
    Slayer(goh) vs BK__(Wolf)I
    BK_(wolf) vs Archangel(Pai)1
    BK_(goh) vs Archangel(Pai)2
    BK_(wolf) vs Archangel(Pai)4
    BK_(goh) vs Archangel(Pai)3
    BK_(wolf) vs Archangel(Pai)5
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqdJyihr8Pg" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Ryan Hart(Jacky) vs Jide (Lion)6
    </a> Ryan Hart(Kage) vs Jun(wolf)7
    Ryan Hart(Kage) vs Jun(wolf)8
    Archangel(pai) vs BK__(goh)9
    Ryan Hart(kage) vs Jun(wolf)10
    Ryan Hart(Kage) vs Jun(wolf)11
    Daisuke(Jeffry) vs Prince(Aoi)12
    Delune(Akira) vs KNeeninja(Akira)13
    Delune(Akira) vs FrenchAkira(Lion)14
    Ogi(Kage) vs Daisuke(Wolf)15
    Jun(wolf) vs FrenchAkira(lion)16
    Manjimaru(Akira) vs Columbo Jacky(Jacky)17
    Optimus(Aoi) vs Jun(wolf)18
    Optimus(Shun) vs Jun(wolf)19
    Rock Howard(Goh) vs Columbo Jacky(Jacky)20
    Rock Howard(Goh) vs Columbo Jacky(Jacky)21
    ryanhart(Kage) vs adamyuki(Jeffry)22
    blondie(jacky )vs imf(akira)23
    burun(Wolf) vs imf(kage)24
    Cap(PAI) vs IMF(KAGE)26
    CYC(Aoi),Daisuke(Jeffry),RyanHart(kage) vs JBurun(wolf),Heruru(lei),Kyasao(kage)27
    daisuke(jeffry) vs imf(Kage)30
    Dandy_J(kage) vs Maddy(Akira)31
    Adamyuki(jeffry) vs kyasao(kage)32
    IMF(Kage) vs Cappo(Pai)33
    Kyasao(kage) vs cappo(pai)35
    Kyasao(kage) vs cappo(pai)36
    Maddy(akira) vs KTD12(Lei)37
    Ryan Hart(Kage) vs Burun(wolf)38
    Srider(wolf) vs Flood(Goh)40
    Supergolden(Kage) vs Namflow(shun)41
    IMF(kage) vs Burun(wolf)42
    Myke(brad) vs Chibita(Lion)43
    Ohsu(Brad) vs shou(sarah)44
    Evo House Party45
    box step47
    delay throw48
    fuzzy step 49
    fuzzy guard50
    low P safe51
    low p safe 2 52
    safe low 3 53
    SS_vs Beatknuckle 54
    SS vs Jackyb,f+K+G 55
    SS vs JackyDf+k 56
    SS vs jackyff+K 57
    SS vs JackyLowP 58
    SS vs JackyLowP2 59
    SS vs WolfDfk 60
    example1 61
    example2 62
    example3 63
    example4 64
    Match1 65
    Match 2 66

    see what else i got around..
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    HOLY SHIT YOUR GOING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK, hmm where do I start..... [​IMG]

    May the spirits of yoga be with you.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Some good stuff in there, gonna be watching through these for a good while [​IMG]
  4. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Thanks for posting these up. Nice trip down memory lane.
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member


  6. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Anyone know where I can find Sarah's VF4 Combo Video?
    Been looking for it can't find it.
  7. The_Shunjinkogh

    The_Shunjinkogh Well-Known Member

    The good ol' VF4 days.... I have no idea what to look at first. Knowing me this is going to take me months to finish.

    These matches are cool. Soooooooooooooooooo right. [​IMG]
  8. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    lol nice one beekay! Are these one' from torni's or casuals? damn it looks so fast, the good old days *sniff* [​IMG]
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    This stuff brings back memories. Thanks BK! I miss VF4 so much.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Was Evo really faster than VF5? I miss the whole Evo Exp so please somebody tell me if im moving in slow motion.
  11. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Yup VF4 was a ton faster.
  12. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    my media CDs are like... multiplying.

    i found all the London ranking battles #1 to #5 (damn i still got beef with geeho, coz of that lol)with some added home events, acouple of yosuke VF4FT matches, again, some long clips i need to split such as the rest of the UK, USA, JAPAN 3 on 3 event. i have old Japanese footage, tons and tons of random daioh, poppy, etc clips, rise of the youth tornament, kakutou shinseiki 3 (itazan won), otenami haiken, the original green book DVD "another beat tribe".. and many old Arashi goh movies... *whew*

    oh Opti, yeah these are all casual, torney and strat vids, it's all mixed up, so the Ryan hart vs Jun for example is the london absolution event. (where daigo for SF showed up :p)

    once i get some time i'll throw up another batch-

    the strats vids at the bottom was all my.. uhhh notepad training videos.. (see the power within wolf's old short shoulder!!)
  13. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I think we honestly do need an EVO session.
    Yeah zero I have both. I'll just give you my archive of DVD's and you can look through them.

    I really do wish I archived more stuff
  14. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    BK i would like to see some VF4, the vanilla VF4, matches. please post some if you have them!
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Holy bandwidth batman! Thanks a lot cause getting all that uploaded must have been some work.

    Great stuff, I even see one vid from me...Abso 2004 team tournament match.. Nostalgy.

    Seriously, Im starting to miss VF4Evo.

    I also have a load of old VF4 and VF4E matches, both Scandinavian and other, some are captured streamed matches from Japan. I think I have most of some kakutou shinseiki, I forgot which one. I wonder if I should try putting them up to my youtube. Then I couldnt play online for weeks though!
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    It was lot faster yes. No restriction in canceling movement, faster throws, even punches were 1 frame faster in general. VF5 does look like slowmotion compared to it.
  17. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    P was 1frame slower in VF4, - throws were 8 frames, but it had no clash or zero frame throw system, meaning nitaku started from -2. Thats why people arent lazy to input [​IMG]

    the dash system in VF5 has more cancel options, but it doesnt have Crouch dash cancel into crouch dash.

    i think the system is all up in the VF4 forum.

    yeah it took awhile to upload, so im gonna need a short while. matteo, what do you mean by vanilla matches, japanese media?
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    BK, I read an interview with AM2 once, they were saying that the damage in R is nothing new and kind of goes back to the way it was in the original VF4. So I went to YT to see what kind of damage you could dish out in VF4 ver.A, but I didnt find anything! I would like to check what they meant.


    Kikizo: So more high-damage combos like in VF2 and VF3.

    Osaki: It's more in line with the initial version of VF4.
  19. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    yeah the one before evo, plain 4, maybe first revision, remember Akira's crazy bodycheck damage, sidewalk then 66kk combo i think it was?

    BK, I have a massive spindle of old footage if you would also like that? I could upload it too at some point but it would take aaages, your free to have it if you want?

    Also on the vf4 session note, since Naomi's are probably cheap now maybe at some point we can have an arcade setup for a session(supergun modded maybe) with evo and ft, i have the evo gd rom and we can borrow the FT one from casino arcade. I'll look into it at some point.
  20. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    sounds pretty wikid about the VF4 setups-- yeah, feel free to add any media here, as i said in my first post, it's not really a gamourous thread. i was just throwing stuff up onto my channel and thought i'd share it here. you can even dump unwanted stuff in my channel if you want.

    *scratches head*.. just found an extra 2GB of stuff...

    EDIT: im missing Intel IMA ADPCM (11) codec... gotta find it.

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