Lau is Dead?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by lau_fists, Jul 20, 2002.

  1. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Though Lau's martial arts technique is manufactured, I do not
    believe his art to be a boring, repetitive cycle. Also, I am
    fascinated by Lau Chan's VF4 storyline; he's blackhearted, and
    yet not entirely evil, sort of like the pulp character the Shadow,
    with all of his machinations.

    This said, I have made it to 3rd Dan with Lau, but am disturbed
    by this "incurable illness" he's been given. I do NOT relish the
    idea of his style being melded onto Pai, storywise. My question is
    this: Is Lau Chan truly going to die? Which would mean I am
    trying to learn a lame-duck character...a character without a future, which is
    like emulating a film noir "hero" who is due for a nasty death by
    the movie's end. I hate to say it's a waste of time to perfect Lau within
    this VF4 universe, but I'd rather know this unique, highly-stylish character is
    not due for oblivion.

    If Lau Chan appears in Evolution, is this "illness" storyline resolved?
    Or is this merely a preparation for the removal of Lau and Shun, two "old"
    men for the freak Goh and Burns?
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    all characters are in evo.
    As for the storyline, I'm fairly sure sega doesn't give a shit about it and doesn't really need to make accomodations in advance for the removal of a character. Ukyo's had tuberculosis for years in the samurai shodown series, and could still kick ass even while coughing up blood.

    Taka meanwhile was removed without a whisper from Sega. So I guess there's not much point in worrying about it.

    For what it's worth, I enjoy playing lau, but I still think he's fairly dull. He's sliiightly less dull with each new game though, and hopefully in Evo he'll be downright fascinating.
  3. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Being a Lau enthusiast can be hard to do, especially if you're
    only playing within Kumite. The Superknife is fairly useless
    against higher ranking Dans, is always blocked, and the CPU
    always punishes sweeps with high knees, and with Lau's
    EXTREMELY slow sweep, I eat plenty of that action. Every damn

    All this to say that Lau is a powerful fighter WITH the most
    well-rounded history of any character in VF; I'd even say
    Lau's a lynchpin for the whole works, storywise. Still, if Lau
    is to survive the purge I keep thinking is coming, he'll HAVE
    to develop his style. Lau doesn't need the high kicks...his
    style is hand technique-driven; he needs hand-technique parries,
    at least one reversal. Seriously.

    If this is a realistic fighting game, then Lau should develop as a realistic fighter would, and
    find a way to stop the blows raining on his no-parry body.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    heh you're crazy, wanting lau to get a reversal.

    Actually a reversal would be fine, but honestly they're not that powerful. A reversal is pretty much never the most damaging option you have vs. an attack, unless you're akira. However there are times when a reversal will work and something else... a knee, an elbow, etc... wouldn't.

    It's not like lau is underpowered, and I've seen him ranked as number one before from a japanese mag, so lau doesn't really need new tools. Maybe a style change would be nice for him though.

    Anyway, no need to worry, VF5 isn't anywhere near the horizon as far as I know, and with the release of evo lau's around for at least another year prolly.
  5. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Well that is good news; I suppose now I can stop blaming my bad
    Lau play on a "subconscious" distancing from a character heading
    for the guillotine.

    You're right on about the dull part of Lau, after a time. His style
    dictates linear dullness like no other; his throws are cool as a moose
    but I'm having trouble getting those off.

    As an alternative I play Shun and have just started into Lei
    a bit. I don't think Lau would be so repetitious against human
    competition, but against the CPU (and I think this is the case
    with Shun as well) there's a sameness that can lead to apathy.
    Unless you're the one getting your clock cleaned by the same CPU
    character over and over, which leads to a flurry of "goddamn sonbitch"s.
    I'd LOVE to play against humans, especially human JACKY's, since I wouldn't
    necessarily have to worry about the f'ing AUTO-PARRY.

    I'm curious as to who the best professional Lau player is, since this is a
    Lau thread. And is he/she a classic Lau, savage go-juggler-type, or a systematic
    waiting-poking Lau who throws, or a combination?
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I think.. was it baiagu? That has a good lau ... try
    Sasukino Lau is an excellent player with a high percentage... but despite his nickname all I ever see him play is wolf. showcases good lau playing also, I think his win percentage is up there.

    Finally, we know kyasao plays lau, but there's no videos of him in action. I remember thinking he was around 80% with 2 or 3000 games.

    The best lau players I've seen throw intelligently and use lots of the u+K hopkick to go into the damaging hopkick combos. They also rely on the safer and less risky combo starters, even though they require interrupts... like D/F+P, or the second hit of P,b+P, or the occasional b,f+P in situations like after a stagger. They don't throw out lots of b,b+P and d/f+PK's. Tho b,b+P is reasonably safe it seems.
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    of coz...he's a wolf player..
    where else susukinowolf is a lau player.

    confusing in the begining..but u'll get used to it.
  8. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Great description of the best Laus. I've yet to see how an
    excellent Lau should be played, and it helps to have some
    idea of his potential. I mean, I HAD an idea, but no clear indicator that
    Lau CAN be played intelligently. He's a brute force, but I think his
    very demeanor, his overall presentation as a prideful, arrogant nobleman,
    demands intelligence from the player. If only I could
    implement the theory...
  9. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Lau is a demon. Plain and simple.
  10. agbfreak

    agbfreak New Member

    Hmm, just a random n00b poping round for a comment... Storywise (and yea as said before storys dont count for jack in VF, but if they did...) Lei Fei should absorb Lau's moves :/ I know that sounds idiotic/insane, etc. but Lei Fei's little story think says "... But as Lei Fei prepares for the Tournament, his thoughts are not to destroy Koen-Ken, but to make its legendary power his own...". I'd be interested to see what happens in VF5 (if it is ever made). Either way if you like some of Lau's moves, but not his entire style (o_0) chances are they're gonna be in VF5...

    EDIT: Ouch, this post is hyper-old... oh well atleast I've posted something
  11. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    i agree it feels like Lau is so linear and there's kinda only one way to play him (offensively) so he needs some type of defensive tactic. I like how some of his moves have evasive properties so maybe just giving him more moves like that would be cool (kinda like shun) or even give him an inashi of some sort? But what i would really like to see is another guard crusher for him, not as slow as his two handed one though. Something quick that doesn't do good damage but disrupts/staggers out of a guard so you can use his [3]+[P]+[K] more.
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    They'd have to take a way a LOT of Lau's crap to warrant giving him an Inashi or other defensive move. While he's totally offensive, he does have a number of options after a quick step back, which is psuedo offensive.
  13. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ya but i wish he had like a cooler guard break or something, like kage when he boxes your ears, thats just cool /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif if Lau just gave you some quick strike from the side or something it would be nice.
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Bah - one is enough. Lau's new stance has offered him quite an improvement he didn't need. He's even got more double-fisted stuff which can't be reversed by anyone but Aoi, a cancellable charge attack, and the non-throw-counterable [6][P][P].

    I know what you mean though - I still think he's pretty high on the boring chart.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Stylish & Dramatic

    [ QUOTE ]
    he's pretty high on the boring chart.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lau has, hands down, the best screams in the game. Here at Koen-Ken 225 we work endlessly perfecting these screams and the movements they sound off in controlled situations & occasionally have been forced to employ them for actual, real life ass-whuppin applications. They are quite effective and everyone who has had the opportunity to behold our techniques and live has called them both stylish & dramatic...and we do not nearly approximate the beauty that is Lau's utter mastery of Koen-Ken. Stylish & dramatic. YAAHHHHHHHH!!! See?
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Stylish & Dramatic

    Not too big on his screams. I go for Lei Fei, or for a bit more subtle approach, Kage.
  17. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    Re: Stylish & Dramatic

    i dont have Evo and i haven't played it yet so i know nothing about lau's new stance, sounds really good it still part of koen-ken or is he learning other styles too?
  18. Snake_Eater

    Snake_Eater Well-Known Member

    Re: Stylish & Dramatic

    I read on the VF4 evo official website that Koen-Ken is a combination of the tiger and the hummingbird stance. I think that Sega should focus more on his Kokei stance by giving him more powerful non-linear attacks, and give him more defensive and set-up moves, and maybe a useful move equivilant to Kage's Ten Foot Toss.
  19. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    Re: Stylish & Dramatic

    um Lau already rules adding all that would require rebalancing and rethinking his entire character

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