The Kakutou Shinseiki VI (KSVI) Preliminary Qualifiers will officially begin this weekend! A total of 53 tournaments will be held throughout Japan from January 14th, 2012 to March 4, 2012. Each weekend will have one preliminary qualifier tournament streamed live! For this weekend, they will broadcast the qualifier in Toyko (D5 spot in the KSVI 64-player Finals Bracket), January 14, 2012 at 2pm JST in the VF.TV Live Channel).
For additional information please check the Kakutou Shinseiki VI - March 2012 summary thread (The movie icon next to the Preliminary Qualifier tournaments are the events that will be streamed in the following weekends).
Update: Stream has ended and archive of the event is available below
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KSVI Preliminary Qualifer - Tokyo (A)
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 13, 2012.
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 13, 2012.
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