
Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by Aoi_Pai, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Aoi_Pai

    Aoi_Pai Well-Known Member

    Hi all, so idk if it's correct to make a whole post just to help me but, if it's not correct feel free to move it or delete it. I'm a Pai player, and pretty damn good with her to lol (jk-ing im not that egotistical :p). Anywho, i'm trying to learn Vanessa i think she's cool in customization and her play style. I'm only ususing OS stance, and I'm horrible in DS. If i go in DS it's only get combos off crush jaw or get into intercept position? i think thats what it's called.3[K][+][G] or 7[K][+][G]- added those incase im wrong. But I've seen some people who are extremely skilled with DS, and im sick of just usuing it hoping for combos or to hit the intercept position lol. So any help or tips to get better in DS would be greatly appreciated. Also when im laying overly defemsive players and im Vanessa i havnt the first clue of what to do, i can get a high combo if i evade in OS stance obvi all i do lol, but after i evade i do 66[K][+][G] cause side crumple if hit on evade or OM 66[K][+][G]. Any tips for how to beat agressive players,hell, any tips for Vanessa is greatly appreciated i read other threads but it'd be more helpful if i could get direct answers on my problems i'm having, it's a big problem for me when I'm Vanessa and a player is overly agressive. Everytime i see good vanessa's and people who can combo exceptionally well with her i get discouraged, but i know people feel the same with anybody. Like i had someone message me saying I'm trying to learn pai and you with your combos and etc make it look so easy, that's how i feel with vanessa lol
  2. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Maybe try using DS [6][P][+][K][+][G] to switch back to OS some more?

    There's no shame in specializing in a particular stance.

    Since [6][P][+][K][+][G] is +1 when sideblocked that also answers your implied "what should i do after i evade my opponent's attack while in DS" question.

    Other than that, if you're having trouble vs. overly aggressive players while in DS, you might want to try using [3][P] to stop their flow and regain momentum: it is a very fast attack (10f) and can interrupt many flowcharts. If you counterhit your opponent with DS [3][P] vanessa is at +6 - which means that [3][K][+][G] (vane's mid hit-throw) cannot be interrupted by any attack.
    Sozos likes this.
  3. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I agree with erdaug, when i started to play with vanessa, i played like you only in OS coz she s got destructive combos...
    I m not sure what you wanna learn, The defensive stance or how to deal with an agressive player when u play with Van...
    So i ll explain you the both... But first, what you have to know is, learning Vanessa is like learning 2 different characters with opposite style... One is aggressive the other parasite aggressive players...
    How to deal with aggressive players: you got 2 choices, play more agreesive than them in os or parasite them with DS. In OS you ve got very destructive combos, launchers are 9P, 9K, 44K+G, 6_K, P3P(CH), 6P+K, ST 66K+G, 3P(CH), 6K+G. As u can see you got the choice =)
    The DS: it s for agressive players, first you got the sabakis, 46KP parries all punches Mid and High, on block it s +4, you got the 46P+K parries all K (not full circular) and you have a combo possibility. The last one is 1P (my favorite) parries all lows (not full cirular) and all highs will whiff above you. very safe... To play in DS i advice u to take a look to this thread http://virtuafighter.com/threads/top-10-moves.15923/ and try all DS moves that you see on this thread. Choose wich u prefers and use it.
    To finish the best point with vanessa is that she s got a lot of + on guard's move who gives you a lot of opportunity to deal with aggressive players... If you really wanna see how to play well with Vanessa in both stances, Watch this video (he s for me the best Vanessa and my "teacher")
    Hope it will help
    Aoi_Pai, Sozos and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  4. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Vanessa isn't as easy to use as Pai and doesn't typically have the same kind of pseudo advantage that Pai benefits from on laggy PSN. It takes a good amount of time to learn Vanessa, so you need to be patient and take a methodical approach to learning her imo.

    As for dealing with aggressive opponents, It should be fairly easy to land CH's on them, so you can use hit throws, or her strings that are guaranteed on CH. As long as you can spot the yellow CH flash ofc... I prefer D Stance, because it has better circulars, and I enjoy her Sabaki options, as well as P+KP, and lazy stance. OS is very good too and she needs both stances, so it's unwise not to learn them both. In D stance 1P , 3P, and KK, are good moves to get use to using, they should slow down spammers. In O stance there are a lot of things that will work, tons of options there.

    You are really gonna have to read over the threads in this forum, watch videos, and put in solid time with Vanessa if you want to get her up to the level of your Pai. I remember your connection being ok, so if you wanna run some Vane mirrors, feel free to hit me up.. Me and Nomas (Carolina Panther) play her quite a bit and I love Vane mirrors, so i'm always up for them.. It might help speed up the learning process a little for you.
    00000000 likes this.
  5. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

  6. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    My favorite ft 10 u both played well!!!
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  7. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I personally prefer D stance more too for its ability to stop people better. I can play her either way and I am okay in O stance as well. If I want offense I have my main character for that I want more balanced game when I play Van focusing more on D stance. The mind set needed to play van is different from the mind set needed to play Pai I know this from experience and that is why I am so limited with Van eventhough I know of all of her main options on offense and defense. Good luck learning her that is all I can say on this matter
    steelbaz likes this.
  8. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Im not a Vanessa player but to learn vanessa requires to dedicate infinite time to do it. According to her two stances Vanessa could be name as an unorthodox character, two stances very diferrent. So is good to start learn the DS at first and then the OS. I see many ppl to prefer DS over to OS or the oppossite but that depends of players and they're styles(defensive-offensive players). I believe Vanessa is a character that help you to get better player ( DS and OS) but that requires time and big dedication. Good luck!!
    steelbaz likes this.
  9. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    When i started to play this character, i started in OS because of combos, and first time when i started online, i got only OS as weapon. Step by step i learnt the DS style (thks to truewiseman and his advices) and i started to appreciate this stance. Today i love both stance, why? coz when you play against good players and good mind gamers, those stances can disturb your opponent to read the way you play... ANd when you got difficulty with one player during a match, you can switch stance... It s the same as switch a character during a match... A lot of people says that van is for vf expert coz you take a long time to master her, i cannot say that i m a van master but all i can say is that i take more and more pleasure to play van coz everyday u discover something new (trap, trick...) the point is that you have to got patience and step by step when u ll begin to master her, u ll discover how much she s efficient and the big potential she s got...
    Van 4ever =)
    steelbaz and Sozos like this.
  10. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Something to correct about my sayings, is not necessary to start DS over to OS. Depends of the player preferences. When i started learning Vanessa for a while i started from her DS and then to OS though. :) Also switch stances according to match ups. Vanessa has answers for everyone:)
    MakiLeSushi and steelbaz like this.
  11. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I know Aoi_pai's pai, an aggressive player, so i advice to start with OS as i did... But it s just an advice...
  12. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Yea. Also switch stances according to match ups. Vanessa has answers against everyone:)
  13. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    That s the reason i love van =)
    Sozos likes this.
  14. Aoi_Pai

    Aoi_Pai Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but also Pai can be difficult due to 80% of her very good launcher r dangerous it's hard to be agressive with pai without being a little dangerous, in my little experience with vanessa i feel she's a lot safer, Pai's easy to learn but it gets very difficult when u were learn her frames n try to go in deep advance with her takes some practice, actually none of her launchers are even +1 or 0 lol, come to think about it lol. You have to do more work then other characters to win with Pai i think, I wonder if Vanessa is like that lol. but in all honesty some people just have an act for characters, like i just said one day, hey i like pai, and she has awesome customizations ill play her lol. Hopefully i'll be able to pick up Vanessa if not, atleast i can say i attempted :)
    Feck, Libertine and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  15. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Having tons of frame traps is great...until you start fighting opponents who know her frame traps and use the mix ups against you. All in all Vanessa is way stronger in many many many ways then she's been up to this point IMHO. I do think they weakened all of her sabakis, and totally removed her counters. heck even neutral-Inashi is weaker. I don't know why I'm bringing this all up either. It's like they made her incredibly strong...and less...versatile.
    Aoi_Pai, Tricky and steelbaz like this.
  16. Aoi_Pai

    Aoi_Pai Well-Known Member

    Yeah i noticed she seems much stronger in this one.. wayy stronger :D, so does pai and most of the others do to
    Feck, Libertine and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  17. Aoi_Pai

    Aoi_Pai Well-Known Member

    Update: Now i'm in DS more! lmao- 46[K][P] had to be one of the best moves in the game, along with 1[P]
  18. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    46k+p used to launch on counter hit. Also 1p used to sabaki ALL lows. Now it doesn't work on sweeps, or double-foot moves like low drop kicks. Also Goh's sabakis all start combos. They're good moves, but the risk/reward ratio is in favor of your opponent.

    If you mindlessly continue to do 46k+p then a good fighter will duck and launch you, and 1p is slow so if people use mids even from disadvantage they will beat out your 1p. Just be careful when and how much you use either move and remember they are for pressure only.
    MakiLeSushi and steelbaz like this.
  19. Aoi_Pai

    Aoi_Pai Well-Known Member

    He uses crush jaw a lot i barely ever use it, infact i havnt used it in like 2 weeks of playing :| lol, it seems essential to vanessa's game
    Feck, Libertine and MakiLeSushi like this.
  20. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    It is her fastest mid-attack

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