Lion vs Pai

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Gildrik, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Gildrik

    Gildrik New Member

    Hello everyone! It seems I cant beat Pai no matter what I try! Her quick circling kicks let Pai run away from any front attack, be saved from Offensive/Defensive moves as she rolling away, often damaging Lion. Then she goes back again with all her rolling and jumping, safe and shiny.

    Its like you cant hit her legs at all, while her torso is too far away from Lion's reach, behind her legs...

    Is there some critical moves I'm missing?
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    It depends on the player but Lion is more than a match for Pai. If you block a low full circular use 6pp to punish. If you block something high that isn't mid string then use a p string (ppp, ppp+k, pk) to punish or a launcher like 44k. remember the last p of pkp can be delayed and is special high so if u punish something with pk you can delay that last p to interrupt her momentum if she tries to start up again.

    Moves like 66p, 43p, 41236p and 3k have decent range (will hit her body) so bear that in mind also. Also 33p launches on counter hit so it's good to interrupt strings with if you can predict a lull in the attack. 33p is probably best used from about a backdash away to give it time to execute.

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