Last Bronx

Discussion in 'General' started by Goro, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    Hey sup, this really shitty arcade near my house just got a fresh batch of old and used machines, most of them Horrible, but they did get MK4 which is decent. Anyways, they got this game called Last Bronx which is made by sega and obviously heavly influenced by virtua fighter, though its entirely weapons based. It has the gaurd, puch, and kick buttons and the feel and mechanics are almost dead on to virtuafighter. Its only got either 6 or 8 fighters, and the weapons are pretty lame, like just num-chucks and bows(no swords or anything), but all in all its a pretty decent game. Anyone here ever heard of it? Haha BTW theres a few games at this arcade that knickels will work in, its great me and my friend played this old west gun game for a long ass time on a dollars worth of knickels.
  2. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

  3. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    YOu could get last bronx for the sega saturn if you don't want to play it at the arcade.
  4. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    dude i aint got no dreamcast, plus if i did i propably wouldnt get this game /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
  5. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    I used to like this game!
    It's really fun!! And if you don't have bladed weapons that's because the characters are gang leaders, and you cannot walk around with a katana in the city...
    That is unless your name is Duncan Mcleod and you materialise your katana from under your coat /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
    Anyway, I'd really like to see a sequel for this game!!
  6. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Would you happen to know the title of the song (or the name of the band) that was in the saturn's version intro?
    The one in the animated intro?
  7. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    No idea. And I don't readily know any HP that has a track title list of the Last Bronx OST CD.
  8. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    I think I used Lisa and... the tonfa girl. Forgot her name.

    As usual, I prefer fast chara. Speed is life.
  9. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The girl with the twin tonfa is called Yoko.
  10. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    It's all about Kurosawa.
  11. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    So each person only has one throw? Laaame
  12. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    Kouno Youko, IIRC.
  13. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    Kurosawa... The Aniki who fought with a paper fan, eh?
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hehe, actually adio is right, her name in the japanese manual is written as YOKO KONO /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    No, each character has several, but only the P+G version is escapable (if I remember right).
  16. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    I used to play with Lisa too, and Kurosawa.
    I used to like Nagi, the ripped jeans girl too.
    Anyway if I remember correctly this game focused a lot on guard cancels.
    The boss was Yoko's sister, called red eye
  17. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    If I remember correctly, most characters had 4 throws but Kurosawa had 5, and the maul bearing guy had 5 or 6.

    And as you said only the P+G throw was escapable like in VF2
  18. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Red Eye is a guy, Yoko kills him (Her brother) in her story/Saturn mode ending. The main grappler in the game is called Zaimoku Saburou, he uses a sledgehammer and represents the Katsushika Dumpsters. A tough customer, he's the only character that has counters. He has six throws, Kurosawa has five, Nagi has three and everyone else has four.

    Other then [G] cancelling the Combat Roll ([P]+[G]+[K]) is a prime tool, especially for the faster characters or those with short reach. While rolling you're immune to high and mid attacks and in theory can rise up with an assault of your own. I used Nagi Hojo, fast, combo orientated with an emphasis on kicks just like Sarah Bryant. Great character design too, she should have had more scenes with Yoko. A great game, rich story, it's a shame it never took off.
  19. zaelock__gr

    zaelock__gr Well-Known Member

    Last Bronx, i used to play that game alot on saturn one of my favorites it was 60 frames and when i saw it i couldn't believe it. SEGA was saying about a last bronx 2 relese on dreamcast still comming :p
    I wish we can see it one day..
  20. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Yes I meant Yoko's brother but I didn't realise /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
    It would have been interesting to have an opening scene before Yoko and Nagi fight. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    I don't remember about Zaimoku's counter...
    What could he counter?

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