Lion Dojo, and catch throw question

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ice-9, Dec 25, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I decided to write one for Lion because I see so many beginning/intermediate Lions with a lot of potential but not much paper knowledge, so I thought a Lion Dojo would be a good idea. Does anyone have a strong suggestion of who I should write about next? If no one says anything, I'm going to aim to get a Aoi Dojo done before the New Year. Man, these things take a ton of time to write, especially the moves analysis bit.

    Anyway, I haven't really figured out Lion's catch throw, wondering if anyone out there can shed more light.

    I'll just post the bit about the catch throw in the moves analysis:

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    The initial catch throw cannot be escaped, and thus are useful in situations
    where the opponent attempts a reversal-throw-escape, dodge-throw-escape,
    or guard-throw-escape. While the catch window is fairly decent, the catch
    throw itself is fairly slow and the range isn't the greatest. While the
    opponent cannot escape the initial f,b/d+P+G, opponents can still escape
    the damage-taking P+G part by b+P+G or f+P+G. This presents
    a dilemna for Lion players; however, Lion can opt to go for the attack
    instead after the u or d (which leaves Lion facing the side of the opponent),
    or you could do a normal throw immediately after f,d/b+P+G.


    I got the b+P+G or f+P+G bit from the Black Book, but obviously I don't speak Japanese and they could be typos. Does anyone have a better idea of what's up with the catch throw and how they use it?
  2. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Thx ice-9. Happy Holiday's!

    I linked:
    <a target="_blank" href=></a>
    on front page of Lion site.
  3. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't mind seeing an Aoi analysis myself. I've had trouble adapting to her in VF4, so reading some more material on her would be nice.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Many beginners, though nowhere near a strong competitive level, seem to be happy with how they play Jacky.... However (and here's the actual response), many players love playing as Akira or seeing him, and in some cases (at least in Portland) it's the draw of the game. But of course, many people get frustrated trying to use Akira.

    Though Akira is a pain in the ass to fight against at times, I wouldn't mind promoting the use of Akira. So, perhaps an Akira dojo is in order?/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  5. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    harlow jeff~we went hougang together remember?haven been playing VF cause of the xmas season.hehe.yea saw the thingy u put up.was kinda interesting.maybe ill try my hand at Lion someday.Hope to see yr Aoi Dojo~! have fun.merry xmas~ =)
  6. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion Dojo, catch throw question

    Lion's catch throw
    d+K -> Lion's catch throw -> Meteor Punch -> d/f,d/f->FC_f+P -> d/f+K -> b,f+K+G
  7. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    the CPU never broke the catch throw followup but I guess it is possible. After the catch throw nothing is guranteed but you recover crouching and with initiative (I suppose) so it is a d_f+p and d_f+p+g guessing game.
  8. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion catch throw

    Lion's catch throw, as Alan pointed out does set iup nice guessing game woth FC_+P///<>\\\FC+P+G {} additionally:
    d+K -> Lion's catch throw -> down -> HCB+P+G -> f,F -> u/f+K and
    Lion's catch throw
    d+K -> Lion's catch throw -> up -> u+P+K+G -> K,K <or> d+P -> d/f+P+G -> ???
    Lion's catch throw
    d+K -> Lion's catch throw -> Lion's catch throw -> ??? !???
  9. Sausage Man

    Sausage Man Active Member

    Re: Lion catch throw

    I thought Lion's catch throw was f, b/d P+G, u|d, P+G. I didn't think you had to hit up or down again. At least that is how I was doing it.
  10. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion Catch Throw, f, d/b+P+G ( 61P+G)

    yup, SM you are right. Lion Catch Throw is: f,d/b+P+G the follow up throws to the damage-less (0)Catch are as you described. Attach either u+P+G or d+P+G for damage throw and don't forget to pounce to finish either of these two throw options. The flowcharts I mention in the post you question all forgo the throw options.
    <><><><><><<<<<>>>>><><><><><> Lion Catch Throw<><><><><><<<<<>>>>><><><><><>
    I haven't really figured out Lion's Catch Throw
    I only have found this throw to <font color=white>flow</font color=white> after down kick. [shrug]
    The flowcharts Alan Tan mention are High Impact and worth exploring.
    d+K -> Meteor Punch -> FC_+P -> f,f+K,K is a nice 77 point and if they Tech Roll add on another Axe Blade for almost half the lifebar. See Magnus Leo or basic BigCat Lion flowcharts FILES at VirtuaProject. Both are on Lion site.
    here is one option that flows from Mountain Climbing. <font color=white>d+K -> Catch Throw -></font color=white> ( you are basically catching and releasing here) <font color=white>FC_P+G -> b, f+K+G ->G -> d/f+P,P -> d/f+P</font color=white> ( Stab 'em, Slam 'em and Slab 'em)
    interesting note: many are now showing CD+f+P+G as a move in movelists. It worked in VF3tb too. ( d/f,D/F,f+P+G) Mountain Climbing Throw.
  11. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion catch throw

    I thought Lion's catch throw was f, b/d P+G, u|d, P+G. I didn't think you had to hit up or down again. At least that is how I was doing it. oops. SM <font color=white>reread ice-9's first post in this thread</font color=white> which contains a section describing the Lion Catch Throw. After the catch part: f,d/b+P+G (61P+G) you seem to be confused. if all you do is catch there is no damage.
    Gung Hai Fat Choi!<<2002>> Annum Faustum! Bonne Anee! Akeemashite Omedeto!
    Suk San wan Pee Mai!
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion Dojo, and throw escape and reversals

    This new table is almost complete. Under construction.
    <a target="_blank" href=></a>
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion Dojo, and throw escape and reversals

    Don't use VF3 figures for VF4. The exe frames for throws in VF3 had nothing to do with time needed for escaping it, and there are no more guaranteed front/side/back throw situations after throws are escaped in VF4.
  14. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion Dojo, and throw escape and reversals

    Execution frames are not tied to throw escape? Aoi's FC_f+P+G has same escape time frame allowance as any/all of Lion's throws? is the throw escape process homoginized like the example above? domo ramen. ..and when are you going to visit NYC again?
  15. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Here's a quick question for anyone:

    I've been watching the new batch of movies at, a new Korean VF4 site advertised here in the media forum. In one of the matches (Hadoken vs. Parapa) the Lion player (Parapa) does a SE throw on the Shun player (Hadoken). Parapa follows the SE with df+P, P. Nice guaranteed damage, right? But Hadoken blocks the second hit. I've seen this done about a month ago when a Lion player attempted it on the CPU and the second hit was blocked. He performed df+P, P on me and I couldn't stop it (I struggled, mashed buttons, tapped back).

    So how do you stop the second punch? Until recently, I thought it was a guaranteed followup to the SE (I used to use it a lot).
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    tap guard with impeccible timing? Tapping guard turns towards and guards now, right? Or do you need to tap f, G? Maybe it always works because the opponent tries something (i.e. crouch dashing away, dashing, turning forward)... maybe the trick is to do nothing and let the first swipe hit, then use timing to turn and block the second one.
    Is it just this cranky old windows 95 machine, or did anyone else get CRC errors unzipping some of those movies, such as
  17. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    u gotta hold G n turn towards.the first one will hit and the second one will be blocked.hope it helps.
  18. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    No problem here...

    maybe the trick is to do nothing and let the first swipe hit, then use timing to turn and block the second one.

    That sounds like what happened in the clip. I'll try it whenever I play again. Whenever that is.

    Is it just this cranky old windows 95 machine, or did anyone else get CRC errors unzipping some of those movies, such as

    I didn't have a problem opening the movies (in this case I have Windows ME and use Windows Media Player to see clips.

    On a side note, a little off the subject, the clip features Jeffry and Lion. The Jeffry player uses a lot of d+K+G and has a knack for getting an MC hit consistently. A "cheap" but effective flowchart he abuses:

    d+K+G-> d+P+G-> b, f+P+K-> d+P+G- >b, f+P+K....

    Well, at least Lion's in the clip./versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: No problem here...

    pickup into headbutt eh? That's not bad. Headbutt was uncounterable in VF2 and probably still is. It's not a bad move even if it looks goofy..

    I wish I had the patience to see all these movies. Maybe I should try screwing with the names, special characters have choked windows95 before. Well in any case, they'll be mirrored at as soon as I'm in front of the "good" machine.

    Did anyone see anything else worth noting in those clips?
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Your question was already answered in the Lion Dojo. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/wink.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

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