Lei Fei Tactics Against high-ranked Lau, Jacky and Pai

Discussion in 'Lei' started by LyTeFei, Nov 13, 2002.

  1. LyTeFei

    LyTeFei Member

    well, i've mastered Lei to the best of my abilities and my ranking currently stands on stormlord, sporting a 512 win 75 loss rate, with 87% winrate, and a cute que(got all seven orbs).
    however, lately i've been beaten to a pulp by stormlord and above Jackies, Laus (Especially him) and Pai, occasionally. i've tried everything in the arsenal, did not repeat myself, but the odds, even after some triumphs, were against me. can anyone recommend a good lei tactic against these guys?
    for instance, when jacky unleashes his kicks combos, im either resorted to backdashing and entering [2][G][P][K]+[P][K] or simply trying to guard-evade. Lau, with his crazy fist+kick juggle, keeps on breaking my defences and attack sequences, and Pai, well, she's Pai.. help, anyone?
  2. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    ...crazy stuff....
    ...Jacky....use IN stance reversal lots....use [DM] [P], [P]+[K] to avoid counter his kicks...do [6][6][G]+[K], [P](sabaki everything but his backflip), [4][P],[P], then [8][P] to finish....
    ...Lau....I use [IN] agin, but try [IN][2][K] combos as he moves in - the timing has to be right....but he'll fall for it mostly....agian the [TG] combo works although you can't sabaki his [9][K]
    ...Pai...using same stuff is slightly more risky...use the [DM] [P],[P]+[K] followed by [6][6][P] to try and catch her out....enjoy...and use the level 5 training feature....
  3. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    My only advice is to connect with the move [IN] [2]+[K], especialy after [P],[P] or his dodge attack, or by just quickly switching into his [IN] stance. Just a normal hit with it and you can go for the combo [IN] [2]+[K], [K], [2]+[P]+[K]+[G], [P], [P]+[K], [9]+[K]+[G], light down attack (omit on heavyweights)
    Also abuse the move [9]+[K]+[G], which leads to the combo [9]+[K]+[G], [2]+[P], [9]+[K]+[G], light down attack (omit on heavyweights)
    Oh, also search for info about backstagger combos on this MB as the computer falls for them quite often.
    Try and work these into your game as much as possible without becoming predictable, these tactics also work quite well against human opponents as well.
  4. LyTeFei

    LyTeFei Member

    "and use the level 5 training feature"

    I'm sorry, what's level 5 training feature? sorry for the moisture behind the ears, i guess im not familier with the lingo quite yet /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    In the Free Training mode of vf4 on the PS2 you can set up your CPU controlled dummy opponent to a variety of action/reaction settings (crouch, guard, counter, normal hit, action etc.). If you set the CPU to action, you can further adjust it's attack level from level 1 (infrequent) to level 5 (constant). Setting the CPU to level 5 yields you a perpetual match vs. the character of your choice more or less blindly dumping it's arsenal of moves on you...Since this is basically the way those upper level Kumite fighters approach you, determining what works well against them should translate into easier victory in your Kumite matches.
  6. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    ..make sure yu go to "detailed settings" and select "random" on all options...this is the most like Kumite BUT IS NOT THE REAL THING...for example lau's [6][G]+[K] will get th oppo every time - they do not learn...obviously otherwise if you played for more than 5 minutes you would never get a hit in... it is good for getting used to otheir attack patterns...but you will find the high-ranked kumite opponents slightly harder...
  7. LyTeFei

    LyTeFei Member

    thanks guys, that really helped!

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