Kage flow charts

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Jundori, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. Jundori

    Jundori Member

    I find it hard to setup a good offensive flow with kage, so id like to know what moves you work from ? and how do u continue etc /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif thanks in advance

    MASTER_PAIN Well-Known Member

    im having the same problem i haven found any good ways to keep the pressure and my advantage with kage
    Jundori we should do some player matches=P
  3. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    in kage strat there are a few simple flowcharts. and like it says there you are not confined to those specific attacks so to mix it up check the command list and look for other attacks of the same speed with good rewards on counter hit.
  4. Jundori

    Jundori Member

    sure master pain /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif but my main is not Kage /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I tend to play around with him, but thats cus ninja and samurai are just cool ;p

    ill send u an FR on XBL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I'm currently learning Kage also, here are some of my flowcharts.

    P.S; Since they're from a text I'm saving they might be a bit hard to understand but hopefully it will help someone.

    PK (+4);

    2_3p (16f) – combo.
    9k+g (avoids low’s och safe if passive) – combo
    3k (stagger > kast), 3kpp "tracks", shippu entrance
    KG cancel > TFT
    46p+k (16f) MC +3 > TFT / Shippu both 46p+k,p = 45dmg -1f
    2p+k > staggergames / shippu (check if opponent has bad staggerrecovery, another 2p+k floats for instance).
    OM P > 4p / PK / TFT . Sideturned PP4P GTD!

    PK > Shippu
    3p (16f) > Combo (wins against 2p, can fuzzy after)
    1k > mixups (can you hitscan 2kk?)
    P2K (sets up for ppp and 3p etc) P = 11 frames
    G > kast
    Shippu > K (-3) > P (11f) MC > TFT on hit PK

    6p (bad option?) – 6p > JJ > Shippu?
    6p > PK / TFT / 9K+G / 2P+K

    Vs Evaders / ETEG:

    shippuu (delay) 3P or 6P (note, shippuu 6P is half circ)
    shippuu (no delay) 2KK or P+G

    normal stance (delay) 3PP or 2K+G
    normal stance K+G (half circ only, and risky, but rewarding on CH, boxstep on guard)

    What I'm curious about is;

    1) What are some good setups for 44k?

    2) Any good TFT against wallcombos?
  6. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    6P is safest after a PK hit since you can just fuzzy if it's blocked.

    2_3P is great after a PK hit but you have to buffer it perfectly to be effective. IMHO reward is greater than risk.

    2K+G is good too when you realize that opponent evades after PK hit. It will only loose to an 11f P and faster attacks.
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    But isn't it just better then to do PK > Shippu over PK > elbow? I mean, you can do 3p etc (launcher threat) then and fuzzy after that and other options also. PK > Elbow just seems like an extra step. Tbh I'm sort of having trouble with the elbowstagger situations right now also which might be why I don't value it much. That's sort of why I wrote / thought PK > elbow was sort of weak. Thanks for the 2k+g after PK thought. I often forget it's semicircular.
  8. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    PK > elbow is good if you want to continue your offensive pressure. With elbow you have 3 options: shippuujin, jumonji or just stay on regular stance.

    It's when I want to pressure my opponent towards the edge of the ring for a ring-out or a wall combo. It's the setups beyond the elbow that makes it valuable for me.

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