LCD 120Hz V.S. 240Hz

Discussion in 'General' started by Dennis0201, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hey guys~
    I'm looking for a LCD but I can't make a decision which Hz I should get. I was totally satisfied with 120Hz before, but since I saw 240Hz, I felt like a little bit hesitated now...
    (I now pay attention on Samsung A750(120Hz) and B750(240Hz)).

    The new models now pretty much focus on 240Hz, and I'm afraid that 120Hz would be an interim product. Of course I know next year 480Hz will come out and there is no ending.

    Do you have any website I can check the reviews for each model?
    I'll appreciate that very much!!
  2. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    what is the difference between the hz? how does it make things look?
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    One hertz more.

    Get it hurts vs hertz. Whatever shuddup it was funny.

    ...was too...
  4. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    More hertz increases the amount of times your screen's display updates per second, which in turn increases the maximum frames per second you can actually see. For instance, even if you have a game running at 90fps, if you are using a 60fps monitor you are only going to see 60fps. At 60fps, motion will still appear smooth, but not quite smooth enough to be realistic. At 120Hz, you should be pushing the limits of you eye's ability to perceive motion, so odds are you are not going to get a whole lot of benefit from doubling that. And of course, you'll have a tough time getting new games to run at 120fps in the first place.

    So honestly, there is very little practical benefit to be had from 240Hz. The video might look just slightly smoother in some situations, if you can actually find something that will run at 240fps, but the difference will be marginal at best. Other than that, the only other benefit that I can think of would be that 240Hz would minimize that tearing you get when you try to record off an LCD with a cheap camera. But really, how important is that to you?
  5. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Dennis - this article has some info.

    My thoughts from when I was researching TVs...

    120Hz was top priority since 24, 30, and 60 divide into 120 evenly. This means the TV does not have to interpolate frames.

    For playing games, make sure the TV has a game mode and that post processing effects can be shut off.

    For new technology, look out for RGB LED backlighting and OLED LCD to drop in price.
  7. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Oh, your looking at TVs? Then I missunderstood. Yea, that changes the game a bit, because with TVs, unless you hook them up to a computer, nothing is ever going to be displayed faster than 60fps. Just keep in mind: 120Hz TV with 10ms pixel response time > 240Hz TV with 20ms pixel response time. Especially if you are going to be using it for gaming.
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Just get a plasma. You could get a Panasonic for under a grand. And is better then any LCD on the market.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Is the conclusion of this article trying to say the difference between 120Hz and 240Hz is very rare? The priority for me to pick LCD is not only for the Hz, the reason I prefer Samsung because of its "black" part display is really awesome and I like the quality it shows to me.
    I hesitate now coz I don't know is it worth to add $500 bucks more to approach 240Hz, or just purchase the regular 120Hz one. ($500 is a very big money for me... [​IMG] )

    I do appreciate all the replies and thanks for the advices.
    Btw, which place should I go to buy the LCD? I check online and Amazon has the cheaper price. Is there anything I need to notice if I want to buy this kind of electric product online?
  10. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I assume your recent post in the "Great Deals thread" has moved you close to making the purchase.

    If you have decided on LCD and Samsung, have you had a chance to compare in-store the older A850 (LCD flagship range) with the newer B750's(premium range) at 46" and 52"?

    Although the technical specs for selling suggest the B750's are much better, it is rare in the UK, that a previous year's flagship; company reputation product is bested in real viewing terms by the following year's premium range.

    Maybe download the pdf manuals (if you haven't already) and look for missing features, like weaker sound stage (no virtual dolby, Bravia Ex 2, instead of Bravia Pro, 8bit versus 10bit per colour(color) channel LCD panel, as was the case with Sony's X3000 and W4000 models when we bought.

    It is possible that 240Hz or response time specs might be visually less significant than other signal processing that operates in the A850's game mode, that isn't present in the B750's or not as good, although Samsung's strategy might be very different.

    Other than those small checks, it looks great and is a whole lot of TV for the money.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info man~
    Yes, I only focus on A650, A750,and B750. Well, I do realize some reviews complain about B750 such as audio is not good enough and the rear side is much hoter than other TVs. I aslo checked A850 however the price was too high and I can't afford it.
    The deal I posted is really worth I guess. But I haven't placed yet coz I have no idea how to deal with that Sony BD Player.
    Because of that, I need another AMP to pass through the DTS-HD audio... I already have a cheap set up in my mind but now I need to change the whole plan due to that BD Player... Which means I take advantage of LCD but I also need to upgrad the audio system. The worse part is I might spend much more in total.

    If you guys are looking for a awesome TV and you don't care abuot the audio part, the deal is really good!! It's about $500 you can save!!!

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