Leaving from The US for a while

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by YOSUKE, Jan 11, 2008.


    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Hello guys

    this is YOSUKE.

    I decided to leave from the US until next fall. I mean I have to wait for new school until next semester. I have no place... I mean I am not allowed to stay in the US without F-1 visa.

    I was going to study at University of Wisconsin stevens point, but I changed my mind after having a conversation with my parents during the winter break. I will try to carry over my admission of SUNY at Albany to next fall.

    I will be definitely back to the US before EVO, so don't worry /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    The plane ticket is so expensive that I can't visit you guys before leaving. my apology.

    LA akira, could you give me some information of universities in CA. I don't know if I can get accepted( probably not)but I would like to try to apply( because I have nothing to do). the problem is that I don't know any of them. I don't need to know special excellent schools which require students to keep GAP around 3.8 hehe. I would like to know so-so school which require students to keep GAP around 3.0.

    anyway, I will see you guys at EVO!
  2. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Come to Santa Clara University or Stanford! I need someone to speak Japanese with on a regular basis... no Japanese friends after leaving Japan. =( (although stanford is pretty hard to get into). If you want 3.0 type schools. You can look at any of the University of California schools other than Berkeley (UCLA might be hit or miss). San Diego is also upper level of the UC schools, but other than that you should be fine. San Fransisco State... (then you can play with Nor cal crew) San Diego State, any of the Cal State schools.... Lot of schools in CA. If you had asked me good schools, I could rattle em off, but I don't know how good the average schools are. I hear Cal State Northridge is OK. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.... Drawing dead after that (try to come to NorCal though!).
  3. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    UC San Diego - my alma mater! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    It is a fantastic university and you cannot beat the weather, year round.

    (Selfishly, I would also like you to be here so that I can play VF with you...)
  4. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Yosuke, Try UCI (irvine), UCR (Riverside) or UCSB (Santa Barbara) for the UC schools. For CSU Schools I know only of CSUN (California State University Northridge) that is around that level you are looking for. I am not familiar with too many others. These are all schools in LA or near LA which means if you decide on one of these, you'll have access to alot of japanese markets as well as some good japanese food (not ramen or tonkatsu though :p ).

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    thanks for your advice, you guys. I appreciate them a lot!!

    I will try to apply some universities around there. I will not get depressed when I could not get accepted. I mean I have already accpeted by 2 universities, so I don't care. I will just try some good ones and so-so ones even though it is hopeless for me to get accepted by some. I have to do nothng there, so applying to some universities is going to be pretty fun.
    the problem is that I don't know schools here....so I asked you guys +_+ I thought LA has a plenty of knowledge about universities, so I asked him.

    I don't need Japanese food here though hehe. I am sure of it. as long as I stay here, I prefer to eat japanese chinese food and the rest of American foods.
  6. Shiznittles

    Shiznittles Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I'm a Cal State Long Beach graduate and there is a huge student body there, lots of classes available and a pretty broad curriculum. I graduated in Industrial Design way back in the day so I can only speak for that department (which rocked).

    What are you looking to study? University of California Irvine (UCI) is right next to me now and it's a great school (I had a few friend graduate from there.

    All in all I recommend the CS or UC system schools but could probably recommend better if I knew your preferred studies.

    -Tim (Shiz)
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    If you go there/live in the dorms, you'll be about 15 miles from my house./forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Hmmm. Maybe we'll get to play VF.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    thank you guys, but do you know when the deadline? I don't think I will do it soon.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hi Yosuke!

    Don't know if you got my private message on SRK. I hope your New Years and Holidays went well!

    Just want to wish you all the best on education and finding a great place to live next! Also hope you'll have the best of times in Japan too.

    If any of my vacations this year involves Japan or makes Japan accessible, I will let you know ^_^ I really want to visit Japan sometime soon...

    Until then though, I wish you the best finding a University you will like and a great environment too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif And I do hope to be able to host you in Portland more in the future ^_^



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