Kage's forward roll into rising dragon punch move

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Guest, Nov 5, 1999.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I need some help on doing Kage's forward roll into a rising dragon punch. Nothing I do seems to work. Okay, first I input b,db,d,df,f for the roll. Now, to get the rising dragon punch part, do I have to return the stick to neutral and tap f again, followed by d,df? Or can I return the stick to neutral, and go straight to inputting d,df? Or upon completing the roll do I keep holding forward for a few frames and then input d,df? Another way to ask the question is do I input b,db,d,df,f,f,d,df+P; or just b,db,d,df,f,d,df+P; or is it b,db,d,df,F,d,df+P?

    Thanks, Wolfstudent
  2. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: my method

    This is how I do:

    do HCF (forward-roll) and full DP motion as fast as I can do. No waiting, no delaying.

    In terms of command,
    HCF -> f, d, d/f+P

    Maybe there is more efficient way of doing this, but this method at least works for me.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Don't forget you must do two P-sonic rolls first before a roll-DP. What's commonly done is HCB+P, HCF+P, HCF DP

    ice-9 | Sennin
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Don't forget you must do two P-sonic rolls first before a roll-DP. What's commonly done is HCB+P, HCF+P, HCF DP

    That's not true Ice, and you call yourself a Kage player? /images/icons/tongue.gif If it were true, then that Aoi TFT, roll, DP combo wouldn't be possible. You only need to do one normal roll, either forward or backward, and immediately follow it with a DP. The command inputs cannot be overlapped (just like the SPoD). So...

    Roll, n, f, d, df+P

    Just like the SPoD, speed and precision is the key.

    OK. Shameless plug time. For everything you wanted to know about the Shinsodan, and more, go here:


    and look under the Style Clinic.

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Myke: Your Shinsodan site is excellent, but I think it contains some misleading information that can easily be corrected.
    1. You state that the Somersault roll is a high attack. A simple check on the DC shows it is in fact a midlevel attack.
    2. If I am reading your stuff correctly, you imply that a Shinsodan attack comes out after only one preceding forward roll or right after the Somersault roll. In other words, HCF, HCF+P or d,UF+K, HCF+P. After extensive testing on the DC, I believe this is false. Doing these gives me only (another) forward roll. To get the damage causing Sinsodan (with that strange "sonic" noise that sounds like a toilet flushing) I had to do either HCF, HCF+P, HCF+P or HCF, HCB+P, HCF+P or HCB, HCF+P, HCF+P or d,UF+K, HCF+P,HCF+P or d,UF+K, HCB+P, HCF+P. In otherwords, for me, two "rolling moves" needed to precede the Shinsodan. Interestingly, the Virtua Project site also claims (erroneously I believe) that the Somersault/ninja roll can be followed by an immediate Shinsodan attack. And while I'm there, I believe VP also lists incorrect inputs for the Somersault/ninja roll.
    None of this is meant as criticism of either of these delightful sites -- I'm just trying to make them more accurate or else learn what I'm doing wrong.
    Cheers, Imashroom
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    1. You state that the Somersault roll is a high attack. A simple check on the DC shows it is in fact a midlevel attack.

    I've always known it to be a midlevel attack, so I had to go and double check that I wrote it as being high, and sure enough I did! The typo has been corrected.

    2. If I am reading your stuff correctly, you imply that a Shinsodan attack comes out after only one preceding forward roll or right after the Somersault roll.

    Yes, this is incorrect. You're right when you say you need two rolls before the attacking roll. I've updated it to reflect this. That FAQ is riddled with mistakes and was never properly finished. Before today, the last update was about 2 years ago! The html files are still dated Nov 11 1997 :)

  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Gawd, sorry about that. I hadn't slept for over 40 hours when I posted that...To this day, I'm still not exactly sure how the shinsodan works, but what is commonly done is HCB, HCF, HCF+P, HCF DP. Or is that HCB, HCF+P, HCF+P, HCF DP? I forget. Boy am I rusty.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  8. DeLune

    DeLune Well-Known Member

    It is HCB, HCF+P,HCF+P,DP. The 2nd HCF+P will hit and knock the opponent down followed by the DP which hit the opponent as he/she falls.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Thanks DeLune!! I thought it was something like that.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  10. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Interestingly, the Virtua Project site also claims (erroneously I believe) that the Somersault/ninja roll can be followed by an immediate Shinsodan attack. And while I'm there, I believe VP also lists incorrect inputs for the Somersault/ninja roll.

    Correct. We are in error--one does need to do two rolls to get the shinsodan, the first roll after the Somersault is not a shinsodan roll. About our command for the Somersault--I can, and always have been, able to make the Somersault travel backwards, or straight up and down--not just forwards. I had always assumed that it was doing UB for backwards, and U for straight up and down. After some experimentation, I have now discovered that it's VF's strange buffering system that makes the Somersault go in unusual directions. If you hold d, and then flick the stick to db, then b before hitting UF+P kage will Somersault backwards. The movement to db, b, and UF+P must be made before kage comes out of crouch, of course. I'm not sure if the b is absolutely necessary maybe the db is enough. So, we were wrong about the command it is only crouch,UF+P. But, at least now everyone can Somersault backwards!


    <font face="Arial, Helvetica" color="#3366ff">kbcat</font>
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    kbcat: UF+P? You do mean UF+K, don't you?

    Cheers, Imashroom
  12. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Yes... of course... UF+K... my brain wasn't working properly this passed weekend!


    <font face="Arial, Helvetica" color="#3366ff">kbcat</font>
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    kbcat: Can you explain the inputs to make the ninja roll go straight up?

    Cheers, Imashroom
  14. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Ok ok. After reviewing the movelists. Kage's in particular. It's been such a long time since I even looked at them--but, I digress. So, after looking at Kage's movelist I believe that the Virtua Project (and now Virtua Fighter Dot Com) have the correct motion for the ninja roll. We list it as [*]d,ub|u|uf~uf+K, which means from a crouch, or hit down, go to ub, u, or uf, then immediately go to uf and press kick. If you follow those directions you'll be able to control the travel of the ninja roll. Hit ub before uf+K, and the ninja roll will travel backwards; hit u before uf+K, and the ninja roll will go straight up; and just hit uf+K and the ninja roll will travel forwards as usual. So, we had it mostly right in the first place. I say mostly because we had [*]d,UB|U|UF~uf+K originally which isn't quite right the motion is really [*]d,ub|u|uf~uf+K.


    <font face="Arial, Helvetica" color="#3366ff">kbcat</font>
  15. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the rising backwards into the ninja roll looks very cool - it's not that hard to do either. The motions we've had listed work for me. ;)


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wolstudent: A slightly easier way to do the rising DP from a forward roll is to hold the guard button while doing the HCF, releasing it just before you reach "forward." Doing it this way seems to cause a slight delay in the forward roll coming out, giving you a little more time to implement the DP command with a little less rushing. Works for a backwards roll too. Try it if you haven't already found out about this by yourself.
    Cheers, imashroom

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