KG (fake kick) to avoid some throw situations

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Cnul, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    Hi all.
    Yesterday i was playing versus the CPU in the license challenge mode. I was doing the last challenge (50th) and versus Lau (the 8th opponent if i'm remember) i saw something interesting.

    At the end of the round i tried to throw Lau after i blocked an "unsafe" move. I was expecting either he throw break me or did an attack though he was at disadvantage.
    But none of this happen. In fact i saw him do an offensive move an hit me after that. While that i was doing my throw. I loose at this moment so i watched the replay to figure out what happen but the replay didn't really help me at the beginning.

    No way to replay the match [​IMG]. So i hit the training mode.
    My first guess was maybe offensive move have unthrowable properties. But it was not the case.

    I was looking the tutorial of Ex Mr Dandy J today and something make me realise what really happen.

    I think Lau did a Kick follow by guard to do a fake kick. Doing that made him unthrowable and just after he choose to do an evade + offensive move

    During an attack (startup+Active frames) you are not throwable so with a good timing you can avoid throw with a fake move.

    Tried in training mode and i can avoid a throw at -6 with Lau. Usually -6 means you have to break the throw or commit an attack.

    Fake kick don't let you have the guard fast enough to block
    At -6, i have time to block a 19 frame move but moves faster will hit Lau.

    So ok this option look not so good if you don't have time to block fast move.
    But the good thing with fake kick is even if you cannot block in time you at least don't get counter hit.
    You don't give a free counter hit to your opponent if you guess wrong. No blue flash counter hit with my several test. Only a normal hit.

    You can avoid a throw and try to throw your opponent just after ^^

    Maybe someone can found a good reason to use fake kick to avoid a throw. Maybe to avoid some catch throw (Lei Fei roll mixup)
    Tricky likes this.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Nice find Cnul. thanks for sharing.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    good shit.

    i'm not home to try this out yet, but.

    how about K cancel evade? - would that work against faster attacks?
  4. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    wohhhh nice idea BK__

    That could totally explain why the CPU did that to me. I always forgot that evade can cancel some moves which are not usually cancellable like backdash

    I cannot try for the moment since i go to a tournament now but if this shit work... "Woooohhh" [​IMG]
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm not sure that this will work against catch throws at all because Catch throws have the unique ability to grab you out of startup animation (unlike normal throws).

    You get hit by faster attacks because you can't recover from the KG in time. So if it stands that you can't Guard cancel the kick in time to block the attack, then you sure as hell won't be able to Evade the attack.
  6. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    Looks like Myke is right. Tried in training mode. I can only block or evade at the same moment.
    My setup is in a situation where i am at -7 with Lau. I can fake kick + avoid a throw attempt as soon as possible + block or evade a move from my opponent which has a startup of 20 frames.
    Lau himself has a nice launcher with 20 frames of startup [3][P][+][K]

    I cannot block a move with a startup of 19 frames or less. So that means a fake kick has a whole duration of 12 frames in total (with my execution)

    By the way i still think this tech can be very useful.

    Delay slightly an attack when you expect someone to do an evade is a legit tech nowadays. And if i delay a fast attack my recor can avoid/block the attack

    I have record 3 situations.
    1st when i do the fake kick into evade.
    2nd when i do a raw evade (no fake attack).
    3rd when i do an attack [2][P]

    After i played randomly those 3 record and with Lau too (Lau vs Lau) i delay my attack. My attack was [6][K]

    Most of the time with a delay attack :
    i catch the evade of the 2nd record (the raw evade after -7)
    i get counter hit by the 3rd record (the raw [2][P])
    I miss the 1st record (the fake attack into evade)

    Because it's play randomly i think my test is a little fair ^^

    Now when i don't delay my [6][K]
    I miss the raw evade 2nd record (Normal)
    I counter hit the 3rd record now (raw attack)
    I normal hit the first record (fake kick tech)

    Conclusion with this tech i can avoid someone who risk a big launcher (20 frames or slower) if he think i will try to attack to avoid his throw mixup, i don't take the risk to give my opponent a free counter which can lead to bad situation for me ([6][K] from Lau stagger on counter)

    And also if my opponent don't figure out what i'm a doing (like me when i fought the CPU), you can became more hard to read
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    It is, and has been ever since VF3!

    Other good uses of Kick Guard Cancel are for inducing a successful evade in your opponent. When you're at advantage, if you perform [K]~[G] and your opponent attempts to evade, then it'll be a successful evade. The good thing (for you) about the successful evade is that they cannot shorten or cancel it. In past versions of VF, a KG induced successful evade could guarantee a throw, however, in FS, I'm not sure what the frames would guarantee, if anything, but I'm sure it'd be a decent advantage.

    To determine the advantage, you'd have to look at the duration of a [K]~[G] performed at X frames advantage, compared to a successful evade lasting for 23 frames.

    A similar concept was presented in the VF5FS PKG Cancel Rankings thread, where a [P][K]~[G] cancel is used instead.
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hmm, definatley remember doing it in VF4
  9. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Ok, this topic is confusing me.

    Could someone break this down into newb-ish terms for me? How is KG a "throw escape"?
  11. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    In VF, attacks beats throws, even if the throw is faster to connect then the attack.

    [K][G] cancel means you hit the [K] button, initiating an attack which means you can't be thrown, then cancel the attack with the [G] button.
  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Oh that's neat, but what is the advantage of this? How is this any better than ducking or a normal throw escape?
  13. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    There is some situation where you cannot duck because ducking take time. It's not instant. Your character take 7 frames to crouch. A throw has 10 frames of startup. If you are at -4, you will not be crouch in time to avoid the throw.

    You can use dash crouch to avoid a throw but it works only until -5 situation.

    So at -6, -7, -8 and -9 you cannot duck or dash crouch anymore

    Normal throw escape force you to choose a throw escape. You have 3 choice. Neutral, forward or back. so

    I will make a video if that can help you
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    No, I think I understand what you're saying. I'm just not seeing how or when that would be applicable.

    For instance, if I do a highly punishable move (Sarah's 1K for example), clearly crouch and crouch dash won't be an option. Yet, neither would K(G). As before I'd have a chance to execute the K, I can be thrown.

    So how would I go about using K(G) effectively?
  15. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Cnul is exactly explaining when its applicable here.

    So it applicable when you're at -5 up to -9 when a throw is not guaranteed but cannot be ducked. If the opponent tries to throw you can only put in one stored throw escape.

    You play Sarah right? Lets say you lead out a [P][4][K] and its blocked leaving you at -6. If the opponent tries to throw you right after it will succeed if you guard even if you try to duck beacause you can't crouch in time.

    You can beat the throw attempt if you attack. But you risk getting counterhit if you attack out of disadvantage.

    Kick cancel guard will stop all normal throws and possible chance of blocking incoming attacks if you time your cancel right.

    Crouch will avoid throws if you are -4 and under. -5 if you crouch dash.

    Sarah's [1][K] (Dragon Cannon) blocked is -15. You will be hit by all moves 15 frames or less if the opponent attacks at fastest recovery.

    Throws are guaranteed also since they are 10 frames. While in recovery from you blocked DC you can store one throw escape input.

    You can use kick cancel for defensive purposes.(-9 & under)

    You can also use it for offensive purposes. If a person evades a kick cancel you will have a great advantage as they will be committed to stay at a successful evade state (23 frames).
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Shag you just gave me a whole set of reasons for why I should use K G cancel to deal with throwing opponents that are great a mixing up directions. Against grapplers this is invaluable because you just really can't always rely on the throw escape direction you guess being correct. K(G) is my new forbidden technique.
    JacobEvo likes this.
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the tips. I guess I'm gonna spend some time in the lab trying to apply all of this. [​IMG]

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